This Time Last Year
497, 13th May, 2005
PAIN IN THE GULAGS Dubya's freedom-touting rhetoric rings false
as the US prison population, and history of abuse and torture of prisoners,
steadily grows. Also Berkshire's new atomic weapons facility, Philip
Carroll and Shell vs. Greg Palast and more...
496, 6th May, 2005
KURDS AND NO WAY Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
reckons there's 'no Kurdish problem'. SchNEWS begs to differ, with an
overview of the harassment and torture suffered by the Kurdish people.
Also anti-EDO demos, Eurovision in the Ukraine, the UK General Election
sham, and more...
495, 29th April, 2005
NUCLEAR PHYSICKS SchNEWS looks back at some of worst nuclear
power disasters in the former Soviet territories... as those same states
put nuclear power back on the agenda. Also anti-BP protests continue,
rainforests, and all the usual.
494, 22nd April, 2005
ROCKET ROULETTE Could it be... yet more US warmongering efforts
to reach into space? A shameless Star Wars tie-in, no doubt. Also BP
tries to whitewash the greenwash at their AGM, Belgian cops vs Citizen
Weapon Inspectors, and more.
493, 16th April, 2005
TESCOPOLY Tesco celebrate their record breaking while their suppliers
are squeezed and consumers are conned into thinking they're getting
a good deal. Also market under threat, Brian Haw latest, road building,
protests in China and more.
492, 8th April, 2005
INJUNCTIVITIS! Brighton police persuade local arms manufacturer
to get an injunction to stop pesky people protesting about their harmless
little business. Also Gas in Bolivia, ASBO's for being sarcastic and
491, All Fools Day, 2005
ROCK THE CRADLE Pop stars offer to pay off third world debt in
an attempt to boost record sales. Gleneagles goes tropical. G8 almost
totalitarian enough for China and free flights to Burma. Things have
gone so nuts we don't know what day it is.
490, 25th March, 2005
LUNATICS - HAVE TAKEN OVER ASYLUM Politicians and the press froth
at the mouth about asylum seekers spoiling everything for everyone while
the reality is that the asylum seekers are being screwed. Also software
patents, protests in Derby and Alistair Darling being stupid.
489, 18th March, 2005
LOLLY ROGERED The war on terror rumbles on in the form or the
US army and vast amounts of spin. Iraq continues to be plundered while
the population continue to fight back. Also climate change, share trading,
road projects and more.
488, 11th March, 2005
BURN AND BREAD Brighton residents waste is going to be
transferred from landfill to the equally, or even more crap incinerator
option if we're not careful with the council planning to build one in
Newhaven. Also, TOTAL in Burma, squats in Brum, Coke clamped and more.
487, 4th March, 2005
ICE BURKS! Iceland's government are hell bent on handing over
the country to corporate scum bags to destroy it in the name of profit.
Meanwhile in India, they're doing the same, and in Tasmania! We're seeing
a pattern here...
486, 25th February, 2005
FOX ME STOOPID! The hunting with dogs ban has not stopped foxes
being killed and has increased violence against hunt sabatours and the
police look away. Surprised? Also animal rights group bank account frozen,
courtroom madness, illegal logging and more.
485, 18th February, 2005
SLICK TALKING With the Kyoto treaty coming into force and the
McLibel 2 win another case greenwash is back on the corporate agenda
so dig some dirt on McDonalds and various oil companies. Also strike
victory in Haiti, Syngenta drop rice patent and more.
484, 11th February, 2005
SWEAT NOTHINGS!!! While Bliar and Brown talk of eradicating poverty
by free trade sweatshop workers experience capitalism at the sharp end
with long hours and poor pay. Also, the chemical stench of the flower
growing industry, the dodgy olympic bid and more...
483, 4th February, 2005
GOBBILISATION Round up of the rubbishness of the G8 and a kick
up the bum to do something about them having their summit in Scotland
in July. Also the clamp down on animal rights protesters, RFID chips
and more.
482, 28th January, 2005
Growing Dissent! The US expand its domination of the food chain
by making it illegal for Iraqi farmers to save their seed for following
years - making then dependent on agribusiness. Also - the world social
forum, an anarchist film festival, protests in Russia and more...
21st January, 2005
IT Go Home The government are introducing a new database to the
NHS to hold everyone's medical records to "improve the patient
experience". We're not convinced the private company doing it won't
cock it up. Also, water privitisation in Bolivia, anti road ptotests
in Milton Keynes and mercenaries in London.
| Friday
20th May 2005 |
Issue 498
Arrent of the Week | Inside SchNEWS |
Give 'Em What 4x4 | Positive SchNEWS
| She Will Rock You |
Chilean Claret | SchNEWS
In Brief | ...and finally...
There are over 6,000 political and religious prisoners in
Uzbekistan. Every year, some of them are tortured to death. Sometimes
the policemen or intelligence agents simply break their fingers,
their ribs and then their skulls with hammers, or stab them with
screwdrivers, or rip off bits of skin and flesh with pliers, or
drive needles under their fingernails, or leave them standing for
a fortnight up to their knees in freezing water. Sometimes they
are a little more inventive. The body of one prisoner was delivered
to his relatives last year, with a curious red tidemark around the
middle of his torso. He had been boiled to death. - George
Monbiot, activist and writer
Given that George Bush has been busy bringing democracy
to the Middle East and former Soviet Union states, youd think
the White House would be condemning the dictatorial Uzbek government,
who this week have been busy murdering hundreds of their own people.
A spokesman simply murmured that the regime should exercise
caution and restraint, nothing more. Its only a week
since Bush visited Georgia, a country which he referred to as a
beacon of liberty for this region and the world. Congratulating
the people for overthrowing ex-Soviet apparatchik Edvard Shevardnadze
in the Rose Revolution, Bush must have had a sense of
déjà vu. Only last Christmas the White House lavished
similar praise on the Ukrainians Orange Revolution,
providing material, financial and political support. When crowds
demonstrated in Lebanon, Kyrgizstan, Ukraine and Georgia, the Americans
welcomed it as people power and pledged to support freedom-loving
peoples of the world in their struggles to overthrow brutal
dictatorships. So why go so quiet when the Uzbek people rise
up against their own Soviet-era dictator?
Well, Uzbekistan, as Saddam Husseins Iraq once was, is seen
by the US government as a key asset. John Pike, head of the military
analysis website, said close ties with Uzbekistan
also serve longer-term goals: Its one more piece of
the (former) Soviet Union thats in our power rather than Moscows.
Its also one more piece of the encirclement of Iran. Right
now, its a base for operations in Afghanistan. What it might
become 10 years from now is anyones guess. Its part
of the great game.
Then theres the small matter of Uzbekistans 600 million+
barrels of proven oil reserves - which is probably the reason why
George Bush has even heard of the country. After 9-11 the US established
army bases there which will no doubt come in handy as they manouvre
to gain control of the oil resources, as well as keeping the locals
in line so a consortium of US companies can build a new oil pipeline
through Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea.
Nevermind all that, the current spin is that actually the Uzbek
government - with $500million in aidfrom the Pentagon
- is fighting a courageous battle against Islamic terrorists. The
truth is more likely that people are turning to anyone offering
a better life than the current dictatorial regime. As Ex-British
Ambassador (see below) Craig Murray reports, The two main
strains of opposition are the Erk and Birlik parties They
are both moderate parties with a long history and would, I think,
adopt a more Islamic stance than the current government but
neither is extreme nor bears any resemblance to the Taliban. Theyre
not trying to impose that kind of society.
Ironically, the danger is that continuing such oppression and the
pursuit of economic policies which lead to poverty and hardship
for so many will actually radicalise the opposition, driving them
into more extreme forms of Islamic Doctrines as they see any form
of attempted democratic resistance crushed.
So, apart from the usual diverting of wealth into the hands of
the chosen powerful few, why should anyone want to protest? If we
take a look at the State Department website, it accuses the Uzbek
government of torture as a routine investigation technique.
Guess that sounds just like the US really - it certainly doesnt
trouble them; Colin Powells men bunged the same law enforcement
services $79 million of aid in 2002. The State Department says officers
who receive training are vetted to ensure they have not tortured
anyone. Yeah right
to repeat, sounds just like the US military.
Craig Murray, the British ambassador to Uzbekistan who was given
the boot last year for drawing attention to human rights abuses
in the country, says the CIA brought many prisoners to the Central
Asian nation for interrogation, knowing full well that the Uzbeks
would use torture during those interrogations. Uzbekistan is believed
to be a destination country for the highly secretive renditions
programme, where the CIA ships terrorist suspects to third-party
countries where it can freely use torture to extract the necessary
confessions. The program began under an executive order signed by
President Pappa Bush in December 1992. Although the CIA has never
officially commented on the programme, flight logs obtained by the
New York Times showed that CIA-linked planes that landed in the
capital, Tashkent, had the same serial numbers as jets used to transfer
prisoners around the world. The logs show at least seven flights
from 2002 to late 2003, originating from destinations in the Middle
East and Europe.
Craig Murray has been on about this for ages, but his first bollocking
came in March 2003 when he was reprimanded for writing, When
it comes to the Karimov regime, systematic torture and rape appear
to be treated by the Bush administration as an indulgence, which
should not affect our relationship and should be downplayed in the
international forum. Later that year some of his embassy staff
were sacked and he was called back to London to face 18 disciplinary
charges, including hiring dolly birds for above the usual
rate in the visa department (even though it had an all-male
staff) and granting UK visas in exchange for sex. If he told anyone
about the charges he would be in violation of the Official Secrets
Act and sent to prison... just standard British gagging procedure
Meanwhile a procession of top Bush administration officials trekked
to Tashkent to thank the dictator for his services. Donald Rumsfeld,
not content with that 1983 photo of himself shaking hands with Saddam
Hussein, praised Karimov for his wonderful cooperation,
while former Treasury secretary, Paul ONeill, admired the
autocrats very keen intellect and deep passion
for improving the lives of ordinary Uzbeks.
As journalist Jonathan Freedland put it Think of it as the
Sonofabitch School of foreign policy. Legend has it that when Franklin
D. Roosevelt was confronted with the multiple cruelties of his ally,
the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, he replied: He may
be a sonofabitch, but hes our sonofabitch. More than
60 years on, that serves as a pretty good expression of American,
and therefore British, attitudes to Karimov, the tyrant of Tashkent
who has ruled the central Asian republic of Uzbekistan since the
break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.
* Demonstrate against the Uzbek massacres this Saturday 21st 12
noon, 41 Holland Park Road, London W11 3RP. (Holland Park Tube)
* For more see
Crap Arrest of the Week
For hanging a banner...
The Danish branch of Greenpeace was charged last week under a law
on financing acts of terrorism! What did they do - blow up a building?
Er, no. In October 2003 some Greenpeace members got on the roof
of the Agricultural Council headquarters and hung a banner in opposition
to GM food. Now the whole organisation has been charged under terrorism
laws adopted after September 11th.
Inside SchNEWS
Five anarchists have been nicked by the police in Italy
for the subversion of democratic order. In an operation
coordinated by the central anti-terrorism police department, 150
police units carried out another 20 searches at the homes of anarchists.
The group have been accused of inciting revolt by refugees, damaging
the commercial activities of multinational clothing company Benetton
and smashing petrol pumps of oil war company ESSO.
* Two women arrested for chaining themselves to a digger in protest
at the start of work on the controversial Linslade bypass
have been acquitted. Incompetent prosecutors failed to show that
an offence had been committed. However their victory was tarnished
as they were refused the chance to stand up in court and expose
how Bucks County Council road rough shod over wildlife laws
* This week the court ruled that British terror suspect Babar
Ahmad can now be extradited to the United States. Babar was
originally arrested on anti terrorism laws and was released six
days later without charge (see SchNEWS 474),
before the US decided that he was, in fact, a terrorist. His case
has now been sent to the Home Secretary for final approval.
* Six students are up on Aggravated Trespass charges at
Lancaster University in a move being closely watched by other Campuss
around the country .They have been charged five months after walking
into a conference on campus to talk to industry reps about the perils
of privatising intellectual property. The six are looking for support,
particularly from other universities. See
* The Ministry of Defence has failed in its bid to get an Anti
Social Behaviour Order put on peace campaigner Lindis Percy,
to stop her demonstrating outside the US spy base Menwith Hill.
The judge said I am firmly of the view courts ought not to
allow anti-social behaviour orders to be used as a club to beat
down the expression of legitimate comment and the dissemination
of views of matters of public concern.
Mind you Lindis still got a six week tag-curfew for obstructing
the highway which is on hold while she appeals.
Got a crap ASBO of the week, send them into the SchNEWS office.
35 Greenpeace activists locked on to a Land Rover production line
in Solihull on Monday in protest at the climate-wrecking emissions
of the companies Sports Utility Vehicles. The Range Rover is the
UKs least fuel-efficient 4x4 doing a criminal 12 miles to
the gallon in urban areas. Making cars like this for urban
use is crazy when 150,000 people are dying every year from climate
change, said Greenpeaces Ben Stewart. The new Range
Rover Sport, which has been tuned primarily for on road performance,
does fewer miles to the gallon than the Model T Ford built 80 years
ago. FYI: 4x4s arent just for parents in the city. Land Rover
also have a tidy market in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Baghdad, selling
bullet proof cars with service options to invading business folk.
Greenpeace has been served with an injunction and a damages bill
of £12m - £1m for every hour of halted production. SchNEWS
wonders if we can all serve a bill (or an ASBO) on Land Rover for
fucking up our climate.
Check out
for more.
Positive SchNEWS
This week is Be Nice to Nettles Week, and its
time we all showed a bit more respect to this wonder plant. Nettles
are stuffed full of Vitamin A, B and C, iron and even serotonin,
(the drug which makes us happy, and which doctors reckon is depleted
after youve stuffed your face full of ecstasy pills). They
can be cooked like spinach and made into tea or cordial. Its
nearly too late to pick them, as the devil is meant to piss on them
after May, which means that when they start to flower they taste
bitter. Then its time to cut them down, stick them in a bucket
of water and in a couple of weeks youve got a free plant pick-me-up.
In the garden, they provide the natural habitat for 40 different
insects including the Peacock butterfly. They can be made into clothing
and were widely used in WW1 to help make military uniforms, as well
as rope and shampoo.
According to tradition, Caesars troops introduced the Roman
nettle into Britain because they thought that they would need to
flail themselves with the plant to keep warm, and until recently
urtication, or beating with nettles, was a standard
folk remedy for arthritis and rheumatism.
So while people continually carp on about the many uses of cannabis
and how it can save the world, the poor old nettle is left on the
roadside and forgotten. So we at SchNEWS Towers reckons its time
to forget about marching for cannabis (more like shuffling), and
instead get out on the streets and start demanding more rights and
respects for our nettles. Whats more, unlike cannabis, nettles
wont give you the munchies. (It should be pointed out that
the nettle is a relative of the cannabis plant Gardening
Ed.) Find out more on the internettle (or is it the World Weed Web?)
Its all go at this weeks Queens Speech. Tonys been
listening (to Daily Hate Mail readers). Theres the Counter
Terrorism Bill for starters. That includes scope for new offences
which would assist in bringing suspected terrorists before the courts.
SchNEWS fave the Identity Cards Bill is back and promising
biometric ID cards by 2008. No more skiving off work for doley scum:
the new Incapacity Benefit Bill about to forcing the disabled and
injured into work. Theyll be more electronic tagging with
the Management of Offenders and Sentencing Bill and no doubt more
ASBOS in sight as the Violent Crime Bill promises to bring in measures
to reduce binge drinking and tackle yob behaviour in town centres.
Are you thinking what we are thinking? That all politicians are
control freaks.
General Carreras, ex-head of Pinochets Chilean secret police
force has finally fessed up and given the Chilean Supreme court
a detailed list of the whereabouts of 580 of the thousands of people
who disappeared during the dictators regime in
the 1970s. So whatll Norman Lamont and rusty old iron Lady
Thatcher, chief apologists for the old bastard, have to say for
themselves now? Probably much the same as before - of Pinochet,
Thatcher said,
on his fate depends much else besides.
Henceforth, all former heads of government are potentially at risk.
Those still in government will be inhibited from taking the right
action in a crisis, because they may later appear before a foreign
court to answer for it
hmm, SchNEWS reckons that if
shes done nothing wrong shell have nothing to worry
SchNEWS In Brief
- Moulsecoomb Forest Garden open day this Sunday (22nd)
12 - 5pm at the allotments directly behind Moulsecoomb Train Station
- More events at Brightons Cowley Club during the
festival. On Monday (23rd) film The 43 Group,
about a group of Jewish ex-servicemen who beat fascists off the
streets after the Second World War. 6.30pm. On Wednesday (25th)
Film Operation Solstice and talk by author
Andy Worthington about the legacy of the Battle of the Beanfield
- Anarchist Communism and the politics of the Anarchist Federation
- short Intro and Q & A session, next Thursday (26th) Freedom
Bookshop 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX 7pm
- The French Palestinian Solidarity Campaign are organising
a peace caravan, leaving Strasburg at the beginning of July, through
Italy, Greece and Turkey down to Jerusalem. More people needed
from the UK:
- From bribery, fraud, and corruption in Iraq, to the undermining
of US government regulations that protect drinking water at home,
Corporate Watch spills the beans on Vice President Dick
Cheneys pals at Halliburton, in an alternative annual report
for the company, published this week:
- Also check out the special report by the International Federation
of Journalists and Statewatch on politics of fear
and disappearing civil liberties.
- UK Water Firm BIwater have been kicked out of Tanzania,
just two years into a ten year contract. Buywater now expect the
UK taxpayer to pick up their bill, via Export Credit Guarantee.
For more on this utter fucking madness see
- Hundreds of mothers and children from Dale Farm caravan park,
Crays Hill which is facing eviction, will march into Basildon
on this Saturday (21st) to make a last minute appeal to the district
council which has paid our favourite Gypsy eviction specialists
Constant & Co, £20,000 to draw up the eviction plans
- The black propaganda new Respect MP George Galloway is
currently getting is exactly the same sort of state shit-stirring
that was dished out to Miners leader Arthur Scargill during the
1984/5 Miners Strike. Check out the excellent The
Enemy Within by Seamus Milne (Verso)
- The HAVE I GOT SchNEWS FOR YOU show, along with the TRAPESE
Roadshow is touring the country in the build-up to the G8
summit in Scotland this July. They have added a new date this
Sat (21st) in Nottingham at 7:30pm (venue TBA - contact Sumac
Centre 0845 458 9595). (The tour crew give special thanks to Peter
Burt in Reading for help last week).
Get yer dodgy literature plus t-shirts,
badges etc. With books from Cowley Club bookshop, Active Distro
and other stalls...
Saturday 21st May 11am -4pm
Cowley Club, 12 London Rd (Free entry) |
...and finally...
Following on from finding out last week that companies are bidding
to have newly discovered animal species named after them, SchNEWS
may be changing its mind - it could still be preferable to the alternative:
Neo-Cons! A paper published recently announced 3 new species of
slime-mold beetles named after Bush and his cronies (insert your
own slime related joke here). No, unbelievably, it wasnt a
wry political comment from a disgruntled scientist but done in
honour of the great ones. Bush even phoned creepy crawly Prof.
Wheeler to say thanks! The poor beetles in question will forever
be known as Agathidium bushi Miller and Wheeler, A. cheneyi Miller
and Wheeler and A. rumsfeldi Miller and Wheeler. Its a bugs
life alright.
SchNEWS warns all readers not to be fooled by Bush and Blairs
double Uzbekistandards... Honest!
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