This Time Last Year
428, 24th October, 2003
YOBSMACKED! In Manchester residents are beginning to take community
policing into their own hands after the official methods prove useless.
Also - the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill, plans to 'welcome' Bush to the
UK, and more.
427, 17th October, 2003
IN LOZADA TROUBLE Tens of thousands flood the streets, set up
burning barricades and hurl dynamite at a murderous military as Bolivia
teeters on the brink of full-blown revolution.
426, 10th October, 2003
MUSICAL SHARES The music industry complains about falling sales,
blaming it on the punters. Their links with the arms industry should
keep their profits up though...
425, 3rd October, 2003
GM CONTAMI-NATION GM debate results come through load and clear
- "We don't want it!". GM companies and anti-gm activists
424, 27th September, 2003
CORPORATE PUNISHMENT Jarvis get a very poor report card for work
on privatised schools but are still laughing all the way to the bank.
423, 19th September, 2003
FLUSHED DOWN THE CAN-CUN Talks at fifth ministerial WTO talks
collapse as thousands pull down the fences outside.
422, 12th September, 2003
ARMLESS FUN Despite massive police operation DSEi arms fair attracts
a grand string of actions, dinghies block warships etc.
421, 5th September, 2003
MoD'S 'N' WRECKERS DSEi arms fair looms, a cool £1m is
being spent to keep us out. Isn't it us who should be afraid?
420, 29th August, 2003
AGRI-VULTURES WTO's ministerial meeting in Cancun - the world's
fat cats sustain environment-destroying, corporate agriculture.
419, 22nd August, 2003
SHELTER SKELTER Yarl's Wood trial comes to an end with Group
4 coming out as a laughing stock.
418, 15th August, 2003
THIRST FOR PROFIT The WTO's "privatise everything"
plan rumbles forward towards Cancun and a water supply near you...
417, 8th August, 2003
MAI EYE! Corporate and governmental fat cats line up for another
farcical round of trade talks to 'level the trading field'.
416, 25th July, 2003
get out of Iraq while US corporations queue to get in...
415, 18th July, 2003
VISION CHIPS Real Freak Horrorshow Big Brother has landed.
414, 11th July, 2003
GAM SHOW Massacre in Aceh, (Indonesia again pummels state wanting
independence with British arms). Plus, Victory for Arundel, rest of
country not so lucky..
413, 4th July, 2003
POVERTY EXPRESS Multinational biotech companies, with full backing
from Bush and his cronies, try to save the world by shoving GM leftovers
down the throats of the worlds poor.
410, 13th June, 2003
MENWITH BALLS The US spy base at Menwith Hill gets some overdure
attention. Plus Martin Shaw update; Group4 have recruitment problems;
6th June, 2003
MY HAMSTER Another G8 summit; more meaningless declarations from
'our' 'great' 'leaders', more kids on the streets fighting for a better
world and more police repression.
30th May, 2003
Get Yer Rocks Off! America "liberate" Iraq but
keep their hands firmly on the Congo and their resources. Blunkett's
trying to push through yet more "justice bill" laws and so
much more!
23rd May, 2003
Bob the Bilderberg
£lite take young politicians under their wing for... sensible
16th May, 2003
Repression in Palestine increases as international observers are
9th May, 2003
SHAKY FOUNDATIONS Blair he goes again, PFI-vatising the country's
health, education and transport infrastructure...
402/3, 2nd May, 2003
BOMBS 'R' US Mayday takes on Lockheed Martin, 24 hour weapons of
mass destruction delivery service...
401, 25th April, 2003
US occupiers
less popular than they thought they would be...
400, 11th April, 2003
AID 'N' A BET military spending skyrockets, international aid evaporates
and millions in Africa face starvation. Coincidence?
399, 4th April, 2003
PERLES OF WISDOM US carve-up of 'rebuilding' contracts.
397/8, 28th March, 2003
MASS DUST-RUCTION The 'humanitarian' war underway, we report the
protests the media ignore so well...
396, 14th March, 2003
RUNWAY TERROR Anit-terrorism protestors treated like terrorists...
395, 7th March, 2003
A look at how America are trying to buy votes at the UN Security
| Friday
31st October 2003 |
Issue 429
Siam Old Story | All
Thai'd Down | Crap Arrest of the Week
| Inside SchNEWS |
Brighton Briefs | West Papua
Side Story
| St Agnes Place Under Eviction | SchNEWS
In Brief | ...and finally...
SchNEWS reckons that before he was anointed president, the furthest
George W had ever been from his ranch was Disneyland. Recently several
countries including Thailand and the Philippines played host to
his imperial convoy, and did their best to show him some good clean
neo-liberal fun.
The Thai Government swept 10,000 homeless people off the streets
before Bushs arrival while the Filipino state went about destroying
slums. As Bush declared his love for free speech, the Thai Prime
Minister threatened any protesters disrupting his visit long
and painful consequences. The elite in these countries create
superficial Disneylands of happiness and prosperity and bury the
shanty town reality. It shows that while wars are waged to secure
resources for capitalism, real wars are waged as dissenters are
silenced and forced to be suffering, smiling citizens.
Addressing the Philippine Congress on Saturday, Bush said, Some
say the culture of the Middle East will not sustain the institutions
of democracy. The same doubts were once expressed about the culture
of Asia. These doubts were proven wrong nearly six decades ago,
when the Republic of the Philippines became the first democratic
nation in Asia. He then claimed that Together our soldiers
liberated the Philippines from colonial rule.
The Filipinos dont share that view. A hundred years ago,
the US liberated the Filipinos from the Spanish only
to take over for themselves. Many Filipinos fought for independence
from their liberators and thousands were killed in the
process. In 1946, U.S. rule in the Philippines came to an end and
was replaced by remote control neo-colonialism. The U.S. has kept
a massive military presence at bases on a 99-year, rent-free lease.
The independent Philippines was also remotely controlled
economically by the US as the Filipino government was prohibited
from changing the value of its currency without the approval of
the US and US investors were given special investment rights.
Until 1972, the Philippines was yer average democracy
there were elections with two parties competing for power.
To win you had to have the support of the US. When protest groups
began challenging the political system, US-backed President Marcos
closed down Congress and the press while arresting political opponents.
So what did Washington do? It sent him more military and economic
aid. A US Senate staff report at the time summed it all up: military
bases and a familiar government in the Philippines are more important
than the preservation of democratic institutions which were imperfect
at best. When Marcos lifted the state of emergency
in 1981 he retained the draconian powers, the US vice president
George Bush senior visited Manila and heaped praise on him: We
love your adherence to democratic principle and to the democratic
The current US puppet in the country is President Arroyo, who has
a few problems with the current constitution which states that foreign
military bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the
Philippines except under a treaty agreed in the Senate. Of
course US troops need not violate the constitution if only Arroyo
would submit the appropriate treaty to the Senate. Sure that such
a treaty would be voted down, Arroyo and the US have chosen to simply
ignore the constitution. With Bush drawing parallels between Middle
Eastern democracy and the Philippines, perhaps Iraq is destined
to follow the Philippine model, from liberation to occupation to
remote controlled neo-colonialism.
However, the Filipinos refused to bow to Dubya. In spite of the
build-up to Bushs arrival which saw harsh repression of dissenters
and protesters. Bushs speech before congress was nearly an
hour late because of concerns about large anti-Bush crowds on his
motorcade route. 5-10,000 anti-Bush protesters were pushed back
behind barricades due to Secret Service worries about his safety,
while thousands of stars n stripes waving well-wishers
were bussed in by the authorities. Bushs motorcade had to
get past 3,000 protesters burning effigies and US flags, and waving
placards saying Ban Bush.
All Thai'd Down
Bush then flew to Thailand to the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
(APEC) summit. Thailand is another country under the shadow of the
Pax Americana, following IMF dictats to the letter.
All appeared to be going to plan when the 1997 Asian financial crisis
happened and at least 2 million jobs were lost in a year.
In the run-up to Bushs arrival, poverty was hidden and denied
as Bangkoks poor classes got a taste of his double standards.
10,000 homeless people were pushed off the streets before APEC and
the Bush visit, 900 Cambodians were rounded up and flown home by
the Air Force. A huge US security contingent swept into Bangkok,
with 20,000 Thai police and troops controlling large parts of the
city. A huge banner of the grand palace, placed to hide slums by
the river, epitomises the attitude of capitalism today: the importance
of cosmetic appearance over grassroots reality, the luxury of the
few blotting out the lives of the many.
Unprecedented security and a tough immigration blacklist of activists
assured a protest free conference. About 1,000 anti-summit protesters
still marched through Bangkok on Sunday. The Thai Prime Minister
saw things differently: These people (APEC delegates) will
bring investment money to Thailand. Unfortunately, some ghouls are
going to hold street rallies, and this is very bad for the countrys
image. Demonstrators criticised the government for cleaning
Bangkok of homeless people, prostitutes and stray dogs and creating
an artificial image of the city.
One protesters sign read: APEC Welcome to Disneyland.
And Disneyland it was, as Mickey Mouse leaders discussed Bushs
security policy and the APEC policy of creating
an environment for the safe and efficient movement of goods, services
and people across borders in the region. What these policies
really do, is end any possibility of a safe and efficient
movement of people across borders while allowing goods and
capital to flow freely. A Thai journalist, pointed out that the
leaders of the free world have found in counter-terrorism
a way of keeping out the rabble of the Third World from their pretty
shores while letting in the wealth expropriated through their exploitation.
With the US pouring money into the War of Terror, corrupt
Majority World governments are able to use counter-terrorism
to suppress human rights while creating a stable environment
for big business.
As Bush tours around the world, he pats pro-war puppets on the
head as he grants them crumbs of economic aid and money for counter-terrorism.
For these crumbs the Majority World leaders wage a war on the poor,
suppressing pesky dissenting voices that are left powerless in slums
next to the skyscrapers of foreign capital. On the other hand, there
are millions of ordinary people who make the link between Bushs
war on Iraq and their own destitution and struggles.
When the emperor himself comes here on 19th November its
our turn to laugh at his new clothes as everyone can see the naked
truth except his mate Tony.
More on ambush actions see
Crap Arrest Of The Week
For returning rubbish!
At an anti-McDonalds protest in Newcastle people took McRubbish
back to Mucky Ds and were giving out free food outside the so-called
restaurant when they were asked to move by the police. The protestors
agreed to go if McDonalds took back their rubbish; an angry
employee then came out took the rubbish and started chucking the
protestors spuds cutlery and plates into a rubbish sack! So
what did the police do? Arrest one of the protestors for obstructing
the highway!
Inside SchNEWS
In 1997, John Two-Names, a Cherokee was sentenced to a total of
90 years in prison with a $5 million dollar fine - the harshest
penalty on record in Alabama for a classified non-violent,
first time offender. His crime? Being labeled a militant,
terrorist/extremist who got in the way of power and politics.
Budget cuts have gutted many of the states social services,
the Department of Corrections received an additional $16 million
to reduce the prison population. They will release upwards of 6,000
non-violent offenders in the next few months. John has documents
released through the Freedom of Information Act that clear his name,
with the Assistant Attorney General admitting that there was evidence
of tampering at trial, and his conviction was based upon flimsy
proof. He has a parole hearing set for November 13 and he
is asking supporters to send letters, calls, emails, and faxes of
support to the parole board. For copies of a sample letter
For more on how Two Names ended up in prison
* Stephen Funk, a US Marine, has been jailed for refusing
to deploy with his unit because of his opposition to the war.
Charged with desertion and thrown in prison for six months; he is
becoming the focal point for a refusenik campaign in
the US military. To write to Stephen, write to: Stephen: Corp Base
Brig; Attn: Stephen Funk Bldg 1041 PSC 20140 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0140,
USA. Or sign the on-line petition
* Spiros Tsitsas, a Thessaloniki hunger striker for 23 days
was taken to hospital on the 28th. His condition isnt thought
to be serious. The other 4 hunger strikers are okay but some are
suffering breathing problems, Castro is appoaching 40 days on hunger
strike - the others around 26 days. Follow the story on
* Four Irish protesters will appear for mention in the Four
Courts on Monday. They face two counts of criminal damage and a
maximum sentence of 10 years if convicted at trial. Their crime?
The disarmament of a U.S. plane at Shannon Airport en route to the
war in Iraq. If you are interested in participating in vigils or
Brighton Briefs
- Next Thursday (6) Fahim Ahmed from Campaign Against
Criminalising Communities will be talking about their new
book A Permanent State of Terror? about the criminalising
of dissent. This is the first of regular weekly talks happening
at the Cowley Club bookshop, 12 London Rd., Brighton (opp. Somerfield
supermarket) 6-7.30 pm
- A Tale of Two Villages meeting this Saturday
(1st) Listen to peoples experiences helping with the Palestinian
olive harvest and their time with a family whose house was scheduled
for demolition by Israel. Community Base, Church Road 4.30pm
- What Future for Palestine: Road Map or Apartheid? Public
meeting next Saturday (8) 1-5 pm, Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton
- Mad Pride punk bonanza weekend at Sanctuary Cafe, Brunswick
St, Hove Fri/Sat and Sunday 7pm. Entry £4/3 conc
- From Bolivia to Chiapas, the indigenous peoples of Central
and South America are in the front line of the global resistance
to capitalism. But why? Talk at The Downview pub, opp West
Worthing station next Tuesday (4) 7.45pm
West Papua Side Story
If you paid 15% of the MODs budget youd expect a little
bit of I scratch your back, you scratch mine. The worlds
largest mining company, Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ), a company whose primary
concern is bringing global Nirvana through capitalism, has been
scratching the back of the Indonesian military to the tune of 15%
of its budget. Coincidence - the area around RTZs most important
mine in West Papua is highly militarized. Also coincidence that
there have been hundreds of substantiated and thousands more unsubstantiated
instances of murder, torture, false imprisonment, kidnapping by
the hired militia not to mention massive environmental genocide.
Thanks to the efforts of NGOs and activists negative publicity is
having an impact on Rios presence in Indonesia.
The Grasberg mine in Irian Jaya province is vital to RTZ, yielding
1 million ounces of gold and 255,500 tons of copper. Grasberg has
the largest gold deposit in the world yet RTZ has begun a partial
pullout. In October it announced the sale of its half share in the
Kaltim Prima coalmine and already sold its biggest primary gold
Grasberg has not been good for RTZ. So annoying when the natives
get restless! Who wouldnt get noisy after so many rapes, tortures
and landslides? The environmental damage of the areas previously
unspoilt wilderness also got the company bad press. 110,000 tons
of highly toxic waste is discharged daily into the local river.
The Lorentz National Park, a World Heritage site, has been contaminated.
Same happened to the 10km sea-bed. In May 2000 discharge was washed
into Lake Wanagon, sending a wave of rocks, sludge and water cascading
on the village below, killing four people. This seems to be a regular
scenario. Those not killed in landslides, bumped off or tortured
by the military often suffer copper poisoning. The natives, in fact
all those not working for RTZ, desperately want them to stop exploiting
and poisoning the area. One of the Papuan tribeswomen, Mama Yosepha,
prosaically told goldmine Freeport-McMoran CEO, Jim Bob Moffett(!),
You suck my blood until it is all drained and I remain only
bones without flesh.
In May Yosepha, after being imprisoned and tortured and taking
legal action against Freeport, was due to address shareholders at
the companys London AGM. It must be a coincidence that she
was turned back at the last minute by Indonesian airport security
officials. Since then, some Papuan students have gone on hunger
strike. Last Friday there were simultaneous protests, outside RTZs
London office and in Jakarta outside PT Freeport Indonesia. The
demands of the protesters include the cutting of Freeports
military subsidies and demilitarisation around the mine. As one
West-Papuan activist leader said The Freeport operation should
be shut down
St Agnes Place Under Eviction
Urgent call for people to help fight evictions at St. Agnes Place
- one of the last squatted streets in the Lambeth borough of London,
which has been going for 28 years! Lambeth council called off evictions
of 14 dwellings last Friday when they saw the resistance, but are
due to return on Friday 31st Oct (today). More people are needed
down there straight away!!! This multi-ethnic community must be
SchNEWS in Brief
- Last Thursday five people from the Faslane Peace Camp
blockaded the gate at the naval base for 4 hours. They were taken
into the MoD Plod lockup, one escaped, setting off
the intruder alarms. Faslane is home to Britains weapons
of mass destruction the Trident submarines. The peace camp
want more people to come and stay and check out the swish new
caravans on site. 01436 820901
- 500 civilian weapons inspectors were arrested last Saturday
trying to break into Natos HQ in Belgium. 55 protestors
managed to enter the compound despite 2,200 police!
- Glenys Thomas and Lilian Boden, both in their
70s, tied themselves to railings to prevent contractors felling
trees at a St Catherines Rectory, in Wales. More than 60
residents joined in a 24-hour vigil to protect the site and Cardiff
council joined in, giving the trees 6-months temporary protection
- Interested in joining a new London Earth First! group
meeting this Monday (3rd) Freedom Bookshop 84B Whitechapel
High Street (entrance down Angel Alley) London E1 7pm 07751 432
- On the 4th at the Freedom Bookshop join the discussion
about the differences between anarchism and marxism 7.30pm
- SchNEWS has printed up some groovy new stickers
to help you spread the word. If youd like some send us an
SAE to the usual address AND Weve also just got some new
t-shirts done theyre £10 long sleeve £8
short sleeve
- Come and listen to journalist John Pilger and Jorge
Viana from La Paz, Bolivia talk about Stopping the
Project for a New American Century at Conway Hall, Red Lion
Square WC1 (Holborn tube) on Monday (3rd) 6.30 pm £4 / £2
- Check out Pilgers new film Breaking the
Silence - Truth and Lies in the War on Terror at an
anti war double bill next Saturday (8) at the Edinburgh filmhouse.
Also showing Old enough to know better about the school
protests. Starts 12.30pm to book tickets 0131 228 2688
- There is a demonstration on the 31st in Madrid against
the governments repression of social movements and
out of solidarity with the ongoing court case around the arrests
at the 1997 eviction of La Guindalera, a squatted social
centre. 150 were detained at the eviction with fifty still facing
charges - all based on police evidence - and some are facing large
fines and/or 4-6 year prison sentences. The local government power
in Madrid have been cracking down on squats lately, with four
squats being evicted in September. YA BASTA!
...and finally...
Weve all heard of Buy Nothing Day, held on the last
Friday of November. On this day people are encouraged to not participate
in the capitalist system by not purchasing anything on that particular
day. Well, a bunch of anarchos from Montreal, have gone one step
further by holding a Steal Something Day which promises to be much
more fun. As they say on their website Get some friends together
and go on a shoplifting spree at the local supermarket or upscale
mall. Get a credit card under a fake name and dont pay. Keep
what you can use and give away everything else in the spirit of
mutual aid that is the hallmark of Steal Something Day. As
property is theft were just going for Borrow Anything Day
and then forget to give it back. For info rip-off
SchNEWS warns all bushwhackers that kind of trick is a real treat.
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £1.70 p&p
- SchNEWS Round
issues 51 - 100 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues 101 - 150 £3.70 inc. postage.
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £3.70 inc. postage
- The SchQUALL
book at only £6 + £1.70 p&p.
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 + £1.70 p&p. You
can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the
ISBN 09529748 4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
The World issues 301 - 350. 300
more pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £7
+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop
or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
In the UK you
can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS
of the World for just £15 inc p&p.
(US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
If you can help distribute the new book by taking a few boxes
from Brighton or East London round the country, call the office
and ask for John, Thanks.
In addition
to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription,
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Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913
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