This Time Last Year
438, 23rd January, 2004
BOMBAY MIX The fourth World Social Forum, held in Mumbai, India,
examines the real impact of Globalisation, and also offers an
international alliance to battle the multinationals. Also: crap
jobs, FSB harassment of Russian activists, Monsanto rapeseed case rapes
farmer's living, seed swap, free Vanunu campaign and more...
437, 16th January, 2004
FLAW AND DISORDER The proposed Civil Contingencies Bill, Neo-Labour
wet dream come true, would further erode civil rights in Britain. Also:
travellers fighting eviction in Coventry, Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp
in the Peak District, finger-printing Americans in Brazil, and more...
436, 9th January, 2004
UP THE INJUNCTION Bayer wins an injunction severely limiting
the rights of anti-GM protesters. SchNEWS takes a look at Bayer's legal
history. Also: "strategy of tension" steps up in Italy?, IDF
sniper arrested for murder of ISM volunteer, and all the usual...
435, 19th December, 2003
FUEL BE SORRY Bigger airports, failed Climate Change summit,
no plans for tax on flying, stinking carbon sinks and more all add up
to a bright future sun cream sales in Scotland. Shame about the 120,000
deaths a year. Also US repression of Iraqi trade unions, tidal electricity
and festive cheer...
434, 12th December, 2003
RIGHTS SAID FRED A run down of the human rights abuses metted
out/supported by President Bliar and Emperor Bush while Bliar spouts
off about "Freedom not tyranny. Democracy not dictatorship".
Also info on writing to prisoners, the media ignoring terrorist suspects
releases and more...
433, 5th December, 2003
FUEL'S GOLD With Western oil supplies shrinking and reserves
declining, the petrochemical junkies must look elsewhere for their fix
- and they've got qutie a few strategies for doing just that. Also -
Sambhavna Clinic in Bhopal, positive SchNEWS from Costa Rica, anti-awards
for mining companies, and more...
432, 28th November, 2003
MIAMI VICE FTAA demonstrators enjoy George Bush's "freedom
to protest" amidst a carnival atmosphere of tear gas, rubber bullets,
water cannons and worse. Also - Thessaloniki hunger strikers released,
animal vivisection in Cambridge, ESF reports, and more...
431, 14th November, 2003
CARD SHARKS Blunkett announces the introduction of ID cards by
the back door despite them being massively unpopular and technologically
unfeasible. Thessaloniki Hunger Strikers In Critical Condition. Bush
bashing plans, Urgent, Bar End protest camp update, European underground
art and more.
430, 7th November, 2003
POSTIE MORTEM Executives pushing to "modernise" Royal
Mail beaten by wildcat strikes, showing that despite betrayal by union
bosses, workers are still prepared to fight back.
429, 31st October, 2003
SIAM OLD STORY George W Bush takes a break from Disneyland to
visit Thailand and the Philippines, neo-liberal "paradises".
The locals welcome him with less than open arms.
428, 24th October, 2003
YOBSMACKED! In Manchester residents are beginning to take community
policing into their own hands after the official methods prove useless.
427, 17th October, 2003
IN LOZADA TROUBLE Tens of thousands flood the streets, set up
burning barricades and hurl dynamite at a murderous military as Bolivia
teeters on the brink of full-blown revolution.
426, 10th October, 2003
MUSICAL SHARES The music industry complains about falling sales,
blaming it on the punters. Their links with the arms industry should
keep their profits up though...
425, 3rd October, 2003
GM CONTAMI-NATION GM debate results come through load and clear
- "We don't want it!". GM companies and anti-gm activists
424, 27th September, 2003
CORPORATE PUNISHMENT Jarvis get a very poor report card for work
on privatised schools but are still laughing all the way to the bank.
423, 19th September, 2003
FLUSHED DOWN THE CAN-CUN Talks at fifth ministerial WTO talks
collapse as thousands pull down the fences outside.
422, 12th September, 2003
ARMLESS FUN Despite massive police operation DSEi arms fair attracts
a grand string of actions, dinghies block warships etc.
421, 5th September, 2003
MoD'S 'N' WRECKERS DSEi arms fair looms, a cool £1m is
being spent to keep us out. Isn't it us who should be afraid?
420, 29th August, 2003
AGRI-VULTURES WTO's ministerial meeting in Cancun - the world's
fat cats sustain environment-destroying, corporate agriculture.
419, 22nd August, 2003
SHELTER SKELTER Yarl's Wood trial comes to an end with Group
4 coming out as a laughing stock.
418, 15th August, 2003
THIRST FOR PROFIT The WTO's "privatise everything"
plan rumbles forward towards Cancun and a water supply near you...
417, 8th August, 2003
MAI EYE! Corporate and governmental fat cats line up for another
farcical round of trade talks to 'level the trading field'.
416, 25th July, 2003
get out of Iraq while US corporations queue to get in...
| Friday
30th January 2004 |
Issue 439
Primate Change | Gorilla
Warfare | Monkey Business |
Lord Cheque-Out | Crap Arrest
of the Week | SchNEWS Tour Warm-Up |
Travel Sickness | SchNEWS
In Brief | unCOSTAINable | Inside
SchNEWS | Dis-Asda | ...and
It was the threat, often put into action, of constant
protest at the entire University, and the negative impact we were
having on their donors worldwide. We hit them where they were most
vulnerable - their finances - and left them with no choice.
- SPEAC Campaign
This week, Cambridge University abandoned plans for a primate vivisection
lab in Cambridge, with the University saying that it could not take
financial risks of this magnitude. The costs of the building
had risen from £24m to £32m, and the costs of security,
not to mention disruption, from protests by animal rights campaigners
must also have played a part in the decision. (Not that Cambridge
University would admit that, however.)
But the centre, which was supposedly set to study diseases of the
brain, should never have been given the go-ahead in the first place.
The plans were originally rejected twice by the local Council; the
plan then went to public enquiry. At the public enquiry, there were
objections from Cambridge Council because it was being built on
green belt land and from the police cos there were concerns
about the costs of policing and disruption from the inevitable protests.
Animal rights campaigners also objected, arguing that there was
no need for the centre and that the experiments to be carried out
were not only cruel, but bad science. The inspector agreed and stated
that the centre should not go ahead. But so what - Deputy-PM John
Prescott overruled the inspector and gave the go ahead on the advice
of Lord Sainsbury, the Science Minister and Neo Labours biggest
financial backer (SchNEWS 432), because it was in the national
Gorilla Warfare
While the scientific establishment tries to paint anyone opposing
vivisection as anti-science, there are many scientists who also
oppose medical research using animals. Dr. Ray Greek, Medical Director
of Europeans for Medical Advancement, gave evidence against the
centre. He said that scientists are so scared to speak out against
their employers that one researcher resorted to having his face
blacked out and voice disguised for a television debate about the
use of animals in research. This is because research is often carried
out to attract funds rather than for actually-valuable research.
The fundamental problem about animal research is that humans are
different to other animals, not just the fact that we walk on two
legs and wage barbaric wars, but at the molecular level, as Professor
Claude Reiss, who gave evidence at the inquiry said. No species
can function as a reliable biological model for another species,
said Reiss. Even the chimpanzee, our closest relative in evolutionary
terms, is no model for research on the human brain. The University
was even unable to provide examples of findings from monkeys that
translated into progress in medical care for people - because there
are no hard examples to be found. The use of animals to develop
drugs for humans is deeply flawed-even the scientific director of
Huntingdon Life Sciences, a large drug and product testing lab (also
in Cambridge), says the accuracy of using animals to predict effects
in humans is 5-25%! Hardly exact science.
There are a whole host of other methods to study disease. These
include: cell, tissue, and organ culture where human tissues are
grown and experimented on; sophisticated computer modelling to study
metabolism, screen drugs, and for use in education; and clinical
research where diseases are studied in patients to identify the
characteristics, symptoms, and possible causes.
Later this year, the Neurosciences Research Institute at Aston
University will open. They wont be damaging monkey brains
to study Alzheimers, but will instead study human brains,
both living and post-mortem. It will include research groups working
on behavioural and cognitive sciences, and vision and eye diseases.
The results from their studies will be directly relevant to humans.
Monkey Business
Still, Cambridge University wont accept alternatives, and
still insist on the need for the lab. Professor Tony Minson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
for the University said, The animal rights groups will of
course claim this as a victory, but in our view they have won no
arguments whatsoever. We still believe this work to be of significant
national importance. Er, Prof. Whatever happened to objective
scientific opinion? At the public enquiry, the inspector concluded:
I could not conclude that need in the national interest is
demonstrated insofar as this pertains to the scientific/medical
research and procedures undertaken by the University. In other
words, an independent person who looked at all the evidence said
there wasnt any need for the centre! SchNEWS reckons thats
Animal Abusers 0 Animal Rights 4.
To read about the campaign that stopped the centre and why experiments
on monkeys are cruel and just make for bad science see
- Theres another vivisection lab in Cambridge, the notorious
Huntingdon Life Sciences, where they dont just develop drugs,
but test household products, on animals - Oven dirty madam?
Pour this down your dogs throat, thatll clean him
out. For more about this ongoing campaign, contact Stop
Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 0845 458 0630
Lord Cheque-Out
Since 1994, David Sainsbury has bankrolled the Neo-Labour Party
to the tune of over £11m. In 1997, six months after bunging
Labour £1m to clear their overdraft, Sainsbury was made a
Lord. By 1998, and a few million quid later, he was made a science
minister. As science minister, Lord Sainsbury has been busy promoting
GM crops, biotechnology and vivisection. Sainsbury not only has
a massive share in the supermarket chain, but also wholly owns Diatech,
a biotech company, and owns the world-wide patent rights over the
translator enhancer gene currently used in the genetic
modification process.
Sainsbury also partly funds the Sainsbury Laboratory, which, since
he became Science Minister, has seen funding increase by 400% from
the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
Sainsbury appoints everyone to the board of the BBSRC and it has
now spent more than £18m on research into GM-related crops.
SchNEWS would like to point out, however, that all of this of course
has no influence whatsoever on the Governments decision to
grant the go-ahead for the primate lab or to be in favour of GM
Crap Arrest of the Week
For playing half a song
Last week, cash-strapped Lambeth Council spent £30,000 on
prosecuting Shane Collins, licensee of last Mays Cannabis
Free Festival. The crime? Allowing a sound system to play for EIGHTY
FIVE SECONDS after the licensee permit had ended! The case was dismissed
with the Judge asking why the prosecution was brought to court in
the first place and commending Shane for the way the festival was
- Squall, BASS and RDK are having a benefit night on February
7th for this years Cannabis march and festival @ The Hobgoblin,
Effra Road, Brixton, 9pm-2.30am.
SchNEWS Tour Warm-Up Date
There will be a talk about SchNEWS and about setting up a local
newsletter, some short films, and a speaker about the G8 coming
to Britain and about genetics. 8pm, 10th Feb, Freedom Café,
If you are interested in hosting the SchNEWS tour, email:
Travel Sickness
People being kicked off land which they own and then having
their dwellings burned out?! We must be talking about Palestine,
here... Er, no - Essex.
On Monday, a travellers site at Meadowlands near Chelmsford
was evicted, with four arrests, forcing 30 people off land they
own and had been on since 2001. To do the dirty work, Chelmsford
Council brought in self-proclaimed gypsy and squatter eviction
specialists Constant And Co, who had to get past earth banks,
barricades and ditches, plus the travellers and supporters in order
to clear the site. Constant were determined not to lose two in a
row after travellers in Bulkington near Coventry successfully defended
their self-owned site several weeks before, giving the 150 residents
a much-needed reprieve.
When the bailiffs took the site in Meadowlands on Monday, it was
agreed after negotiations that the ten caravans still there were
to be taken by Constant to another site at Epsom. This never happened,
however. Instead, by the end of the following day, several caravans
had been burned out on the nearby roadside where Constant had left
them after briefly towing them away from the original site. A witness
with a camera who visited on Tuesday to see the smoldering ruins
of peoples homes was intimidated by Constant staff, who claimed
that the caravans were torched by the travellers themselves!
- at 3am on Monday night. A supporter who stayed in one of the caravans
on Monday night contradicted this ridiculous claim. Now travellers
are trying to get a straight answer from the Chelmsford Council
as to why Constant never delivered the caravans to the Epsom site.
It makes us at SchNEWS wonder
we know Constant And Co are
the gypsy and squatter eviction specialists, now wed
like to know who the covert arson specialists are!
To compensate the travellers for the inconvenience of being made
homeless, Chelmsford Council set up a homeless office
in nearby Great Waltham at the parish hall, but omitted to tell
the travellers the facility was available, and anyway there was
a roadblock stopping them getting there. A few travellers were then
sent to the Silverwood motel in Essex, but after only two nights,
and during mid winter snowfall, they were being forced to provide
ID, proof of income, and proof of links to Meadowlands, for the
privilege of continuing their stay. There is also a chance that
the council will exercise their legal right to repossess the land
to pay for the eviction, which cost £100,000. The site is
conveniently worth £90,000.
Now, we know that its the middle of winter and all that,
but Meadowlands could have been saved if thered been more
support at the eviction. This was not a one-off event - counties
up and down the country have long-held campaigns to rid their area
of travellers, whether they be Romany, or so-called new age.
For instance two self-owned sites near Epping - Hamlet Hill and
Paynes Lane - are under threat of eviction and urgently need help.
Trouble also looms for the traveller-owned Dale Farm near Basildon
- home to over 1,000! - which is a virtual village with established
gardens and dwellings (albeit without planning permission). The
local Tory MP is soon to meet Tory Tony himself to seek extra powers
to enforce an eviction. Travellers in Totnes wrote to us recently
about being forced onto an authorised council site next
to a busy road.
Travellers are struggling for the right to live on land - even
when they own it - yet countless developments and roads get rubber
stamped all the time on public land. Contact the following groups
to find out how you can help travellers resisting eviction in your
SchNEWS In Brief
- To discuss the fact that anti-terrorism laws are routinely used
to arbitarily search muslims and at large peaceful demos there
will be a meeting at Church Hall, Warwick Road West, Luton, (Saturday
31st, 7pm). What would you do if you were stopped and searched
or arrested under anti-terrorism laws? What are your Rights? What
are police powers? More info: 07903 053362
- Delegates at the Risks & Opportunities in Caspian
and Central Asian Oil & Gas got a bit of a surprise
on Tuesday when people from London Rising Tide bike-locked themselves
to furniture during the meeting and let everyone know about the
environmental and climatic effects of running pipelines through
the Caspian oil fields
- Last week Paul Rylott, top GM scientist at Bayer Cropscience,
delivered a stirring speech on how to manage consumer response
to biotechnology at a conference in London. As he took his place
in the queue for his buffet dinner, a polite call of Mr
Rylott? brought him face to face with a chocolate fudge
cake (skipped and stale and covered with rotting whipped cream)
and the shout Thats for GM! Before the biotech
baking brigade left, leaflets were given out to the surprised
crowd and all those protesting even managed to leave before the
cops arrived.
- Benefit gig for Brighton Peace and Environment Centre.
Saturday 31st, 6:30pm, Komedia, Gardner Street, £8.50/£5.
Hundreds of trees are being felled for a £30 million, 2 mile
stretch of bypass in Blackwood, near Newport, South Wales. The contractors
Costain (who people might remember from Newbury) are building a
compound as we type and people have started taking direct action.
More people are urgently needed on site. To find out more text message
- As of Thursday (29th) the Nine Ladies protest camp is still
there, with sixty people on site ready to resist the eviction
(the order was served last Friday). People are still needed on
site, as well as food, cement, ropes, and a gourmet chef! Contact
07005942212 for details.
Inside SchNEWS
Sue Brackenbury would welcome letters and CDs as she awaits trial
in HMP Eastwood Park, Falfield, Wotton-under-edge, Glos, GL12 8DB.
She is one of three people accused of attempting to disarm a Trident
Sub at Devonport Docks last year. Their trial is set for the 25th
of Feb in Plymouth.
- Two activists were acquitted at Helensburgh District Court
last Thursday on breach of the peace charges relating to blockades
of Faslane trident nuclear submarine base in Scotland. Usually
there are automatic guilty verdicts for Faslane-related offences,
but this time the judge said there was a lack of evidence that
any one was alarmed by their actions! More on both these stories
08454 588365
The Dis-Asda campaign on the Old Kent Road in South London, which
has a colourful history of resistance to the authorities and Wal-Mart,
is resisting final eviction. Over the last month, the building on
Ossory Road (scheduled to be demolished and a brand spanking new
Asda built in its place) has been boarded up, evicted, damaged by
bailiffs and re-squatted. Plans by Wal-Mart/Asda for final eviction
and demolition were foiled by campaigners on the 19th when bailiffs
arrived to find barricades and a group of protestors who refused
them entry. As of today (29th), however, out-numbered protestors
have lost possession of the building, but continue to occupy the
site with caravans.
The Old Kent Road already has a Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, McDonalds, and
a Toys R Us, but what the 100,000 people who live nearby dont
have are decent community facilities. Traffic, pollution and respiratory
disease are at an all time high in the area, which also ironically
has the lowest car ownership in London.
Wal-Marts military-style economic empire has been achieved
by undermining workers wages and rights. Employees are forbidden
from joining unions and wages are pushed to a barely legal minimum.
The low prices in their supermarkets are achieved by outsourcing
work to low-wage, no-rights factories in poor countries.
Meanwhile, the Dis-Asda campaign awaits its inevitable demise,
to make room for yet another superstore, low prices gained through
exploitation, and those damn annoying yellow smiley faces.
...and finally...
What do you think the City of Brighton and Hove is really crying
out for? Less homelessness? Rent reductions all-round? Less trendy
shops and more services? Well, no, actually, coz according to the
Council and consultants from Strategic Management Partners, all
we REALLY need is a new brand image.
The Council told SchNEWS that it was high time to take a fresh
look at the image of Brighton and Hove and so will be hiring
consultants to draw together the best aspects of the
City into a new brand image. Of course they couldnt tell us
how much all of this branding business will cost, but we reckon
that what it all boils down to in the end is the city blowing its
own trumpet while blowing our cash!!!!! Will it be similar to the
sort of branding dreamt up by the idiots at EB4U - who spent a quarter
of a million on putting a positive spin on some of Brightons
poorest estates when the money would have been much better spent
on the estates themselves? Or the thousands of pounds spent on the
unsuccessful bid to become the next European City of Culture?
Still not wishing to be overly cynical, we at SchNEWS Towers have
come up with a few ideas for branding that Strategic Management
Partners might find useful. How about - A latte and a needle? The
West Pier falling into the sea? Traffic jams? Pictures of homeless
workers living in cardboard boxes because they cant afford
to rent or buy houses here?
As one Brighton resident on the SCIP listserve has said, This
is a complete waste of time and money. But then again, the council
finds delivering services and housing poor people too much like
hard work
Now if we can just get rid of the few stalls left
in the open market that actually sell food and stuff that people
want. If youd like to contact Strategic Management Partners
with your own brand spanking ideas: 01273-675924
SchNEWS warns all readers...Gorilla warfare is no monkey business.
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