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GRAPHICS Issues 501-520

  See also graphics from issues 351-400, 401-450, 451-480, 481-500, 501-520, 521-540, 541-560, 561-580, 581-600, 601-620, 621-640, 641-660, 661-  
More Va-Va-Voom all this month at Renault

11th November 2005 | Issue 520 - FRENCH FRIED - France has ignited with direct action, which also spread to Berlin and Brussels. These riots are the boiling over of tension in Paris's suburbs after continual police harassments, searches etc, particulary of immigrant youths.

I Want That One
4th November 2005 | Issue 519 - IRAN-MONGERS - “The push by the UK, France and Germany to refer Iran to the UN Security Council, while rooted in the language of diplomacy, is really nothing less than an act of war.” - Scott Ritter; former Chief UN Weapons-inspector in Iraq.
ID Cards
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21st October 2005 | Issue 517 - UNDER THE KNIFE - NHS privatisation: the big carve up.

"The Department of Health now have a special marketing advice agency, the “Insight Unit”, to help hospitals ‘sell’ their services. The NHS chief executive, Nigel Crisp, proclaimed that foundation trusts “should adopt the same marketing techniques as Tesco in their bids to win customers in the new choice-based NHS market”...

Blunkett performs miracles to get the sick back to work...
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14th October 2005 | Issue 516 - SICK JOKE - “If people re-associate with the world of work, suddenly they come alive again. Work will overcome depression and stress a lot more than people sitting at home watching daytime television.” - David Blunkett, Secretary of State, Department of Work & Pensions.

SchNEWS tribute to Ronnie Barker, recently deceased

7th October 2005 | Issue 515 - IN A RIGHT STATE - as SchNEWS reviews how bad it's got in recent years as Neo-Labour continues to strip away civil liberties...

Blair fights 21st century crime...
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30th Sept 2005 | Issue 514 - NO NONSENSE - At the Labour Party Conference - All this week Brighton has been playing host to the corporate jamboree of the Labour party conference. A dumbed down Nuremburg rally inside a heavily policed exclusion ‘island’, Brighton’s very own “Green Zone”, with the police carrying out random stop and searches under the Terrorism legislation.


New Labour - New Britain - New Fascism
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23rd September 2005 | Issue 513 - YOUR LOGO HERE... - As Neo Labour holds its annual conference. “20 years ago the Labour conference was packed with social justice campaigners”, says Terry, a lifelong party activist, as he contemplates ripping up his membership card. “Now you can’t get around without tripping over some suited corporate lackey.”

Blair - batting at no. 10 for England
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16th Sept 2005 | Issue 512 - ASHES TO ASHES - England regain the ashes in a flag-draped show of small-island patriotism, becoming another distraction from the heavy loss of life and the reality of the Iraq invasion...

DSEi 2005

9th September 2005 | Issue 511 - BOMBS AWAY - DSEi is the showcase of the British “defence industry”. Occurring every two years it is “the largest tri-service exhibition in the world.” In other words if you want to kill someone from the land, sea or air – they’ve got it.

Gate Gourmet workers strike

2nd September 2005 | Issue 510 - AIR STRIKES - The story of the Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow - sacked as the company tried to impose low-pay contracts on them, is both a story about corporations squeezing workers in the 'outsourcing' game, as well as the way trade unions in Britain since Thatcher are the weakest in Europe.

The Vivisection Debate

26th Aug 2005 | Issue 509 - ANIMAL PHARM - The Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm - which breeds for vivisection, have announced they would be closing after a six year campaign to close them down is successful...


19th August 2005 | Issue 508 - BLAIR FACED LIES - “We demand a full and speedy public inquiry into Jean’s murder. We believe that the web of deceit that was spun by the Metropolitan Police means that Sir Iain Blair’s position is now untenable and he should resign immediately. Furthermore we believe that it is inconceivable that the Home Office and government were not aware of these circumstances. They failed not only to counter the lies in the public domain but actively counselled against Jean by press releasing details of his visa status on the day of his funeral” - Justice for Jean Charles Menezes campaign


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12th August 2005 | Issue 507 - Nuke Kids On The Bloc - On the 60th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - and we look at how the nuclear weapons madness continues anew...


The free trade level playing field

29th July 2005 | Issue 506 - LOOK CAFTA NUMBER ONE - "For us the free trade agreement has many consequences; we already have much poverty, and it is the rich that will be the beneficiaries at the cost of the poor. We will have to find new ways of bringing bread to our tables." - Floricelda, Guatemala.

Last Thursday, US Congress approved the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by 217 votes to 215. (Another overwhelming majority then.)

MST kick a gooooaalll!!!

22nd July 2005 | Issue 505 - TERRA-ISTS STRIKE BACK - It was the largest march in Brazilian history, but was much more than a march. For a start it lasted 17 days. The landless farmers’ movement, the Movimento Sem Terra, or MST, is maybe the most dynamic direct action movement in the world. Embarking on their most ambitious action to date they brought 12,000 marchers from 23 states to walk 238 kilometres to the Brazilian capital Brasilia to demand land reform. From a frail 97-year-old man to an 18-year-old seven months pregnant, the marchers took on not just the government but Brazil’s big landowners in the decades-old fight for land.

Bob Geldof - G8 Summit 2005

Friday 15th July 2005 | Issue 503/4 - Full G8 Summit Gleneagles round-up...


Hunger in global south

17th June 2005 | Issue 502/3 - THERE'S A LOT OF IT ABOUT - As the G8 leaders prepare to meet at Gleneagles, Scotland, one country being screwed by this system - Bolivia - sees huge protests by people feeling the direct brunt of globalised capital...

(The graphic is by Polyp - for more of his click here

G8 Summit Gleneagles 2005

10th June 2005 | Issue 501 - As all roads to lead to Scotland - and it's not just the G8 Summit - there's also protests at Faslane Naval Base and the planned site of the M74 motorway through south Glasgow...



SchNEWS, c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG, England
Phone: +44 (0)1273 685913

@nti copyright - information for action - copy and distribute!



Jolly Roger Press
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Jolly Roger Press -
SchNEWS's take on an anarchist publishing house catalogue produced for the Anarchist Bookfair, Issue 608 - October 2007 (Download PDF - 2 pages A4 - 970kb)

Blair Mugshot
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Blair Charge Sheet
- as Blair leaves, we look at his record - Issue 594, June 2007 (Click Here)

Rave Casualty Support Group
click here for larger image

Barrio Social Centre - What's On Guide - SchNEWS looks at a typical British social centre. Issue 573 - Jan 2007. (Download PDF - 1 page A4 - 220kb)

Upper Crust - from the spoof festival guide
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Spoof Festival Guide
- close to the bone parody of UK festival scene produced for Big Green Gathering, Issue 553 - August 2006. (Download PDF - 2.2meg)

Winston get a mohawk - Mayday 2000
SchNEWS Worst Britain
- produced for the Peace De Resistance book in 2003 (Click Here)

Washing Up Section 6
Washing Up Section 6 - spoof of a squatter's Section 6 notice. (Download A4 page, PDF, 6kb)

Are You Really Green? - questionnaire produced for the Big Green Gathering 2007 (not yet available)