This Time Last Year
420, 29th August, 2003
AGRI-VULTURES WTO's ministerial meeting in Cancun - the world's
fat cats sustain environment- destroying, corporate agriculture. Also,
Carbon reduction, Refugee action, DSEi arms fair looms and more...
419, 22nd August, 2003
SHELTER SKELTER Yarl's Wood trial comes to an end with Group
4 coming out as a laughing stock. Also, America's centralised blackout,
Burma update and a new primate research centre in Cambridge.
418, 15th August, 2003
THIRST FOR PROFIT The WTO's "privatise everything"
plan rumbles forward towards Cancun and a water supply near you... Also,
oil pipeline protests in Thailand and anti-social behaviour order to
be served on animal rights protester
417, 8th August, 2003
MAI EYE! Corporate and governmental fat cats line up for another
farcical round of trade talks to 'level the trading field'. Plus the
Israeli "security wall" and an activist web site host jailed
416, 25th July, 2003
get out of Iraq while US corporations queue to get in... Plus Chechenya,
Organic school dinners, Coca-killer and more...
415, 18th July, 2003
VISION CHIPS Real Freak Horrorshow Big Brother has landed. Plus,
Sherwood Forest, Simon Shaw, Lockheed Martin and more...
414, 11th July, 2003
GAM SHOW Massacre in Aceh, (Indonesia again pummels state wanting
independence with British arms). Plus, Victory for Arundel, rest of
country not so lucky..
413, 4th July, 2003
POVERTY EXPRESS Multinational biotech companies, with full backing
from Bush and his cronies, try to save the world by shoving GM leftovers
down the throats of the worlds poor.
410, 13th June, 2003
MENWITH BALLS The US spy base at Menwith Hill gets some overdure
attention. Plus Martin Shaw update; Group4 have recruitment problems;
6th June, 2003
MY HAMSTER Another G8 summit; more meaningless declarations from
'our' 'great' 'leaders', more kids on the streets fighting for a better
world and more police repression.
30th May, 2003
Get Yer Rocks Off! America "liberate" Iraq but
keep their hands firmly on the Congo and their resources. Blunkett's
trying to push through yet more "justice bill" laws and so
much more!
23rd May, 2003
Bob the Bilderberg
£lite take young politicians under their wing for... sensible
16th May, 2003
Repression in Palestine increases as international observers are
9th May, 2003
SHAKY FOUNDATIONS Blair he goes again, PFI-vatising the country's
health, education and transport infrastructure...
402/3, 2nd May, 2003
BOMBS 'R' US Mayday takes on Lockheed Martin, 24 hour weapons of
mass destruction delivery service...
401, 25th April, 2003
US occupiers
less popular than they thought they would be...
400, 11th April, 2003
AID 'N' A BET military spending skyrockets, international aid evaporates
and millions in Africa face starvation. Coincidence?
399, 4th April, 2003
PERLES OF WISDOM US carve-up of 'rebuilding' contracts.
397/8, 28th March, 2003
MASS DUST-RUCTION The 'humanitarian' war underway, we report the
protests the media ignore so well...
396, 14th March, 2003
RUNWAY TERROR Anit-terrorism protestors treated like terrorists...
395, 7th March, 2003
A look at how America are trying to buy votes at the UN Security
394, 28th February, 2003
With all the hot air about deposing Saddam, we check out what the
U.S. has done for Afghanistan so far.
393, 21st February, 2003
Reports from anti-war demos around the world
392, 14th February, 2003
War mongering and anti war actions continue
391, 7th February, 2003
Star Wars
390, 7th February, 2003
Holocaust hypocrisy in the British Press.
389, 24th January, 2003
Terrorism gets blamed on refugees?
388, 17th January, 2003
Direct Action Stations
Protest - can it make a difference?
387, 10th January, 2003
Oily Drums of War
George and Tony's oily war plan rumbles on
386, Winter Solstice, 2002
Chompin' at the Bit Noam Chomsky gives his views on the 'war on
terror' and North America
385, 13th December, 2002
Wide-Boys UK government struck by road-building frenzy
384, 6th December, 2002
Kissinger of Death - America assigns known terrorist to investigate
383, 29th November, 2002
Gone to the Dogs - Police still suppressing sabs while hunt thugs
get away with gbh...
| Friday
5th September 2003 |
Issue 421
MoD's and WRECKERS | Fluffy
DSEi | Crap Arrest of the Week |
Disarm DSEi | Bright
Sparks | R.I.P. | HMP
Woodhell | DSEi Diary
| SchNEWS in Brief
| Positive SchNEWS | ...and
This weekend, thousands of terrorists from all over the world
will be descending on the ExCel Centre in Londons Docklands
for the DSEI Arms Fair.
To greet them will be one million pounds worth of security
paid for by the taxpayer. Two thousand officers from the Met, 300
British Transport Police, City of London police officers, Ministry
of Defence police, plain clothes detectives, security guards and
specialists from the Mets marine, dogs and horse units, have
all been drafted in. Not to arrest those selling weapons of mass
destruction but to protect those same, poor, arms dealers from demonstrators
whove vowed to try and shut down this trade in death.
Welcome to the Defence Systems and Equipment International (DSEi
- pronounced dicey) Exhibition 2003, Europes biggest arms
fair. Opening the fair will be Minister of War Geoff Hoon, while
delegations from no less than sixty countries will have their accommodation
and board paid for by the taxpayer while they shop for weapons.
Somewhat astutely, a senior officer from the Met says they are anticipating
a major public order headache.
The UK arms industry accounts for 20% of world weapon sales and
after agriculture is the most heavily government subsided industry.
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) say that MoD spending
on research and development has increased by 27% over the last year.
Dr. Stuart Parkinson, SGR Director said: Much of the MoDs
research and development is geared towards making weaponry, sometimes
for export to regimes with bad human rights records. It would be
much more ethical to use the scientific expertise to accelerate,
for example, the development of environmentally-friendly technologies.
At the first DSEi in 1999, two separate breaches of the International
Landmines Act were uncovered by journalists. And in 2001, as planes
were crashing into the World Trade Centre, 14 different Middle Eastern
nations were shopping for weapons at the Excel Centre, side by side
with the US, Israel, Australia and the UK. While thousands of other
events around the world were cancelled out of respect for the dead,
DSEi stayed open and arms dealers clocked up sales to Israel, Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, the US, Colombia, China and Russia.sales to Israel,
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the US, Colombia, China and Russia.
Fluffy DSEi
Poor human rights record? There are two invitation lists to DSEi,
the official MoD list, which this year includes feuding neighbours
India and Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, and axis of evil
state Syria. Then theres the organisers, Spearhead Ltd.s,
own secret list, over which the MoD has consultation but ultimately
no control.
Spearhead have invited Afghanistan, Angola, Tanzania, and Israel.
No cash for health and education? Well DSEi has something for everyone.
The whole of next Thursday (11th) is dedicated to a conference called
Making Defence Affordable?
The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) is stunned: Following
controversy about the UK licensing a £28million military air
traffic control system to Tanzania, which it neither needs nor can
afford, it is disturbing that Tanzania - one of the very poorest
countries in the world - has been invited to buy yet more arms.
Martin Hogbin, of CAAT underlines the obvious hypocrisy at work
at DSEi: If the UK was serious about developing a lasting
peace between Israel and Palestine, we would not promote sales of
more arms into the region.
Companies exhibiting, alongside weapons giants Lockheed Martin and
BAE, include Bulgarian small arms firm Arsenal Company which is
reported to have sold £5-6 million of arms to Chad and Angola,
as well as supplying arms to Sierra Leone in breach of the UN embargo.
Many of these companies have been fingered for shipping arms,
sometimes illegally, into regions of terrible conflict like the
Congo says Hogbin. Others manufacture some of the most brutal
and indiscriminate weapons in the world, including landmines and
cluster bombs. At least two producers of depleted uranium shells
will be exhibiting this year.
In a half-arsed attempt at political correctness, Spearhead have
asked exhibitors not to display cluster bombs at DSEi! According
to UNICEF, more than 1000 children have been injured by cluster
bomblets and other unexploded weapons since the end
of the war in Iraq. Of course, cluster bombs can still be bought
at DSEi, just not displayed, and like everything else on sale there
they will not be subject to UK export controls.
In the run up to DSEi activist groups have been targeting exhibiting
UK companies, such as Fluent in Sheffield and Cambridge Consultants.
Two weeks ago Spearheads head office in New Malden was occupied,
and on Monday protesters - bound together by arm tubes - blockaded
the gates to the ExCel Centre for five hours, preventing tanks being
delivered to the exhibition. Police used cutting equipment to remove
the tubes and a number of people were arrested under charges of
obstructing the highway.
The police have promised to treat demonstrators in the same
sort of way as the May Day riots and have been issued blanket
stop and search laws under the Terrorism Act 2000. Thats obviously
because people protesting about weapons that kill and maim are just
bloody terrorists that need to be stamped on whereas those
poor souls trying to earn an honest living by selling weapons that
kill and maim well, they need all the love, affection and
money we can throw at em.
Crap Arrest of the Week
For getting run over during an anti war sit down protest in
A red jeep type vehicle mounted the central reservation between
the lanes of traffic and drove through the crowd, only narrowly
avoiding hitting anyone said a bystander. Whilst we
were all staring in disbelief a smaller car tried to follow, failed
to mount the reservation and ploughed straight into the people sitting
down. One man who was knocked onto the bonnet of the car and
driven along for 50 yards has now received a summons for vehicle
Disarm DSEi
Become part of the major public order headache and
help shut down the arms fair. Actions begin this Saturday (6)
and go on all week with everything from critical mass bike rides
and reclaim the streets to storming the centre to chatting to those
nice arms dealers (dress smart for this one) For more on the events
call 07817 652 029 or check out
* Comedian Mark Thomas will be opening the Convergence Centre this
Saturday 7pm followed by music from Cello Man. The Centre is at
Kingsley Hall, Powis Rd., London E3 (Bromely-by-Bow tube).
* For indepth info about the arms trade and DESi contact Campaign
Against Arms Trade 020 7281 0297
* The Legal, Defence and Monitoring Group will be holding legal
workshops at the Convergence Centre this Sunday (7) 10:30pm-12noon
and Monday (8) 4-5:30 pm.
* To keep up to date with the protests
Bright Sparks
With the switch of a key the emergency electricity generator which
had been supplying the London Underground for nearly 100 years was
turned off by New Labour Transport Minister John Spellar. Seeboard
Powerlink would now be in charge of operations and Spellar announced
that this Private Finance Initiative scheme was a good example
of the public and private sectors working together to improve services
for travellers in London. That was last October, 11 months
later people found out just how much the service had improved. Thousands
of people on the Underground were plunged into darkness for 40 minutes,
traffic lights failed, trains ground to a halt, lights went out
in buildings
all thanks to a lack of emergency back-up and
what the Mayor of London and unions blamed on cost cutting by the
private companies. Meanwhile railway cowboys Balfour Beatty (see
SchNEWS 356) and property company Circadian will shortly be developing
the area around the old power station with luxury flats worth some
£500 million thank-you-very-much.
30 year old Israfil Shiri, a destitute young Iranian man had been
on a life support for five days before he died early Wednesday morning.
Israfil had set himself on fire in the offices of Refugee Action
in Manchester, suffering burns to 80% of his body. He told his friends
he would do it to prove that this government cares more about animals
than people fleeing torture and persecution. In Iran, Israfil was
in the military when he and his family were persecuted because he
refused to follow orders that involved harming innocent people.
He suffered from a complicated medical condition and since his application
for asylum was rejected over a year ago, he has been refused any
medical treatment, has been made homeless from his Salford council
flat and has received no benefits or support. Reza Moradi of the
International Federation of Iranian Refugees said, Once you
see you are facing deportation to jailers of the Islamic regime
- you cant have a solicitor, you have no house to live in,
you cant work, that is enough for people to commit suicide,
or do something like this. More info 0161-881-7352
* Theres going to be a chained procession to Yarls Wood
detention centre, re-opening after it was unfortunately burnt down
last year (see SchNEWS 419). Meet 12 noon John Howard Memorial statue,
St. Pauls Square, Bedford on Sunday 28th September. 07786
* Group4, the jokers that run the centre have been running a job
advert in a local paper This job is so different. The satisfaction
I get from helping people is great. Er, locking people up
whove havent committed any crime apart from wanting
a better life is satisfying?
* People are needed to take part in This Is Camp X-Ray
a new art installation consisting of a fully operational, life-size
replica of the U.S internment camp at Guantanamo Bay, that will
appearing in Manchester city centre from Friday 10th October.
HMP Woodhell
On 16th July, six prisoners at HMP Woodhills Close Supervision
Centre (CSC) A wing were refused exercise due to the hot weather.
That night, four prisoners demonstrated their frustration by destroying
their cells which resulted in a visit by the riot squad and a serious
beating. In June, Glenn Wright, a prisoner on A-wing, wrote: Who
took the decision to add to our depression the daily rigours of
isolation, and lack of healthy stimulation when this is contradictory
to all medical remedies for depression known to mankind?
Some of the prisoners at Woodhill CSC are under 24-hour CCTV watch
and many are allowed only one hours exercise a day. Some cells
are unlocked only in the presence of six prison officers in full
riot gear and interviews with psychologists are overseen by six
prison staff. Recently, complaints have been limited to one a week
because it was considered that some prisoners were abusing
the privilege?!
In February the Chief Inspector of Prisons published a report on
conditions at the CSC at HMP Woodhill in Milton Keynes. Opened in
1998, this jail within a jail was designed to house
around 50 of the most potentially disruptive inmates, accused or
convicted. One unit was closed, partly in response to a High Court
Even last years report showed that the basic needs of prisoners
were being seriously neglected, in particular with regard to medical
care, education and exercise, and expressed concern at the risk
to the mental health of inmates. It concluded that Control
still dominated the system and personal development opportunities
were relegated to the margins.
It is no surprise then that violent demonstration, self-harm and
suicide are serious problems at Woodhill. Glenn Wright identifies
insomnia, disrupted relationships, bullying, boredom, enforced idleness,
and the prospect of a long and meaningless sentence devoid of hopes
and plans, as contributing factors to the problem. He says: What
Im trying to say is through many months of isolation and oppressive
conditions, uncertainty, lack of communication, support, I find
it difficult to be quiet.
For more information 0121 554 6947
/ Complain to Margaret Adams, Head of CSC, HMP
Woodhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK4 4DA
Send letters to Glen P Wright, RT3785 HU6 Close Supervision Centre,
HMP Woodhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK4 4DA
* The parents of 26 year old Tony Hickmott, who is certified autistic,
cared for their son at home until respite care stopped at 19 and
they were told he would be better off in a residential home. He
was then moved 300 miles to a home in Wales. When his parents complained
about the standard of care he was eventually moved closer to home
but was placed in one secure psychiatric unit after another and
sectioned. Despite being told Tony was to be housed appropriately
and close to home in Brighton, his parents now have restricted access
to their son, currently in Canterbury, and are seriously concerned
for his welfare. They are desperately in need of legal representation.
If you can help call Pamela Hickmott on 01273 270713.
DSEi Diary
- Friday to Tuesday - NVDA Training
- Friday 5th - Press conference about protests
- Saturday 6th - No Arms Fair Unity March
- Sunday 7th - Start of Disarm DSEi conference
- Monday 8th - Silent vigil at ExCel centre, day two of Disarm
DSEi conference
- Tuesday 9th - Protest at Custom House, Fluffy DSEi
non-violent direct action, day one of Disarm DSEi
film festival
- Wednesday 10th - Day of direct action blockades, Reclaim the
Streets party, Women in Black vigil, Critical Mass bikeride, various
group actions, day 2 of film festival
- Thursday 11th - Protest for Delegates Dinner
at central London hotel, silent 9/11 vigil outside Custom House
- Friday 12th - If youre not nicked! Picnic!
SchNEWS in brief
- Attempts to make the UK GM free could breach EU law.
This emerged this week after the European Comission refused a
plea by Upper Austria to pass a law banning GM crops in their
region. Upper Austria wanted to protect their organic and traditional
agriculture against risk of cross fertilisation but were told
that they had no new scientific evidence. Greenpeace genetic engineering
expert Thomas Fertil says Austria may go to the European
Court of Justice to appeal. This weekend Downing Street appointed
ex-adviser to Monsanto, David Hall, as their communications advisor.
- Theres a public meeting The Fake Emergency: Mass-Media
Propaganda in the so-called War on Terror on 11 September
at the National Union of Journalists HQ, 308-312 Grays Inn Rd WC1X 8BP,
(nearest tube Kings X) 6.30pm.
Speakers include human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce call 020 7586
- For a list of places where our new(ish) book Peace
de Resistance is available from click onto
If you can think of anywhere else that might like to stock it
(or copies of SchNEWS) get in touch with the office.
- Check out Sounds like Freedom news and opinion from Jenin,
Occupied Palestine.
- Iraq expert Milan Rai is going on a speaking tour of
the UK to plug his new book Regime Unchanged,
starting this Saturday 6th at a CND Conference at Birmingham University
and including a date in Brighton on the 11th. For details of the
tour go to
- Four people who are using lawful excuse for disabling,
or attempting to disable, planes and support equipment at Fairford
Air Force base will hear the procedures for the trial on September
19th. Its at Gloucester Crown Court and support is welcome.
More info call 0117 9466885
- Space Invaders is a play based on the events that took
place at the Aspire Autonomous social centre in Leeds last
November. Theres two showings on September 13th and 14th
at Wrangthorne Church Hall, Hyde Park, Leeds 8pm. Donations on
the door bring yer own booze. For more listings visit Party
& Protest
Positive SchNEWS
A group of activists and performers is planning to take a circus
and funfair to Iraq in January 2004 to bring a little colour and
playfulness to the children of Iraq who have been traumatised by
the war and who are still without many basic amenities. To get the
circus and performers to Iraq the group still needs to raise several
thousand pounds. If you want to make a donation or help organise
benefit gigs, cabarets, café nights, mass busks etc. please
go to
...and finally...
Ahoy, me hearty! SchNEWS be wishin to tell ye, our landlubber
friends, to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Ye will
talkin like this on the 19th or be a scurvey dog. Yell be
wantin to look round ye website:
in order to be learnin about the day and how to be talkin
like a pirate proper. This here international grass roots movement
will be taking the world by storm or hook line and sinker...
Ahoy, me hearties. SchNEWS gives all landlubbers fair warning us
swashbucklers will be walking the plank though there be a
storm a-brewing ahead. Treasure, there be too. Aye!
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £1.70 p&p
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- The SchQUALL
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and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 + £1.70 p&p. You
can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the
ISBN 09529748 4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
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In the UK you
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In addition
to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
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