Home | Friday 19th March 2010 | Issue 714

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Smash EDO held a picket demonstration outside Barclays bank in Brighton (Wednesday 17th) to mark the 7th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq on March 19th 2003. A crowd of 25 protesters gathered outside Barclays holding banners announcing “Blood Money” and “Investors In Death”.

The demonstrators handed out more than 1,500 leaflets informing passers-by that Barclays is the UK’s largest investor in the arms trade, part of which is providing market maker services to ITT/EDO (See SchNEWS 701). Two security mannequins were stationed on the entrance of the bank but there was no visible police presence. Professional Witnesses Ltd (a private London-based surveillance company) was present in the obligatory white van to record unfolding events.

* www.smashedo.org.uk

Keywords: barclays, edo, iraq, itt


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