This Time Last Year
394, 28th February, 2003
With all the hot air about deposing Saddam, we check out what the
U.S. has done for Afghanistan so far.
393, 21st February, 2003
Reports from anti-war demos around the world
392, 14th February, 2003
War mongering and anti war actions continue
391, 7th February, 2003
Star Wars
390, 7th February, 2003
Holocaust hypocrisy in the British Press.
389, 24th January, 2003
Terrorism gets blamed on refugees?
388, 17th January, 2003
Direct Action Stations
Protest - can it make a difference?
387, 10th January, 2003
Oily Drums of War
George and Tony's oily war plan rumbles on
386, Winter Solstice, 2002
Chompin' at the Bit Noam Chomsky gives his views on the 'war on terror' and North America
385, 13th December, 2002
Wide-Boys UK government struck by road-building frenzy
384, 6th December, 2002
Kissinger of Death - America assigns known terrorist to investigate
383, 29th November, 2002
Gone to the Dogs - Police still suppressing sabs while hunt thugs
get away with gbh...
382, 22nd November, 2002
Firebranded - the Fire Brigade Union were planning an eight
day strike over Neo Labours refusal to pay them a decent wage...
381, 15th November, 2002
Florence of Arabia - European Social Forum meeting in Florence -
another example of the growing movement against Bush and Blairs
war plans that is sweeping the US and Europe.
380, 8th November, 2002
Assault and Pepper - Police brutality in Brighton
379, 1st November, 2002
Putin the Boot In - Chechen rebels attack in Moscow...
378, 25th October, 2002
Tricky Treaty - the EU Nice Treaty is here bringing enlargement
and GATS - the green light to a neo-liberal Europe. Plus - Romanys under
eviction, McDonalds day, Sangatte and more...
377, 18th October, 2002
Sari Sight - why Australia isn't such an innocent bystander in the
Bali bombing. Also - Bougainville, Ukrainian nuclear protester murdered,
Sizewell and more
376, 11th October, 2002
Docu-mental - Bush's self interested, pre-emptive National Security
Strategy comes out as anti-war activity steps up. Also - Brazilian elections;
US dock strike and more...
375, 4th October, 2002
Acres And Pain - comparing the two marches in London last week -
Stop The War and Countryside Alliance. Also - cannabis cafes, polish
road protests, Stop The War actions and more...
373/4, 27th September, 2002
Weapons Of Mass Deception - what is this war all about? Oil. Plus
special report from Palestine, Stop The War listings, Unocal in Burma,
Porton Down and more...
372, 13th September, 2002
Silent But Deadly - a critical look at the US on the anniversary
of September 11. Also - Xenotransplantation, Brighton Peace Centre,
Lappersfort, Reclaim The Future and more...
371, 6th September, 2002
Summit Rotten - report from Johannesburg Earth Summit. Plus -
the new Criminal Records Bureau, latest from Chiapas, Meanwhile Gardens
and more...
370, 30th August, 2002
Apocalypse Soon - the suits are going to Johannesburg, as the
global environment goes south. Plus - GM in Africa and Dorset, Bhopal
and Union Carbide, Countryside Alliance...
369, 23rd August, 2002
Return To Sender - Bush boycotts Earth Summit in Johannesburg,
plus Indonesian villagers sue Exxon Mobil, Strasbourg No Borders camp
arrestee Ahmed Meguini and more...
368, 16th August, 2002
Gravy Plane - Snapshot of South Africa leading up to the Earth
Summit - privatisation and structural adjustments. Plus Uruguay in trouble,
UNICEF get together with McD's and more...
367, 9th August, 2002
It's A Nuke Out - the h-bomb in Hiroshima shares its anniversary
with another disaster - 12 years of sanctions in Iraq. Plus - airport
stopped in Mexico, Commonwealth Games...
366, 2nd August, 2002
Borderline Case - report of the No Border camp held in Strasbourg
19-28 July. Plus - anniversary of Genoa, free party bust-up near Bristol,
Brighton's Earthship and more...
365, 19th July, 2002
Beach Bummer Boozy Bottleneck - Fat Boy Slim has an abomination
on Brighton Beach, while local free parties get oppressed. Plus - oil
in Nigeria, AFC Wimbledon, Paraguay and more...
364, 12th July, 2002
Last Supper - Lip service to the starving at the World Food Summit,
Rome. Also - protests against Commonwealth Games in Manchester, oil
pipeline to Caspian Sea, and more
363, 5th July, 2002
Identity Crisis - Blair wants to introduce ID cards - called
Entitlement Cards. Plus - free parties this summer, death in Argentina,
Costa Rica resists neo-liberalism, and more
361/2, 27th June, 2002
Summit Outta Nuffin - preview of the Rio+10 Earth Summit in Johannesburg.
The multinationals have taken control. Plus - EU Summit in Seville,
Esso to sue Greenpeace and more...
| Friday 7th March
2003 | Issue 395
Who wants to be a millionnaire |
Cough Up | War Briefs
| Crap Arrest of the week | Peacenicked
| Inside SchNEWS
| Positive SchNEWS
| SchNEWS in brief | School's
Out Forever
| Fat GATS
| Police 'Intelligence' | ...and
We back democracy all the way. All the way, that is, up
to the point where they disagree with us. - Former US senior
State Department Official
We want to be nice to people who are nice, and good to the people
who are good to us. - Senior State Dept. Official (must be one
of Bushs speechwriters).
The US, aided and abetted by the Coalition of Easily Bought Countries
most Willing to ignore Public Opinion (thats Britain, Spain
and Bulgaria), are working round the clock to weasel the five remaining
yes votes needed from fellow UN Security Council members
to pass their second resolution.
With the Security Council split down the middle, the heat is being
turned up on Mexico, Cameroon, Guinea, Angola, Chile and Pakistan,
as the US steps up its Texas-style persuasion techniques
with economic aid carrots and big stick trade threats in order to
swing the votes their way.
A leaked US National Security Agency memo urged the gathering of information
as to the negotiating positions, alliances
and dependencies of these countries in order to give US
policy makers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US goals.
The leaders of the six fence-sitting member states have been bombarded
with personal phone calls and visits from Bush, Cheney, Blair and
their cronies, eager to impress upon them the importance of a yes
The US has already pledged to punish Germany for its treachery
by possibly withdrawing troops and military bases and ending all military
and industrial co-operation with the country. From here it doesnt
sound much like punishment, but such moves would cost the German economy
billions of euros. Theres talk in the US of punishing the French
by renaming french fries Freedom Fries, while Turkey will no longer
receive $15 billion in economic aid after its parliament refused to
allow the use of Turkish soil as a US base for war. We dont
like the way we were pushed around by the Americans, one Turkish
MP said. |
Cough Up
So, which way will the six go? And what is on offer to help them
Mexican president Vicente Fox, facing an election next year and
aware of massive public anti-war support, has already been visited
by the Spanish PM Aznar, US officials Marc Grossman and Kim Holmes,
and the Godfather himself, George Bush Snr. Mexico depends on the
US to buy 85% of its exports and is desperate to resuscitate agreements
surrounding immigration issues. Mexican diplomats have been warned
they will pay a very heavy price for non-compliance
with US policy on Iraq.
Cameroon and Guinea have no doubt been reminded of the bit in the
African Growth and Opportunity Act, under the terms of which both
countries receive US aid, that prevents them from engaging in
activities contrary to US national security or foreign policy interests.
The Guinean Ambassador to the UN, however, is reported to have said,
We are not going to sell our dignity because we need money
or material. Not my country.
Meanwhile, Angolan Ambassador Ismael Gaspar Martins is underplaying
the significance of sudden US promises to assist his war-ravaged
country: For a long time now, we have been asking for help
to rebuild our country after [27] years of [civil] war. No one is
tying the request for support [to the issue of] Iraq, but it is
all happening at the same time. Yes, an amazing co-incidence.
While we await the report-back from our undercover SchNEWS operative
in Santiago, all we can reveal about Chile is that the countrys
leaders are gagging for the US Senate to give the go-ahead
to a free trade agreement between Chile and the US, who knows a
gagging country when they see one.
And finally we come to Pakistan, which already has billions of dollars
in the hole, mainly thanks to their support of the US dropping an
orgasm of bombs on Afghanistan. Pakistan is being rewarded in other
ways too, such as being allowed to hold on to their nuclear arsenal
without signing the non-proliferation treaty, and probably being
allowed to abstain from voting on the second resolution. In the
face of growing public anti-war sentiment, Pakistani PM Jamali has
said that decisions about Iraq should be left to the Iraqi people
and asked his parliament to instead focus on domestic interests.
Jamali is scheduled to visit the US later this month, during which
time he has been invited to Houston to meet businessmen
interested in investing in Pakistan.
Still, at the end of the day, whichever way the vote goes, the US
are unlikely to back down from attacking Iraq. British Home Secretary
Jack Straws justification for war is that we must all do what
America says because otherwise, in the future, well er
to do what America says. Not that he should worry, as White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer pointed out, The vote is desirable.
It is not necessary.
War Briefs
- 17-23 March has been declared a week of direct action against
the war. Starting with a national die-in on 17th (,
0845 458 2564) and finishing with national demos at Menwith and
Fairford airbases on 22nd - Check out whats going on around
the country -
- Reclaim the Bases Direct action at a number of
military bases on the weekend of 56 April,
- On Saturday a group of civilian weapons inspectors
sprung a surprise visit on a BAE Systems munitions factory in
Glascoed, Wales, which produces everything from bullets to depleted
uranium shells. The protest was part of a campaign by Campaign
Against Arms Trade, which is planning to protest at 40 BAE sites
throughout the year. 020 7281 0297
- 150 people were arrested near Antrewepen, Belgium last
Saturday before they had even done anything. They were arrested
under a new zero tolerance policy dreamt up to prevent people
blocking trains taking American weapons to the port of Antrewepen.
- Witnesses and video evidence needed for two arrests at Brighton
anti-war demos. Did you see someone in an orange fluoro jacket
getting nicked on the 14th Feb demo at about 5pm, Western Road,
or the 1st March demo at 4.30pm? Contact Teresa Blades at Kellys
Solicitors 01273 608311
Peace marches next Saturday (15th):
- Lewes, meet at County Hall, 10.30am 01273 473912
- Leeds, 12 noon, Leeds Town Hall Art Gallery 0773 488
- York, 12 noon Cliffords Tower, City Centre
- Hertford, 11am Railway St,
- Portsmouth 2 pm outside St Marys Church - corner
of Fratton Rd & St Marys Rd, then to the naval dockyard.
02392 818849
- Foil the Base at Star Peace Camp Fylingdales. A169, North
Yorkshire Moors, bring foil, foil balloons, etc. 01287 660067
Crap Arrest of the Week
For cycling
Reza Baluchi, a superfit Iranian who cycled 46,000 miles through
54 countries to spread the message of peace, hit trouble when he
got lost near the Mexican/US border and pitched his tent on the
wrong side. He was arrested by US border guards for being an illegal
immigrant and was sent to an Arizona detention centre for nearly
four months. An American judge has now granted Baluchis application
for asylum in the States, but has also ruled that he be forced to
remain at the detention facility while immigration authorities decide
whether or not to appeal the case, a process which could take several
more months. Welcome to America, Reza
** As SchNEWS goes to press we have had multiple
reports that the B-52s at Fairford are being armed as we type.
As US B-52 bombers begin arriving at the Fairford airbase in Gloucestershire,
security at the base is being stepped up. USAF security police have
now tried to recruit plane spotters in their fight against evil
peaceniks. The base has put out a memo asking for spotters to contact
them if they see any protesters in the area. But as veteran peace
campaigner Lindis Percy proved, security is still very lax once
you get inside the base. After scaling the fences on Monday, Lindis
managed to spend two hours roaming around the base and two hours
under the wing of a B-52 before being arrested for criminal damage.
If youd like to help keep the USAF Security police busy, call
them on 07740 609705 or 07876 148170.
Protesters are now maintaining a 24 hr peace watch at Gate 10 of
the Fairford airbase, 5 minutes away from the permanent peace camp.
More people are needed to stay at the camp, which is now located
behind the very welcoming pub in Kempsford village.
Theres also a big demo on the 22nd March (meet noon at the
junction of High St/Park St., Fairford) Camp mobiles 07905 131020
or 07947 614941
* This weekend (8th & 9th) Picnic for Peace, meet High St/Park
St., Fairford Village, noon, for a walk to Gate 10 to support the
peace watch vigil.
* Transport to the demo on the 22nd is being organised from across
the country:
Tickets for coaches from Brighton available from Community Base
reception, Queens Road, and the Cowley Club, London Road £8/6
* Lindis Percy and Anni Rainbow are at Harrogate Magistrates
Court next Monday (10th) 10am for a five day court case after being
nicked for aggravated trespass at Menwith Hill spy station.
Support appreciated 01943 466405
* Police have begun to use Section 60 powers to stop and search
protesters at Fairford. A Section 60 gives uniformed police the
power to cordon a group of people, search for supposed weapons,
and confiscate items that conceal your identity (masks, balaclavas,
etc.) If you are stopped under s60, ask who authorised it and what
locality it covers. You DO NOT have to give the police your name
and address or answer any other questions. If asked anything, its
always advisable to answer NO COMMENT to all questions. They cannot
use force to take your photo. And if they do search you (which unfortunately
s60 gives them the power to do), ask the officer for their name,
number and station. If they dont give it to you, the search
will be illegal. Full details:
Inside SchNEWS
Long time peace activist TJ Hart has been given the maximum
possible sentence for cutting a hole in the fence at RAF Fylingdales,
North Yorkshire. Shell be banged up for two months, so send
letters of support to her at: TJ Hart, HMP Low Newton, Brasside,
Durham. DH1 3YA
Positive SchNEWS
Its Fairtrade Fortnight starting this week with over four
thousand events going on around the country. You can go along to
tasting parties and stalls and check out coffee and chocolate produced
by farmers from the majority world who arent being ripped
off for their produce. For a full listing of events at 020 7405
SchNEWS in brief
- Next week (12th) is the start of the Human Rights Watch
film festival at the Ritzy Cinema, Brixton, London. Films include
the UK premiere of Women in Black, which follows a
group of women as they travel to the West Bank to form a human
shield around Palestinian civilians. Showings on the 15th,16th
and 19th. Full listing
or call the Ritzy on 0207 733 2229
- London No Borders video night - videos about the Strasbourg
No Border camp, the Publix Theatre Caravan, and video hacktivism
against the Schengen Information System. At LARC, 62 Fieldgate
St., London E1. Tue 18th, 7.30pm.
- War on Wants Annual Conference, next Sat (15) speakers
include Mary Robinson and Jeremy Hardy. University of Westminster,
New Cavendish, London W1. Bookings 020 762011111
- Not content with getting away with killing 20,000 people in
the worlds biggest chemical disaster, Union Carbide
(formerly Dow Chemicals) is now suing protesters who shut down
their factory last year on the 18th anniversary of the disaster.
The company is looking for compensation of $10,000 for the loss
of two hours work.
- There are a number of court cases coming up soon for people
whove been caught at GM actions. Defendants are asking
for support AND help with any costs. The dates are 12 March at
Warrington Magistrates Court, Lancashire, Info 07762 098393. 18
March at Cupar Sheriff Court in Fife, 01382 543000, and 31 March-3
April at Chester Crown Court. Info on any of these from GEN 0845
456 9327
- Events happening for International Womens Day this
Saturday (8) include an anti-war march in London. Meet 11.30am,
Parliament Square. There will also be a demo in Camden against
the notorious strip club, The Spearmint Rhino. Meet outside Spearmint
Rhino, 161 Tottenham Court Road (nearest Tube: Warren Street)
at noon. 0207 8407113
In Ireland, there will be an anti-war demo at Shannon airport
outside of Dublin. Meet 2:30pm. Contact:
In Glasgow, theres a three day Frock On! festival chock
full of feminism, anarchism, and punk rock! 078 1294 3410
Last Saturday was the 41st day that Guatemalas teachers have
been out on strike. Fed up with being ignored and told by the government
that all 80,000 of them would be sacked if they didnt return
to work, the teachers decided to turn to direct action. Government
buildings (including the Ministry of Education) were occupied, major
highways were brought to a halt by Reclaim the Streets style protests,
and several important ports were blockaded. The teachers are demanding
more pay and more money for the education system
The proportion of the budget that the Guatemalan government spends
on education is tiny compared to most countries in Latin America.
Even those serial misers, the International Monetary Fund, have
told the government to increase its budgets for education and health! (Spanish)
* Thousands of children in the UK bunked off school to join student
protests against the war on Wednesday. Over a hundred children gathered
outside Downing Street, whilst similar protests happened all over
the world. One said, Tony Blair obviously does not think Iraqi
children are too young to be bombed, so how can we be too young
to protest?
Last week GATS fat-cats were gutted when their most top-secret
documents got leaked and published on the web (nice one Polaris
Institute). The papers instantly exposed the true nature of the
EUs GATS agenda (see SchNEWS 286) for the next negotiating
round: Nothing less than a global takeover of essential services
(most notably water) by EU-based transnationals.
The EU - with the full co-operation of the UK government (who have
repeatedly given reassurances that water would be excluded from
World Trade Organisation agreements) - is targeting state and not-for-profit
service provision in the developing world as its new golden goose.
The EU has sent requests to 109 (mostly developing)
WTO member countries demanding trade access to water, energy, transport,
telecommunications and news services. In some cases, they are targeting
countries where European companies have already been booted out
by government or public protest.
Each of the 109 requests is a strictly classified document
with a warning attached: Member States are requested to ensure
that this text is not made publicly available and is treated as
a restricted document. The general public was never supposed
to know that public services were being traded away in secret negotiations until
all the deals had been cut. The deadline for compliance with the
requests- sorry, agreements - is 31st March 2003. GATSwatch are
organising a national day of action on 13th March. To find out whats
happening in your area 0800 328 2153
Read the leaked documents:
Police Intelligence
On Wednesday, a big pile of steaming horse manure was dumped on
the steps of Neo-Labours party offices in London to symbolise
the US/UK 2nd resolution for the Iraq war. As one protester said,
"Ill be surprised if anybody notices, as it always smells
of shit around the Labour Party." Next, the cheeky muck spreaders
poured fake blood over the steps of the QE2 Conference Centre, where
there was a meeting of the Defence Equipment Services Organisation,
(those nasty people who promote arms sales abroad). Two people were
arrested for criminal damage, but the paranoid police (who didnt
get the joke) were only interested to know if the blood
was toxic! And as if any more proof were needed that the police
cant tell their arse from their elbow
SchNEWS has learned
of a man who, by sending a packet of rice to Jack Straw, managed
to cause a major terror scare in the Foreign Secretarys office.
The office had to be closed for three hours until special police
intelligence was brought in to work out the difference between a
grain of rice and the nerve toxin, ricin!
...and finally...
The popular comic Dandy was recently cleared from the
shelves at Birmingham International Airport because it posed a menacing
terrorist threat! The most recent issue of the magazine was deemed
unacceptable because of a free toy gun that was being given away
on the cover. The plastic toy, which punches out a clenched fist,
was attached to thousands of copies of that weeks issue, leading
the airports expert security personnel to fear it might be
used to hijack a plane. A spokesman for the magazines publishers
said, It might be a bit irritating if a kid fired it at your
head over and over, but I dont think a terrorist would get
very far if he tried to hijack a plane with a free toy from Dandy.
SchNEWS warns all squeeze and tease politicians to grease the palm
first. Honest
SchNEWS Annuals
SchNEWS Round
issues 51-100 - nearly sold out - £5
SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 going for £3!!
SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more
- also at £3
The SchQUALL book - almost sold out - at only £7
SchNEWS and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001 - bargain £5
SchNEWS Of The World issues 301 - 350. 300
pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £7 You
can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN
09529748 6X
If you can help distribute the new book by taking a few boxes from
Brighton or East London round the country, call the office and ask
for John, Thanks.
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