Jo Wilding is a peace activist monitoring the situation in Baghdad.
Here are a few excerpts from her diary: March 25th: In the end,
three people died yesterday in the farmhouse which was bombed at
Dialla, including the young wife, Nahda, who was missing in the
rubble. She, along with Zahra the eight year old daughter and her
aunt, Hana, were buried this morning. People are taken for burial
in coffins but are buried in shrouds. A pick-up truck returned to
the remains of the house with the three caskets riding in the back,
cobbled together out of small pieces of wood.
In fact, the couple had been married just one week, not three as
I wrote yesterday, and a neighbour showed us a flouncy pink invitation
to the wedding festival. Omar, the bridegroom, sat silently crying
on the floor in the hospital corridor, leaning on the wall, body
bent, head in his hands.
There was nothing which could explain the attack: nothing which
even looked like a target that, perhaps, the pilot might have been
aiming for. It made no sense. The villagers said the plane had been
circling overhead. Its pilot must have seen what was there.
March 26th: Saad Shalash Aday is another farmer from Al Mahmoodia
in South Baghdad. He had a fractured leg and multiple shrapnel wounds
including a ruptured spleen, perforated caecum, colon and small
bowel, and abdominal and leg wounds. Two of his brothers, Mohammed
and Mobden, were also injured and ten year old twin boys Ahmed and
Daha Assan were killed in the same house when a bomb exploded two
or three metres from the building. The doctor, Dr Ahmed Abdullah,
said two other men were killed in the same attack around 6pm yesterday
(Tuesday): Kherifa Mohammed Jebur, a 35 year old farmer, and another
man whose name nobody present knew. Is this democracy?
the men demanded to know, gathered by Saads bed. Is
this what America is bringing to Iraq?
Dr Ahmed is Syrian but has lived and worked 27 years in Iraq. He
wasnt working yesterday but estimated about 30 casualties
came into Al Yarmouk hospital. Thats just one hospital and
yesterday was a fairly light day of bombing. . It makes no sense
for me to speculate about the plans and intentions of the US/UK
military, because I dont know, but several incidents of attacks
on farms have been reported to us.
Diary in full at: www.bristolfoe.org.uk/wildfire/iraq/index.htm
Crap Arrest of the Week
For dressing up as a bunny!
Children in New York were distressed to see the Easter Bunny being
taken away in handcuffs from outside the local K-Mart last week.
The bunny was protesting about the shop replacing the traditional
chocolate Easter bunny in their baskets with candy toy soldiers
armed with machine guns and rifles. For her trouble, she was nicked
for trespassing.
Island Gridlock
Last Thursday people woke up and heard the bombs
had started falling on Iraq. Thousands bunked off work and school
and took to the streets from Dundee to Brighton, and all points
in between...
In Worthing a few hundred blocked roads and occupied McDonalds.
In Tory toy town Saffron Walden, once host to the Levellers
rebellion, people re-discovered their roots and staged a protest
in the town centre. In Rochester, protesters brought traffic
on the A2 near Rochester Bridge to a standstill with a demonstration
and sit down protest. In Cambridge 400 people sat down in
the city centre bringing traffic to a halt for six hours. The nearby
Army Recruitment Centre was shut down for the day following an occupation
by 35 people. Aggressive Cambridge police (one had to be restrained
by a colleague) arrested 22 people, some as young as 14. Schoolkids
in Lancaster shut down the city for five hours and occupied
the town hall. Thousands caused gridlock in Bristol and surged
through police lines to close the M32. Many cities were closed down
by thousands: Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Glasgow,
Edinburgh, Swansea, Cardiff, Barnsley, Little Nothington
list goes on.
Unusual Business
We all know about the 200,000 people who turned out to march through
central London on Saturday, but what were not told about are
the numerous small groups, like the 300 protesters who gathered
in Bangor, Wales, to mark the end of a 24 hour rally. At the US
spy base at Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, a thousand people took
part in a Foil the Base demonstration. Attempting to
disrupt satellite signal receivers by having as much foil in the
air as possible, people came dressed in glitter wigs and silver
body paint while decorating police vans with tinfoil, fake blood
and No War signs, then deflating the tyres for good measure. There
were 11 arrests, but all but two were released without charge. One
of the two, Christine Reid of CAAB, was charged with criminal damage
for writing a peace message on a barrier at the main gate and adding
the word War to a traffic Stop sign.
And this week the protests continued. On Monday, 7 people blocked
the runway at RAF Valley, Anglesey for four hours by chaining themselves
to drag nets, preventing Hawk fighter jets from taking off and training
pilots for the war. More people blockaded and chained shut the main
gate. Fortunately, there were no arrests. At RAF Welford in Berkshire
on Tuesday, 4 activists locked themselves to a car and then to each
other, successfully preventing a convoy from transporting bombs
to RAF Fairford. In the early hours of Wednesday morning, a man
climbed to the top of Hulme Bridge in central Manchester and fixed
a No War banner to it. He stayed up there for around
8 hours, during which time the bridge, a busy road, had to remain
closed. He eventually climbed down, leaving his banner behind, and
was arrested for placing items above a carriageway and causing
danger to road users. For the latest on protests see: www.indymedia.org.uk
A few selected highlights of upcoming events and demonstrations
planned for the coming weekend and onwards are: Saturday (29)
London Various stop the city actions. Meet noon outside London
School of Economics, Houghton St, off Kingsway, (Holborn tube) Wandsworth
Stop The War will be meeting at 11.30am, Clapham South Tube Station
& head for Brixton Ritzy for 1pm to join a South London protest.
Edinburgh, 1pm, assemble Waterloo Place, Manchester, 1pm,
meet Heywood St. Cheetham Hill or Platt Fields, Wilmslow Rd, York,
Block & Awe disruption in city centre (blockandawe@hotmail.com),
Swansea, noon, protest in Castle Square, Chatham, noon, Riverside
to Rochester Castle** Sunday (30) - London, 1pm, picnic in
Parliament Square, Stourbridge, 1.30pm, Balloons not Bombs,
picnic area, Mary Stevens Park ** Monday (31) Blackpool,
6pm, assemble opposite Winter Gardens ** April 5-6 Reclaim the
Bases Lots of actions across the country. To find out where
World Opinion
There may still be two superpowers on the planet: the
United States and world public opinion. - New York Times,
February 2003.
Actions against the war happened all over the globe as soon as America
started dropping its humanitarian bombs. Heres a small selection
of some of the highlights
* Since war started there have been almost continuous protests in
San Francisco. The scale of the protests have been met by
the scale of the policing operation and harassment, with over 2000
arrests, mostly for failure to disperse and highway obstruction.
The punishment for this heinous offence was being pushed about,
dragged around by your hair, and arrested by 12 riot cops at a time.
The whole of SF was shut down for 16 hours last Thursday - rather
than having one mass march there were many different mobile groups.
The mobility of the protests was what proved most effective in shutting
down the city - blocking intersections, occupying buildings and
performing hit and run actions on corporate targets kept the cops
out-manoeuvred and overstretched all day. Police response was also
hampered as many cop cars had windows smashed and tyres slashed
to limit their movement. http://sf.indymedia.org/
* The award for the nicest protest award goes to a group of women
who held a knit-in under the banner Crafty Bitches, Knitting
for Peace.
* Last Saturday a quarter million people marched through New
York city centre, while in Chicago over 10,000 people
gathered. There were over 800 arrests when the authorities refused
to allow protesters to return to the convergence point and penned
hundreds who wished to leave. Who were then arrested for not leaving!
* In Göteborg, Sweden, over 40,000 people marched through
the city on Saturday and on Sunday there was street theatre in the
shopping centre. http://sweden.indymedia.org
* In Spain thousands took to the streets in opposition to
Prime Minister Asnars support of the war. In Madrid
a breakaway protest went to demonstrate in front of the US Embassy
- the police charged en-masse into the crowd to break it up.
* In the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana, protesters gathered
at 2am in front of the US Embassy as soon as the bombing had started.
A presence was maintained until the main demo at 4pm, when a crowd
1500 strong tried to storm the embassy but were driven back by riot
* If you thought British or American cops were nasty, just be thankful
that they dont carry mp5 submachine guns, AK47s or possess
tanks, which is what greeted anti-war protesters in Istanbul, Turkey.
Despite such massive police presence, protesters closed down the
streets for a few hours, with no injuries or major arrests.
* The Danish PM was covered with red paint, just after hed
given a speech offering support for George W. Bush.
* In Athens, the up-for-it Greek Anarchists were joined by
lots of unruly schoolkids. Together they un-renovated
a recently restored posh hotel. The embassies of pro-war countries
(Italy, Portugal, Britain) also got redecorated with stones
and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was toasted with Molotov cocktails.
Most anger was saved for the US embassy, where there was a fierce
battle with the Greek police using chemical weapons (tear gas) to
disperse the crowd. One report said that the gas near the embassy
was so suffocating that a pigeon flying above fell dead. Just yer
typical Athens demo! www.geocities.com/anar_gr/english.htm
* In South Africa, schoolkids led the protests in Cape
Town and were joined by workers from factories. The US consulate
has seen a continuous picket outside it since the war started, with
at least 50 people always maintaining a presence.
* In Pakistan, Karachi University was occupied when students
and teachers went on strike. Six protesters and 12 police were injured
in Calcutta, India, when 1000 people tried to storm the US
cultural centre. Thousands of workers took the day off work in Delhi
to demand the government oppose the war.
*In Yemen, three protesters and a policeman were killed when
a riot broke out after police tried to disperse an unauthorised
demo which was approaching the US Embassy.
* In Cairo, Egypt, a group of 5000 was dispersed by the police
spraying blue soapy water! In eleven other Egyptian cities there
were large demos and strikes. *Five different demonstrations happened
in Lebanon where protesters were repelled by water cannons when
they charged the British Embassy.
* In Jordan there was a ban on pro-Iraq demonstrations and
a gathering outside a Mosque was broken-up by a police baton charge.
Journalists were also attacked and had cameras confiscated. The
next day protesters attacked police with stones, who responded with
tear gas.
* In the Philippines, spontaneous and organised protests
have occurred before and after the war started. 10,000 people protested
in front of the US Embassy in Manila on March 22. Two days
before, the Embassy had been pelted with red paint bombs.
* In Melbourne, 30,000 people held an emergency demo,
shutting down the city centre with a simulated air-raid siren reminding
residents of the realities of what it must be like in Baghdad. Later,
500 people marched to the US Consulate which was pelted with paint
* In Perth, 2000 workers downed tools and walked off their
construction sites to join the protests against the war. Schoolkids
walked out and there was a sit-in in front of the US consulate where
a rally was held before police got fed-up with the situation and
dispersed everyone, arresting 11.
* In Sydney, 20,000 took to the streets in the pouring rain
and the New South Wales premier had his car paint bombed. On Sunday,
50,000 took to the streets.
* The Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, had to leave his house
by the back when Greenpeace activists chained themselves to his
gates last Wednesday and blockaded a major road in the capital.
* In New Zealand, 600 marched to the US Consulate in Wellington,
where ribbons and photos of Iraqis were laid at the gates. Some
candles were lit and one accidentally lit the ribbons and photographs.
Ooops! There were bigger protests with 4,000 on Saturday. One police
photographer suffered cholesterol damage when he was hit by an egg.
When two brutal regimes clash, they always need as much human cannon
fodder as possible. Saddams policy is to keep his loyal Republican
Guards close to him, to protect him from the US/UK invaders. While
he puts poorly-equipped conscripts as cannon fodder to face US/UK
forces in the desert, and threatens them with torture of their families
should they desert the frontlines. The US has a different arm-twisting
technique to dangle offers of skills training, free college
education and health care in the faces of poor Americans in order
to get them to sign up to whatever crazy cowboy scheme Bush comes
up with. The sad result is a disproportionate number of people
of colour on the US frontlines in the Gulf. During the first
Gulf War, over 50 percent of front-line troops were non-white, although
people of colour only make up around 10 percent of the overall population.
Over 30 percent of US troops are non-white but they make up only
12 percent of officers.
When recent studies showed a dip in young African-Americans
interest in becoming patriotic cannon fodder, the Pentagon schemed
up a flashy new Spanish ad campaign targeting Latino youth. But
all the promises of adventure, and career
are as empty as the thing between George Bushs ears. Most
recruits never get any college funding from the military and only
a small amount graduate. To top it all off, the skills you learn
in the military are geared towards military jobs, not civilian careers;
so when you finally leave after years of blind discipline, many
employers may tell you to go back to school and get some proper
training. As vice-president Dick Cheney smugly put it, The
reason to have a military is to be prepared to fight and win wars...its
not a jobs program. So the US military cant guarantee
that youll get educated or that youll even be alive
at the end of your eight-year commitment. They cant even promise
you wont be desperately ill from one of many mystery
illnesses like those of the Vietnam and Gulf wars. What they
can promise is a series of absurd conflicts, all aimed at lining
the White Houses pockets and often placing the soldiers in
extreme health risk. Whether its atomic testing in the 1950s
, Agent Orange during the war against Vietnam or exposure to depleted
uranium in Gulf War I the US military excels in using its soldiers
as guinea pigs and then covering up any supposed side effects.
The big hush hush at the moment is the disastrous effects of Gulf
War Syndrome.
Gulf War II has proved to be not too dissimilar from the first Gulf
War. The US frontlines are filled with stupendous amounts of cannon
fodder of colour. As coalition casualties pile up, the human
faces of the US military machine are revealed. The dead US Marine,
Kendall Waters-Bey, comes to mind. His irate father appeared on
CNN berating George Bush and saying the only reason his son had
joined the Marines was to escape the streets and be able to provide
for his son. Kendalls sister Nakia also hit out This
wars all about oil and money. (Bush) ought to send his own
daughters over there to fight.
See www.objector.org, www.afsc.org
War Briefs
- If you want some interesting new anti-war posters check
out www.uhc-collective.org.uk/
- Media Storm Shelter everyday at the London Action Resource
Centre (LARC) with a café and open access radio - where
the war media gets torn to pieces. Broadcast across London on
Resonance 104.4 FM, online at http://freeteam.nl:8000/uknowar
11am-12pm. LARC is open daily 10:00am till 10:00pm, 62 Fieldgate
St E1 (Whitechapel Tube) 020 73779088.
- Salt in the Wound an anti-war single featuring
Jello Biafra and Conflict is out this week. If you fancy seeing
Conflict on Top of the Pops, why not get yer hands on a copy.
- If you get arrested at a military base, you could use the defence
that you are upholding international law. http://osstw.lautre.net/article.php3?id_article=30
Scare Force
Before last Saturday, SchNEWS hacks thought that going for a peaceful
walk in the Cotswolds was about as law-abiding as you could get.
How wrong we were! Despite it being a day of brilliant sunshine,
the long arm of the state hung a dark cloud over the national day
of action at USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.
From the minute they arrived in Fairford, the 4,000 strong crowd
was surrounded by layers of riot cops on horses, men with dogs,
RAF police, US security police and bog-standard military police
- armed with guns, batons and other maiming weapons - plus razor
wire all arranged to protect B-52 bombers being loaded with cruise
missiles. Police snatch squads darted into the crowd, grabbing a
few people who were wearing white overalls and arresting four people.
Police evidence gatherers filmed peaceniks as they strolled down
country lanes, while other coppers had a go at people for sitting
on a town green and threatened them with arrest for deviating
from the agreed march. Some coppers even refused to let children
put flowers by a fence.
Three coaches driving up from London were turned back before they
even reached Fairford. A would-be peace protester explains, The
police called in 4 police forces specifically to stop us. There
were about 200 officers involved. We were searched and filmed when
we got to within 10 miles of Fairford. We were then escorted back
to London by a helicopter, 3 police vans, and 6 motorcycles, an
escort which changed in each county! Police searched people
and vehicles for offensive weapons under Section 60
of the Criminal Justice Act, but the only things they found worth
confiscating were headscarves and body padding. Among the passengers
was the 64-year old aunt of one of those killed in New York on September
11th. Over the past weeks hundreds of people have been stopped and
searched in the Fairford area by police using powers under the 2000
Terrorism Act. For legal info see www.gwi.org.uk
*Sam Grafton and Joss Garman were arrested inside Fairford on Wednesday
night by a Texan with a machine gun. Theyre being
held on remand under various conspiracy and criminal damage charges.
Theyve been told that because deadly force has been authorised
in the area, it is for their own protection that they are being
held! Contact: 07773 1552657.
Inside SchNEWS
As so many people are being arrested for non-violent direct action
and protests, its as important as ever to write to prisoners
and to support them in court. Here are a few people whod love
to hear from you
Toby Olditch and Phillip Pritchard - caught on USAF
Fairford property allegedly trying to damage war machinery: Toby
- JT 5132, Phillip - JT 5131, both at HMP Gloucester, Barrack Square,
Gloucester, GL1 2JN. ** Angie Zelter - Charged for trespassing
onto a US air force base near nuclear capable F-15 Strike Eagle
aircraft, contact David 01508-550446. ** Karen Fallon - charged
with criminal damage to a hanger window at Shannon Airport - Limerick
Prison c/o 210 Le Fanu Rd., Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, Ireland. **
Barbara Smedema--Disabled an American communications satellite
at the military airport of Volkel, in the Netherlands. Contact:
P.I.Ter Peel, Patersweg 4, 5977 NM Evertsoord. Netherlands. ** Arthur
Milling and Dr Margaret Jones will be in court on 23
May for cutting their way into Fairford and causing £50,000
of damage to B52 support vehicles two weeks ago. Contact: media@tridentploughshares.org.
**Other peace prisoner info: www.peacenews.info.
For Legal info check out www.gwi.org.uk/legal.htm
A week before war started, twenty anti-war activists disrupted
trading for 2 hours at Londons International Petroleum Exchange
(IPE), Europes major centre for trading in futures contracts
for crude oil. They highlighted the obvious links between war in
Iraq and the wests compulsive oil habit. Sandra Reid, a member
of the direct action group Infernal Petroleum Experience said: Oil
courses through the veins of the capitalist system, turbocharging
its destructive impacts. We are taking direct action to stick a
well placed spanner in the war machine.
Despite being set upon by traders, the protesters were able to unplug
telephones and computers and bring trading to a standstill. Two
people managed to barricade themselves into an office for 40 minutes
until they were dragged out by police.
Repeated claims by politicians that the war in Iraq has nothing
to do with oil are contradicted by the desperate volley of leaflets
that continue to rain down on Iraq, reminding its citizens that:
If the oil industry is destroyed, your livelihood will be
RUINED!, and by Bushs desperate pleas to the Iraqi people
not to set fire to their oil wells.
Earlier this month, 60 anti-war student protesters, many of them
dressed in tiger suits, invaded the grounds of ESSOs UK HQ.
A 12 foot wooden model of an oil tanker bearing the slogan ESSOs
Going Down was dumped in the company pond. This followed actions
in February in which activists shut down the power to pumps and
locked petrol nozzles together at 119 ESSO stations across the UK.Further
info from www.stopesso.com
0870 010 9510
* A Methodist minister and two grannies dressed in mourning garb
were arrested on Tuesday night during a 30-strong peace demonstration
at an ESSO petrol station in Exmouth. One of the women, Mo Mooney,
an ex-Wren said: I served my country for many years and as
far as Im concerned Im serving it now. They were
bailed to return to Exmouth police station next month.
* March to the End of the World this Saturday (29), to mark
the second anniversary of Bushs dumping of the Kyoto agreement
on Climate Change. The 20 mile march starts at Esso HQ in Surrey
and ends at the US Embassy in London, but you can join it along
the way. Contact: www.campaignagainstclimatechange.net
020 8855-3327.
* Behind the Propaganda deconstructing BP. Talk about
BPs dirty tricks and human rights abuses around the world,
speakers from West Papua and Colombia, 31st March, 7pm, Cowley Club,
London Road, Brighton.
* On April 24th join the Carnival Against Oil Wars & Climate
Chaos as they greet BPs annual general meeting at the
Royal Festival Hall in London. 01865 241097 www.burningplanet.net
SchNEWS in Brief
- The Court of Appeal has upheld a High Court Ruling that Section
55 of the Immigration and Asylum Act is illegal. Section 55
was set to withdraw all financial support to asylum seekers who
didnt immediately apply for asylum on arrival in the UK.
Because of the finding, asylum seekers can now continue to look
forward to a massive 70% of the dole, but this may be short-lived
as David Blunkett has vowed to make changes to Section 55 in order
to make it legal. www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
- While war hysteria continues, the state is continuing to further
erode our rights. In the latest Criminal Justice Bill making
its way through Parliament are proposals to give police
powers to take fingerprints and DNA from anyone who is arrested
regardless of whether theyre charged or not.
- Stuff the War! The SchNEWS mailout will bite the dust
if we dont more help, if youve got a couple of hours
spare on Friday afternoon to help out in the office then get in
touch with us.
Striking school children, some as young as 11 and 12, brought Brighton
City Centre to a halt last Thursday in protest over the British
and American invasion of Iraq. Taking to the streets with chants
of No War, One, two, three, four, Tony Blair is
Bushs whore, and other brilliantly unprintable slogans,
the students blocked roads in the city centre for nearly four hours,
telling perturbed motorists to Turn off your engines, you
aint goin nowhere. Cynical, disillusioned Brighton
activists were spotted in the area, wandering in a haze of shock,
awe and respect, gobsmacked by people half their age with twice
as much energy and imagination. I was just about to trade
in my Palestinian scarf and trendy body jewellery for a thankless
call centre job, said one old, formerly disenchanted 23-year-old
in a faded Che Guevara t-shirt. But today has convinced me
that the revolution may still be possible!
Meanwhile, one group of school kids (pursued by rabid Socialist
Workers Party paper-sellers) broke off from the main march
and paid a visit to the local American Express building. The pledge
of allegiance was not said, the star spangled banner was not played,
but nonetheless, the American flag became the centre of attention
for much of the crowd, who decided the old stars and stripes were
in need of a drastic makeover. An upstanding, tax-paying, Daily
Mail-reading bystander who was later quoted in the Argus, described
the event as sickening and depraved, but a nearby American reckoned
it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
Earlier in the day, in an important lesson on free speech, teachers
and heads around the city locked many young pupils into their schools,
desperate to keep them from expressing an opinion. Pupils at Blatchington
Mill, Cardinal Newman, Dorothy Stringer, Varndean, and Patcham were
threatened with suspension, expulsion, and extra citizenship classes
(to teach them the real meaning of democracy and blind obedience)
if they left school to participate in protests. In some cases, pupils
even faced locked gates and the harrowing spectre of future visits
from local blood-thristy pro-war MPs. But in a series of daring
walk-outs and escapes, hundreds of locked-down school kids still
managed to join the protests in the town centre.
SchNEWS were on the scene at Blatchington Mill when, at 11am, a
brave group of around 50 students walked out of school past barely-opened
iron gates and a grimly frowning headmaster. (Readers may remember
Blatchs open-minded head, one Mr. Neil Hunter, when he referred
to pupils that had staged a spontaneous anti-war demo a few weeks
ago as mindless idiots. Since the spontaneous walk-out,
six Blatch kids have been excluded and the always wanting
to show both sides of the argument Mr. Hunter has invited
the local pro-war MP, Ivor Caplin, to come and spew pro-war propaganda
at the school.) After leaving Blatchington, the triumphant procession
of Blatch kids met up with nearly 200 other excited and out-of-breath
pupils who had just rushed out of Cardinal Newman. Weve
just escaped, weve just escaped our school, they panted.
They tried to lock us in! Teachers had tried to lock
gates and chase anti-war escapees through the school grounds, but
many kids still managed to find a way out. As SchNEWS rounded a
corner near Cardinal Newman school, the sight that awaited was grand
indeed - 20-30 blue and grey-jumpered Newman kids pouring over an
exterior stone wall after teachers had blocked all other routes
of exit from the school.
Eventually the whole group of anti-war pupils made it safely and
soundly down to the Old Steine for a day of protest and road-blocking.
Many of the kids were still around at 5:30 the same afternoon, when
nearly 5,000 people (probably Brightons biggest ever demo)
converged on Churchill Square. Even in the evening, most of the
chants and road sit-downs were led by school kids from all over
the city.As one young protestor explained, We did it because
we wanted our voices to be heard. We were rebelling against the
Government because we feel it is rebelling against us.
* Kids in Therfield school Leatherhead who bunked off to go to an
anti war demo where given lines by the Headmaster I will not
walk out of school.
* Thousands of newly politicised school kids took part in anti-war
demonstrations all across the UK last week. For more info from the
school-uniformed frontlines in Manchester, London, and hundreds
of other cities, check out www.indymedia.org.uk
Brighton Against the War
- Schoolkids Peace Demo, Saturday 29. Come show your support
for the coolest kids ever!! Assemble Madeira Drive (by Sea Life
Centre), 11am.
- Hove Peace Demo, Saturday 29, 11.30am at Hove Peace Statue
for march to Hove Town Hall at noon.
Anti-War Gathering, every day at the War memorial, Old Steine,
- Weekly Anti-War Demo, every Friday starting today. Assemble
Churchill Sq, 5.30pm for a rally and peaceful protest.
- Public Meeting, Wed 2 April Where is the anti-war
movement going? Brighthelm Centre, 7.30-9.30pm.
- Protest At Northwood Military Hq, London, 6 April -
Transport leaves St Peters Church, Bton at 9am. £5.
Tickets will be available from Community Base, Queens Rd,
Sussex Action for Peace 01273 706820 www.safp.org.uk
Rachel Corrie RIP
Rachel Corrie, an American international peace observer
in Palestine, was run down and reversed over by Israeli digger drivers
while trying to stop them from bulldozing Palestinian houses in
Rafah. Murdered on the 16th of March, she was the first international
to be killed since the beginning of the Iraqi conflict. Rachel had
been volunteering for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM),
a Palestinian led organisation attempting to alleviate human rights
abuses in the occupied territories. As such she was a part of an
international collective, taking direct action to resist the brutality
of Israels 36 year military occupation. 600 homes have been
destroyed in Rafah since the beginning of the most recent Intifada.
On average, 3 Palestinians a day are killed in the occupied territories.
The ISM has been criticised for supporting and protecting those
involved in Palestinian violence, such as suicide bombers. But as
Rachel said in an email just before she was killed If any
of us had our lives and welfare completely strangled, lived with
children in a shrinking place where we knew, from previous experience,
that soldiers and tanks and bulldozers could come for us at any
moment and destroy all the greenhouses that we had been cultivating
for however long, and did this while some of us were being beaten
and held captive - dont you think we might try and use violent
means to protect whatever fragments remain ...The vast majority
of people here, even if they had the economic means to escape, even
if they wanted to give up resisting on their land and just leave,
cant leave ... I think this qualifies as genocide
Israels occupation of the Gaza strip and the West Bank is
totally illegal under international law (The Geneva Convention),
but there is no suggestion that theres going to be any pre-emptive
strikes by the US. Instead the US provides Israel with $10bn a year
in aid. This compares to a measly $1.7 billion that theyve
set aside to help rebuild Iraq after theyve totally obliterated
Following Rachels death, protests took place in her honour
across the world. In Palestine, these were attacked by the Israeli
Members of the ISM have vowed to continue their peace work in the
region www.palsolidarity.org
SchNEWS Of The World
SchNEWS Annual 2002 * 300 pages * issues 300-350, plus loadsa photos,
cartoons, satire, and more for only £7. Available now in Brighton
from the Cowley Club, London Rd, & Punker Bunker, Sydney St,
or send £8.50 (cheques payable to Justice?) to us (p&p
included) ISBN 09529748-6-X
...and finally...
Last Thursday in San Francisco, direct action found a new form
of expression when a group tired of samey-samey protesters set up
Pukers4Peace inducing vomitting in the plaza outside the
Federal Building in San Francisco to show how sick the war made
them feel. One barfer said, Militarism makes me sick. Puking
is the most disgusting display of emotion that is still legal.
My puddle is the longest-lasting one, proudly declared
one protester, as pools of chuck had people pegging their noses
for the afternoon.
After 16 hours of protests (which those public pukers were a part
of), a San Francisco cop told the local paper, After 16 hours
of fighting communists and anarchists, a Red Bull can help us go
another 16 hours. Were here as long as they are. Lovely
product placement! Dont it make you want to puke?
SchNEWS warns all pigs with wings not to take any bull. Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
SchNEWS Round
issues 51-100 - nearly sold out - £5
SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 going for £3!!
SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more
- also at £3
The SchQUALL book - almost sold out - at only £7
SchNEWS and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001 - bargain £5
SchNEWS Of The World issues 301 - 350. 300
pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £7 You
can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN
09529748 6X
If you can help distribute the new book by taking a few boxes from
Brighton or East London round the country, call the office and ask
for John, Thanks.
Add £1.50 p&p for each book, cheques to Justice? Honest!
In the UK you can get 2, 3, 4 & 5 for £20 inc. postage.
(US Postage £4.00 for individual books, £13 for all
In addition
to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription,
or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals"
if you plan to copy and distribute. SchNEWS is post-free to prisoners.
