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GRAPHICS Issues 481-500

  See also graphics from issues 351-400, 401-450, 451-480, 481-500, 501-520, 521-540, 541-560, 561-580, 581-600, 601-620, 621-640, 641-660, 661-  
G8 Summit 2005

3rd June 2005 |
Issue 500 - GRRRrrr8 – IT AIN’T -
"The harmful effects of the corporate globalisation project have led to mass popular protest and activism in the South, later joined by major sectors of the rich industrial societies, hence becoming harder to ignore. For the first time concrete alliances have been taking shape at a grassroots level. It is fair to say, I think, that the future of our endangered species may be determined in no small measure by how these popular forces evolve.” - Noam Chomsky, author, academic and general trouble maker.


Fair Trade cocaine at the Live-8 Concert

3rd June 2005 |
Issue 500 - GRRRrrr8 – IT AIN’T -
As Geldof announces the big Live-Aid style Live-8 concert to coincide with the G8 Summit...

Oil Peakalypse Now
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27th May 2005 | Issue 499 - OIL PEAKALYPSE NOW - Peak Oil is the greatest story never told. Even though Peak Oil is the central fact driving the wars and economic crises of our time, it is seldom mentioned in the mainstream corporate news.

As Bush gets to know his counterpart in oil-rich Uzbekistan
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20th May 2005 | Issue 498 - LET THEM EAT LEAD -’d think the White House would be condemning the dictatorial Uzbek government, who this week have been busy murdering hundreds of their own people. A spokesman simply murmured that the regime should “exercise caution and restraint”, nothing more

Lock 'em all up - and protect freedom

13th May 2005 | Issue 497 - PAIN IN THE GULAGS - “The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” - George Bush, 2nd Inaugural Speech. There are now some 2.2 million prisoners in the land of the free, nearly twice as many as in 1990, giving it the biggest prison population in the world and one of the highest proportions of the population in jail, alongside other freedom loving countries like North Korea

Election special

13th Jan 2006 | Issue 496 - X-Orcism - The charade has come full circle again. Every four years this sham of democracy bids us to “choose”, to take our part in the decision-making process. X marks the spot.

Son Of Star Wars

22nd April 2005 | Issue 494 - ROCKET ROULETTE - “It’s politically sensitive, but it’s going to happen,” sneered Commander-in-chief of US Space command, Joseph W. Ashy “We’re going to fight from space and we’re going to fight into space.”

Star Wars is back - and this time it's for real...


Tesco - every little hurts

16th April 2005 | Issue 493 - TESCOPOLY - “Where does the money come from to pay Tesco Boss, Terry Leahy? From producers and consumers; the cheaper he can buy from producers and the more he can get from consumers the more money he has for his shareholders and of course for himself.” - John Turner, Lincolnshire Farmer

1st April 2005 | Issue 491 - KYOTO sinks without a trace...
Are You Too Open-Minded?

25th March 2005 | Issue 490 - LUNATICS HAVE TAKEN OVER ASYLUM - as the tabloid papers wind up the ignorance and xenophobia about asylum seekers - led by Murdoch-owned red-top, The Sun, SchNEWS looks at the harrowing experiences of several asylum seekers to somewhat redress the balance...

Bush considers Uzbekistan

18th March 2005 | Issue 489- LOLLY ROGERED- Iraq was invaded to grab control of Iraqi oil and extend Washington’s influence throughout the region. An unsustainable capitalist system is bringing war and misery to millions as it attempts to keep profits up while the oil runs out. It is not democracy that is on the march in the Middle East – it is US military power.


Incinerators - heavy metal release of the year....

11th March 2005 | Issue 488 - BURN AND BREAD - The rubbish from the Brighton area is currently being landfilled near Newhaven. Now, with this filling up, plans are for a massive incinerator in Newhaven, belching out heavy metals and toxic gasses.

EBAY - flogging it to the most desperate bidder
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4th March 2005 | Issue 487 - EBAY FRENZY - Go mad bidding with a range of natural resources going out for silling prices online...



18th February 2005 | Issue 485 - BURGER CHAINED - 20 years since the first ever ‘Day of Action against McDonald’s’, things are looking up for would be leaflet distributors. This weeks European court’s ruling that the ‘McLibel’ defendants did not get a fair trial because of McDonald’s vastly superior financial resources has led to a flurry of discussion about whether activists will be able to get legal aid from the government if they’re sued by big business.

Clobber - the brand label made from 100% sweat
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11th Feb 2005 | Issue 484 - CLOBBER - the clothes brand made from 100% sweat

Make Bullshit History

4th February 2005 | Issue 483 - GOBBILISATION - The G8 are like the executive committee of the system that sees economic growth as the answer to everything. They control over half the votes in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and basically exist to make life easier for transnational corporations. It’s unaccountable, un-transparent and unelected.

But how does what goes on in these meetings affect our lives? Many of the stories you read about in SchNEWS or the corporate media can be traced back to the dodgy influence of the G8. From Iraq to PFI hospitals to the water revolts in Bolivia, the G8’s pervasive stink wafts through many bad news stories in recent years.

The G8/G7 don’t actually make policies, they issue declarations. At a meeting last October they discussed “the sustainability of health-care spending in the major countries and ideas and policies for reform of such spending.” In the UK that will mean goodbye NHS and hello privatisation.


Grow Your Own Noxious Weed
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28th January 2005 | Issue 482 - GROWING DISSENT - “Seeds are the software - and we have the seeds.” - Anonymous corporate seed company executive. With agriculture providing the main source of income for two and a half billion people the effects of biotechnology are immense. Farmers across the world are being locked into a cycle of dependency on biotechnology companies, who of course just want to help them to feed the world.

Govt to spend big money on database for NHS - instead of employing more nurses...

21st Jan 2005 | Issue 481 - IT GO HOME - Rather than recruit more nurses and pay them a decent wage, or build a few more hospitals, the government in its infinite wisdom has decided to spend anywhere between £18-£31 billion over the next ten years on a new computer system for the Health Service.



SchNEWS, c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG, England
Phone: +44 (0)1273 685913

@nti copyright - information for action - copy and distribute!



Jolly Roger Press
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Jolly Roger Press -
SchNEWS's take on an anarchist publishing house catalogue produced for the Anarchist Bookfair, Issue 608 - October 2007 (Download PDF - 2 pages A4 - 970kb)

Blair Mugshot
click here for larger image

Blair Charge Sheet
- as Blair leaves, we look at his record - Issue 594, June 2007 (Click Here)

Rave Casualty Support Group
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Barrio Social Centre - What's On Guide - SchNEWS looks at a typical British social centre. Issue 573 - Jan 2007. (Download PDF - 1 page A4 - 220kb)

Upper Crust - from the spoof festival guide
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Spoof Festival Guide
- close to the bone parody of UK festival scene produced for Big Green Gathering, Issue 553 - August 2006. (Download PDF - 2.2meg)

Winston get a mohawk - Mayday 2000
SchNEWS Worst Britain
- produced for the Peace De Resistance book in 2003 (Click Here)

Washing Up Section 6
Washing Up Section 6 - spoof of a squatter's Section 6 notice. (Download A4 page, PDF, 6kb)

Are You Really Green? - questionnaire produced for the Big Green Gathering 2007 (not yet available)