Behaviour Modification
Also in the queue of new bills and acts designed to make a more
compliant public out of us is the new Anti-Social Behaviour Act,
which just so happens to ignore the anti-social aspects of dropping
bombs on civilians and letting corporations release genetically
modified organisms into the countryside. Instead it concentrates
on a hotch-potch of stuff from anti-social tenants,
noise, graffiti and litter to dealing with people who refuse to
trim their disorderly hedges.
The new law also contains further serious attacks on peoples
right to party and protest, tightening the screws of the Public
Order Act 1986 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
an Act which sparked massive protests in the nineties and
spawned SchNEWS itself, but whose amendments have passed into law
largely un-noticed. The Anti-Social Behaviour Act introduces a new
law which will allow a senior copper to disperse a group of two
or more people if another member of the public has felt intimidated,
harassed, alarmed or distressed by their behaviour. It also states
that a Public Assembly is no longer 20 people, but can be comprised
of just two people!! So if you happen to be on a small picket in
front of some nasty business, if there are more than two of you,
you are now liable to be dispersed on the grounds that you constitute
an illegal Public Assembly. Or all three of you might just be forced
to move on by a senior copper for the terrifying affect your banner
has on the general public. Meanwhile, Aggravated Trespass,
frequently used to nick hunt sabs and people trying to stop more
road building, now applies inside buildings, with the amendments
explicitly referring to how the charge can be used against activists
who enter company buildings for office occupations or supermarket
protests! And all of you ravers take care. Yet another change to
the Criminal Justice Act contained inside the Anti Social Act states
that the numbers required for yer party to be classed as an illegal
rave have now dropped from 100 to a mere 20which is hardly
a rave, more an indication that you havent got many friends.
And the classification of an illegal rave now extends inside buildings
as well as outside. The Act also includes a new offence going
to a rave within 24 hours of being stopped from going to a previous
one. Social butterflies beware!!
But while Neo Labour has been busy coming up with new ways to mould
us into model citizens, ready to work, shop and die without any
fuss, the largest, longest and most expensive study in the history
of criminology has come up with the most bleedin obvious conclusion
ever. The Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighbourhoods
has spent $51 million over the past 10 years to conclude that the
most important influence on a neighbourhoods crime rate is
neighbours willingness to act for one anothers benefit.
The study argues that most major crimes are linked to concentrated
poverty and what it calls collective efficacy. Which
in plain English means that if your local park was full of rubbish
and the local authority removed it all, the rubbish would probably
return in a few weeks. But if the local community organised a meeting
to clean up the park, with a chance for people to meet, solve problems
and work together, the benefits would most likely be much longer
lasting and the park would probably remain cleaner for longer.
The study has challenged the broken windows theory
that if people are allowed to get away with little crimes like graffiti
or dropping litter, bigger acts of disorderly conduct will follow.
This theory has provided the intellectual justification for a crackdown
on quality of life crimes in New York City and is also
being used to justify part of Neo Labours new anti-social
crusade. This crusade in New York has led to fines being handed
out for everything from people falling asleep on the subway to sitting
on a milk crate! But research in the Chicago Neighborhoods study
shows that crime and anti social behaviour is most effectively
fought not with more laws and more jails, but by building strong
communities where people take control of their own lives. But maybe
thats just the sort of nonsense which could only lead to less
government, happier people, and pure anarchy!
Residents Groups - revolutionary or reactionary? Haringey
Solidarity Group discussion evening, 27th January, 7pm @ Phoenix
Millennium Centre, West Green Rd (entrance in Vincent Rd.) 020 8374
5027 http://hsg.cupboard.org
Discuss the Civil Contingencies Bill at the Manchester Social
Forum, this Saturday (17) Friends Meeting House. Mount St. at 11am
Travellers near Coventry hotted it up on Monday morning when the
bailiffs came to call by defending their site with burning barricades
and 7-foot wide trenches. Perhaps proving the point that flaming
barricades sometimes get results, the travellers have now won the
right in the High Court to a judicial review of their case - successfully
protecting their site until the review can be heard.
The travellers bought the land that they live on in north Warwickshire
nearly three years ago and around 20 families moved onto the plot.
Although planning permission for a private travellers site
was denied, the group decided to make its home there, constructing
buildings, fences and roads on the land. More than a year ago the
travellers lost their first High Court case, but still refused to
give up their homes and give in to the authorities that wanted them
The local council, however, was gagging to make the 20 families
homeless and get their own hands on the land - if they had been
successful in their attempt at eviction, the council planned to
repossess the land in order to pay for the costs of the eviction.
With this ridiculous goal in mind, the council sent in the bailiffs
and 40 odd police on Monday morning, only to have them beaten back
by two burning caravans, trenches filled with flaming rubbish, and
a human chain which refused to budge. The travellers spokesman,
John Lee, said: There is no way we were letting them in. If
they had got past us on the gate, they would have been confronted
by the women and children. All we want is to protect our homes.
Apparently, the travellers might actually get to do just that.
In an emergency measure to stop the council evicting them from their
land, the travellers had gone to the High Court on Thursday to seek
an interim injunction against the council. For the moment they have
been successful and will remain on their land until the new judicial
review of the case. In the meantime, they plan to sit down with
the council yet again and try to come to some sort of agreement.
Surely the council can work with us to either find us another
site or to leave us in peace at this one? says John Lee. We
are not asking anyone for money, just for permission to live as
we want to.
Nine ladies anti-quarry camp was set up back in 1999 to help stop
the destruction of Stanton Moor hillside in the Peak District National
Park, which is under threat from the possible re-opening of two
dormant quarries. The quarries would have a disastrous impact on
the Nine Ladies Stone Circle and local wildlife and camp residents
have always vowed to stay until the quarry plans are shelved.
But, on 12 December quarry company Stancliffe Stone submitted a
scheme for working the two quarries to the Peak District National
Park Authority. Stancliffe wants to extract 3.2 million tons of
rock from a site within 100m of the Nine Ladies Stone Circle. The
quarry company has also told local papers that they plan to begin
an eviction process against the camp almost immediately.
Campers are calling for reinforcements from around the country,
As fast as they get people out, we hope others from around
the country will be getting in across fields, etc. To get
your name on the eviction alert phone tree, please contact the site
mobile: 0700 5942212 or write to: Nine Ladies anti-quarry campaign,
Lees Road, Stanton Lees, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 2LQ.
SchNEWS In Brief
- RIP Tom Hurndall, who was shot in the head by an Israeli
soldier while shepherding young Palestinians out of the way of
a tank, died on Wednesday evening after spending 9 months in a
coma. www.ism-london.org/tom-action.html
- Non-violent direct action workshop and discussion day
for Palestine, Saturday 24th, 2-5pm, Friends Meeting House, Ship
St, Brighton thewallmustfall@hotmail.com
- Ken Loach introduces a special showing of Bread and
Roses about Mexican immigrant women janitors in downtown
Los Angeles, Thursday 22nd, 6.30 pm, Other Cinema, Rupert St,
London W1. £8 Bookings: www.picturehouses.co.uk
or 020 7734 1506. All money raised will be spent fighting sweatshops
in the UK and in Mexico.
- Mobile demo against shops selling fur in Brighton this
Saturday (17th) meet outside Lush, 41 East St, 1pm. Bring whistles,
drums, costumes, and loud voices. www.furfree.info
- Dissent is a new direct action group in the Edinburgh
area. To get involved dissentedinburgh@riseup.net
- Noise Demo outside Lindholme Removal/Detention Centre
- part of the Europe Wide Day of Action against Refugee Detention
and for Migrant Rights. This Saturday (17th), noon, Tyrham Hall
Hotel, South Yorkshire, on the A614 south of Hatfield Woodhouse.
0845 458 9595 lindholme@veggies.org.uk
- No Borders Night this Saturday (17th), 7pm-late
- free/donations at Londons newest political social centre,
93 Fortess Road, Kentish Town, London NW5 1AG. Films, chilled
music, dinner, bar and an open discussion on activities &
action for the European-wide Day of Action against Detention Centres
& Borders on Jan 31st. www.wombles.org.uk
- Bristolian Party Big Benefit, Seymours Club, Midland
Road, St. Phillips, Bristol. Saturday 31st 8pm-2am £5 Attila
the Stockbroker, Dynamos Rhythm Aces, Kid Carpet.
- Discussion about Indymedia London, its role, media actions,
skill share, etc. Convergence from Friday 30th, info: imc-london@lists.indymedia.org
- Reclaim Lakenheath, Suffolk. Demo followed by mischief
making and distraction around the US bases in the area. Assemble
noon Sunday 18th, USAF Lakenheath Gate 1. Bring banners, binoculars,
cameras (with or without film), notepads etc. www.lakenheathaction.org
07881 782772. This is part of the Reclaim the Bases weekend
of action against military bases. www.reclaimthebases.org.uk
- Meeting about Compulsory Work Focused Interviews for the
Disabled and Single Parents, Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton,
5.30pm, Tuesday 20th
- Fight The Power benefit for St Agnes Place (see
SchNEWS 429) Hip Hop night @ The Telegraph, Brixton Hill, London.
Friday 23rd Jan £6/£5.
- Meeting to plan for International Womens Day (8th
March) at the Freedom Bookshop, 84b Whitechapel High St, London,
7.30pm, Tuesday 20th. www.enrager.net/m8
SchNEWS Training Day
If you want to get involved with helping SchNEWS, whether its
writing, desktop publishing, distribution or making the tea, then
come along to our Training Day on Wednesday 21st January, 12 noon
til 5pm. Places are limited so get in touch beforehand.
Inside SchNEWS
Chris Baldwin has been jailed for 6 months for running a Dutch-style
cannabis café in Worthing, West Sussex. The wheelchair-bound
medical cannabis user has now started a hunger strike in the nick.
Send him letters of support at: Chris Baldwin, JC 9521, HMP High
Down, Downview Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5PJ.
Anarchist Cassidy Wheeler, who was sentenced to eight years for
shoplifting (the severity was probably due to his political beliefs),
has been attacked by Nazis and prison guards and is asking people
to write to the Superintendent to demand he is moved to another
jail. Write letters to The Superintendent, 777 Stanton Blvd., Ontario,
OR 97914-8335, USA.
A few weeks ago, the US started photographing and fingerprinting
any foreigners arriving in the US (apart from European tourists!).
This is supposedly to stop terrorism, although this scheme seems
unlikely to work against potential suicide bombers. Ooh, Ive
had my fingerprints taken. Best not blow myself up!
In an extremely fair and comical response, Brazil has decided that
all Americans arriving in Brazil should be fingerprinted as well,
with the simple reasoning that if Brazilians have to be fingerprinted,
then why not Americans? Never one for a sense of humour, the US
government is more than a bit miffed. The US Embassy in Brazil has
we regret the way in which new procedures have
suddenly been put in place that single out US citizens for exceptional
treatment that has meant lengthy delays in processing
will continue to raise our concerns with the Brazilian Government
regarding equitable treatment for US citizens travelling to Brazil.
Equitable treatment, eh?? Perhaps the US government needs a dictionary
as badly as it needs a sense of humour.
* One American pilot has already been arrested in Brazil. When
asked if he could be fingerprinted, he raised his middle finger
in the universal gesture of insult. His company, American Airlines,
has agreed to pay the $12,000 fine and issue an apology. Ten other
crew members were denied entry to Brazil after causing problems
during the identity checks.
...and finally...
At a Burger King in Troy, Michigan, customers have been shocked
recently by the honesty and bluntness of the employees on the drive-through
intercom. You dont need a couple of Whoppers. Youre
too fat. Pull ahead, is just one example of what drive-through
food consumers have been told. Bugger King taking an interest in
their customers health at last? Finally a bit of actual corporate
responsibility? Well not exactly. Police believe that the health-conscious
messages are in fact the work of pranksters who have been hacking
into the radio frequency of the intercom system and are watching
and broadcasting from close range. Customers who order everyones
favourite cola have been told, We dont have Coke.
But when the customer then asks what they do have, the hacker replies,
We dont have anything. Pull ahead.
Booger King franchise owner Tony Versace issued the following statement
in response to the incidents, We apologise to our customers
whove been insulted by the use of this drive-through speaker.
Its a shame he didnt apologise for the insultingly bad
food Murder King produces.
SchNEWS warns all anti-social readers to have contingency pants
in case you piss yourself reading SchNEWS. Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £1.70 p&p
- SchNEWS Round
issues 51 - 100 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues 101 - 150 £3.70 inc. postage.
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £3.70 inc. postage
- The SchQUALL
book at only £6 + £1.70 p&p.
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 + £1.70 p&p. You
can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the
ISBN 09529748 4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
The World issues 301 - 350. 300
more pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £7
+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop
or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
In the UK you
can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS
of the World for just £15 inc p&p.
(US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
In addition to
50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription,
or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals"
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