Home | Friday 26th March 2010 | Issue 715

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Andrew Norman, the organiser of Thimbleberry Festival who was charged with allowing his premises to be used for smoking cannabis (see SchNEWS 707), has had his case hurled out of court after the judge dismissed it as “invalidly commited”.

After talks between the judge, the CPS and Andy’s lawyer, the prosecution offered no evidence - presumably because they had none. The judge had questioned the prosecution’s definition of premises, to which prosecutor Mark Giuliani replied, “it would appear to have been a field”. The judge went on to say, “had this been looked at logically, it could never have been committed from the magistrates’ court”

Although the first of this year’s Thimbleberrys was cancelled, following his victory Andy declared, “the show is back on” and plans to go ahead with September’s festival

Keywords: festivals, police


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