The Anus - If
its happening...its up The Anus!
Bummers Boozy Bottleneck
REVELLERS partied the night away on Brighton seafront last Saturday
to the sound of overhead police helicopter display teams, traffic
chaos, stranded emergency vehicles and the ecstatic screams of a
quarter of a million happily crushed ravers.
The event, hosted by the Big Beached Buttock, featured the huge
talent of disk jockey Fate By Slime who played some records to approximately
3000 people in front of Brighton West Pier. Meanwhile the remaining
247,000 party-goers looked on in awe and jubilation, but couldnt
hear a bloody thing.
Party animals had been bussed in from as far afield as the Highlands
of Scotland where whole hillsides had been cleared of trees and
vegetation to make way for huge billboard posters for the event
of the century. Welsh revellers talked of sheep that had been used
as walking adverts for the gig with directions written in Welsh
and English branded onto their once snow white bodies. Council helper
Simone Franchise stated that the massive advertising campaign had
been essential in order to make the Flat Boy Scam gig the huge success
that it was: Everyone knows that an event of this magnitude
has to be hugely over-attended. Some people have moaned about litter
and broken glass on the beach but let's face it, where do you think
all that rubbish came from? Mostly from our shops and therefore
using our beach as a landfill site is good for business and good
for everyone in Brighton.
a Beach
Despite a handful of tragedies relating to the event, the police
immediately ruled out any talk of an enquiry into the fantastically
financially successful maritime pop show. Police spokesman Superindented
Death Ray stated that the problems relating to the salty extravaganza
were fairly obvious and an inquiry would tell organisers
nothing they did not already know about the event. Luckily there
had been only one death relating directly to the event and a mere
160 injuries during the night and as such the event had been as
safe as houses. Death added that having 250,000 drunk people
and children trapped on a darkened Brighton beach in dangerously
overcrowded conditions surrounded by broken glass and urine and
unattended by emergency services was character building,
creating a sense of community and togetherness reminiscent of the
Blitz. Eyewitness reports that anarchy broke out as revellers threw
bottles into the crowd and at emergency personnel have been dismissed
as unproductive criticism. As a result of the spectacular
safety record and outstanding organisational skills displayed throughout
Saturday evening by the police, officials felt questions raised
by a handful of moaning locals were largely irrelevant. Brighton
and Hove Council agreed whole-heartedly as did event organisers
Big Beached Blunder.
for all party
Event Organisers The Big Blunder joined forces with the council
and police to stress that in no way should the Filled By Slime gig
be confused with the illegal free parties that have historically
occurred on Brighton and Shoreham beaches. We have gone to
great lengths to stamp out the scourge that is the local free party
scene; that cancerous rash that blights our cultural landscape should
in no way be confused with legitimate council-backed beach-trashing
events, all of which are wonderful and never go wrong. Council
spokesthing Simian Fanfare added that The council only supports
events that are much, much larger and more corporate than free parties
and therefore better. More mindless consumers visiting Brighton
means more beer and chips being sold everywhere, as well as silly
hats, sales of which have gone through the roof, and thats
very important for our City of Culture Bid. Mr Fiasco also
pointed out that the costs of policing this particular event as
well as the impact of a quarter of a million guests descending on
the city meant the event was far from free to local residents -
unlike the vast majority of free parties which have done nothing
to improve the corporate worth of Brand Brighton.
Meanwhile free party organisers are said to be fleeing the country
in fear of their lives as Brighton Council death squads are being
mobilised to further enforce their say no to unlicensed fun
campaign. One free party organiser who prefers to remain nameless
stated that: Were being persecuted because we keep throwing
underground free parties for a few hundred locals without adequate
advertising. Several of our crew were arrested last weekend for
picking up litter and giving away free water to party-goers at an
unlicensed free party. When they were eventually released, all they
could do was dribble while reciting the Brighton and Hove mission
statement over and over again. The drugged up squat rave organiser
later added that Finding sites with adequate parking well
away from the public scrutiny has just got us in the worst kind
of trouble maybe in future we should just organise Dresden
style leaflet drops and invite everyone to come and piss on our
beach; it seems to work OK for the council.
After the unmitigated success of the gig on the beach, DJ Fete
Boy (real name Naomi Coke) spent the remainder of the night guzzling
Champagne and playing even more records for all of his celebrity
friends in an exclusive Brighton nightspot. In the small hours,
the exhausted DJ and his beautiful wife were whisked away in a limousine
to their sparkling luxury condominium love pad with its private
beach, which remains, as ever, beautifully clean.
Meanwhile, some people in our lovely new broken-glass-sparkly City,
the ones who actually do useful jobs like clean the litter and look
after sick people, have complained that they cant actually
afford to live here anymore. Some even joined the nationwide strike
on Wednesday, complaining, Its time they (the Council)
decided whether this is a playground for Londoners or a city for
its own people. Council spokesperson Simpering Fanatic told
the Anus Why dont the poor people all just fuck off
to Hastings?
Arrest of the Week
For having the wrong views!
Late last year, American high school student Katie Sierra was suspended
for 3 days after she tried to start an anarchy club. Now a jury
has decided that the school was wrong to ban an anarchy club, but
right to suspend her for proposing it in the wake of the September
11th attacks! The jury also sided with the schools ban on
some of Katies homemade T-shirts, one of which read, When
I saw the dead and dying Afghani children on TV, I felt a newly
recovered sense of national security. God Bless America. The
jury apparently felt that such messages disrupted other
students patriotic brainwashing, er, education - although
students are routinely allowed to wear shirts that blatantly display
corporate logos, slogans, and messages.
Hundreds of angry Nigerian women have pulled off something we here
in the West can only dream of - theyve managed to shut down
a huge multinational oil companys operations for nearly two
weeks, armed with nothing but their bare hands. On Monday, July
8th, a band of women from the Ugborodo and Arutan tribes in southern
Nigeria pirated a ChevronTexaco staff ferry to sneak into the companys
Escravos pipeline terminal. The unarmed women have occupied the
terminal ever since, stopping exports and trapping about 700 workers,
including Americans, Britons, Canadians and Nigerians, inside. The
women are demanding that ChevronTexaco hire more local workers,
and provide water, electricity, schools and clinics for their villages,
some of which are less than 100 yards from the terminal. The women
are angered that previous company promises to transform the villages
surrounding the facility into modern towns have not been realized.
On Wednesday (10th), about 100 police and soldiers armed with assault
rifles were sent to the terminal to protect the facility, but Anunu
Uwawah, one of the women occupying the building, said the women
werent intimidated by security forces. If we die, Chevron
will die with us, she said. The women began talks with senior
ChevronTexaco management in Nigeria on Friday (12th) after days
of false starts, but Uwawah and other leaders in the group say they
wouldnt leave the terminal until the company commits to hiring
people from the neighbouring villages and helps them build better
* As of Wednesday, July 17th, various newsgroups are reporting
that women from the Ijaw tribe have now occupied four ChevronTexaco
oil facilities in the same area as the Escravos oil terminal, which
is still occupied by the same kick-ass group of Ugborodo and Arutan
* In Mexico, hundreds of irate farmers armed with machetes and
petrol bombs and holding 10 hostages are protesting against plans
to build a new international airport outside of Mexico City. Why
do the farmers feel so strongly about the new airport? Because it
just so happens that its scheduled location is smack in the middle
of their land. In return for the hostages, protestors are demanding
that they be allowed to keep their land. Sounds reasonable enough
to us, but the pro-business government of Mexican President Vicente
Fox has ruled out any changes to its plans to build the £1.3
billion airport.
After a three year ban, lorries are once again being allowed to
wreak their noxious fumes in the Mont Blanc tunnel. Many lorries
ignore posted speed limits, but local police argue they dont
have enough personnel to police speeding vehicles, although they
were mysteriously able to rally more than a hundred riot cops to
harass a peaceful anti-lorry protest held near the tunnel on June
25th. If youre interested in getting involved with the anti-truckers,
contact noragallieni@mac.com
or info@arsmb.com
in brief
- The Community Activism Workshop takes place Saturday
27th with a wide range of speakers from NoBorders to the Social
Centres Network. The day is an opportunity to share practical
skills gained through community struggles - to learn from the
experiences of others in organising grassroots campaigns and developing
effective community activity. At the Radical Dairy, 47 Kynaston
Road, London N16. from 2pm. 07944 586416 www.temporary.org.uk
- Plans for a second nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point (site
of the Jubilee free festival on Steart Beach-see SchNews 359)
rumble on despite a recent survey conducted by concerned parents
which found rates of cancer in the area were four times the national
average. Theres a public meeting Stopping the drive
for New Nuclear Power Stations, 7.30pm 25th July, Temple
of Peace, Cathays Park, Cardiff 01984 632109 stophinkley@aol.com
- No to GM Crop Commercialisation, protest outside DEFRA.
Wednesday 24th 12 noon for a Picnic at Victoria Tower gardens
then 2pm demo on the steps of DEFRA, Smiths Sq, Westminster. 020
7272 1586 www.geneticsaction.org.uk
- Genoa - Red Zone anniversary film screenings happening
in London (24th July, Ritzy Cinema, Brixton £5), and Glasgow
(28th July - Glasgow Film Theatre). Copies will soon be available
through www.cultureshop.org
- Local campaigners desperately need help to take direct action
to stop a mobile phone mast and access road being erected
in Maple, Cheshire. Info 0161 427 7789
- Ecotopia 2002 the annual European environmental festival
takes place this year in County Clare, Ireland 10th-24th August.
Info 00 353 86 3097622 www.ecotopia2002.org
- For the first time since the Foot and Mouth crisis last year,
live animal exports have resumed from UK ports. Protests
are being organised. 24 hour hotline live export hotline 01730
237379 www.ciwf.org.uk
- Want to check out what happens at Fylingdales
which could soon be home to Star Wars II? Check out www.fylingdales.ukf.net
- Ladyfest London (August 1st-4th) is a celebration of
the achievements of women, primarily in music and the arts. With
the exception of some workshops, the festival is open to women
and men alike, with highlights including performances by The Gossip,
The Haggard, Gertrude, and Sara Dougher. www.ladyfestlondon.org
- The trial of campaigners arrested at Simon Jones Memorial
Campaign occupation of Euromin Docks in December last year
takes place 29th-31st July in Worthing. The protesters who are
accused of besetting would like support and are asking
campaigners to meet at 8am at Brighton Station at the start of
each day to travel together to Worthing Court. www.simonjones.org.uk
- The Americans are coming!! Okay, just one. A surprisingly
anti-American one. On July 30th, political artist Seth Tobocman
will visit Brighton to do a slide show of his work and talk about
his life and times as a New York squatter. His kick-ass books
include War in the Neighbourhood and You Dont
Have to Fuck People Over to Survive. For venue info (still
being sorted out), contact sethtobocmaninbrighton@hotmail.com
At the end of May, a Football Association Commission granted the
owners of Wimbledon FC permission to relocate to Milton Keynes.
Wimbledon, the fairy tale football club that had gone from non-league
to FA Cup winners, had been without a home for years and was now
being moved lock stock and barrel to a site 70 miles away. Six weeks
later, disgruntled fans set up a new club called AFC Wimbledon,
found a new place to ground share and a new league to play in, had
230 hopefuls turning up for trials on Wimbledon Common, sold 600
season tickets and had nearly 5,000 fans cheering them on at their
first match, a friendly against Sutton. One fan commented This
is something very special here; A cottage industry in the middle
of a globalised trading estate. A corner shop perched between hypermarkets.
A community football club in the midst of greed and desperation.
The new AFC Wimbledon will be kicking off a season-long boycott
of their old club with a human chain round Selhurst Park on the
first game against Gillingham. www.afcwimbledon.co.uk
This Time the Story of the Simon Jones Memorial Campaign,
film showing in Brighton this Sunday as part of a nationwide tour.
The film will be followed by a discussion with members of the Memorial
Campaign and the film Globalisation and The Media by
Undercurrents. 7.30pm, Sussex Arts Club, Ship Street. Entrance is
The people of Paraguay, pissed off with their corrupt government
and their collapsing economy, took to the streets last week calling
for the President to resign. Protected by the army and police officers
with water cannons, the president responded on Monday by declaring
a 5-day state of emergency which allowed the government to ban demonstrations,
search homes and arrest hundreds of individuals. At least 2 people
have been killed.
Paraguay is the latest of the South American countries to be crumbling
under pressure from the International Monetary Fund, whove
been telling them to privatise their public services in order to
make their loan repayments. Massive opposition to such tactics has
meant that privatisation plans have been put on the back burner.
Instead the government are now turning to the World Bank for a loan
which will plunge them even further into debt. Check out the latest
at http://argentina.indymedia.org/
(but you gotta speak Spanish!!)
Corrupt, lying, dodgy Freemasons deserve human rights too! Thats
the claim made by the United Grand Lodge, the London headquarters
of the secret brotherhood. With no apparent sense of irony the funny
hand shake brigade is planning on using the Human Rights Act to
stop the government making freemasons in public office declare that
they are on the square or is that the make. Here
at SchNEWS we had this strange idea that the Human Rights Act might
give people a bit of leverage against the powers that run our lives
and NOT be used by pro-establishment secret societies to cover up
their shady deals- especially ones with initiation rituals pretty
similar to the Cosa Nostra. So dont go kissing any freemasons
as ya dont know what their hands have been shaking.
SchNEWS warns all readers listening to repetitive bleats can
make you sheepish. Honest.
Theres not going to be SchNEWS next week cos well
all be at the Big Green Gathering.
book offer
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SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 £4.00 inc. postage.
SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £4.00
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The SchQUALL book at only £7 + £1.50 p&p. (US Postage
£4.00 for individual books, £13 for all four).
SchNEWS and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures
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In addition
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All the above books are available from the Brighton Peace Centre,
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