| 2nd August
1996 | Issue
"If British Aerospace
sold stakes to Vlad the Impaler, and Vlad went out of business today
they'd start selling sabres to Genghis Khan tomorrow" - Terry
Egan trade unionist.
The decision by a Liverpool
jury to clear four women of writing off a £23m Hawk jet is making
a lot of people in the 'arms industry' very nervous indeed. The
women had gone to Warton airbase in January armed with just hammers
and smashed up the Hawk control panels. In court they successfully
defended themselves against charges of criminal damage by arguing
that they were disabling the plane to stop a more important crime,
genocide, from being committed. They have set a remarkable precedent
- it's now legal to destroy jets, missiles, weapons and anything
else made in Britain for export to dodgy regimes for use against
their people! The Hawk jet was due to be sent to Indonesia where
the dictatorship has killed a third of the East Timorese population
and continues to oppress its people. As one activist, Mick, told
SchNEWS, "It's all go for real direct action now. They'd better
be increasing their security around all those bases and factories
because there's a lot of people very keen on destroying the products
of this sordid little industry bit by bit."
"Outside, people were
saying that we couldn't go around smashing up other people's property.
But people in prison don't have hang ups about that. They accepted
that if planes are going to kill people, then you stop them."
With rioting by pro-democracy
demonstrators in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta at the weekend
followed quickly by a new 'shoot to kill' policy from the military
regime, focus has once again been turned towards the world's fourth
largest country. Britain is quite happy to sell weapons to a country
which according to Amnesty International has killed "hundreds
of thousands of civilians" and illegally occupied East Timor since
1975. And it is East Timor where the jets are being used to kill
and terrorise the people. As John Pilger, a journalist who, posing
as a travel consultant entered the country in 1993 and made the
documentary Death of a Nation, told the jury "I have reported
from places like Cambodia and Vietnam, but I have never seen anything
like East Timor. The country was like a vast cemetery, its landscapes
covered in crosses with the names of entire families on them".
In 1991, just after 270
peaceful demonstrators were massacred in East Timor, the British
government approved "aid" of £81m to the Indonesian government.
In 1993 Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd flew out to Indonesia to
congratulate the regime on "recognising human rights as an important
element in man's freedom" and gave them another 63 million quid.
Six weeks later 24 British Aerospace Hawk jets were sold to Indonesia.
Labour sold the first
Hawks to Indonesia in 1978, and Shadow Defence spokesman, David
Clark recently said that a Labour government "would definitely be
willing to supply military equipment to Indonesia". With an official
'opposition' like this thank God there's people willing to take
direct action against this dealing in death - and juries willing
to support their right to do so.
"To the media, terrorists
are crazed, masked loners or political extremists. In reality, the
real terrorists are governments and corporations waging war on people
and the planet for the God of Money."
It's nothing new: secret
files just declassified in the US show that Britain aided the slaughter
of more than half a million people by the Indonesian army in just
a few months in 1965. The covert aid of arms were dubbed 'medicines'.
The documents reveal that the then British ambassador, Sir Andrew
Gilchrist, wrote to London: "I have never concealed from you
my belief that a little shooting in Indonesia would be an essential
preliminary to effective change."
If 500,000 deaths is
a 'little', what else don't we know?
As SchNEWS went to press
the four women were unavailable to comment. Suffering from hangovers
after getting hammered last night perhaps?
*Contact Stop The Hawks
on 0161 834 0295
'Three Strikes and You're Out" women intend to bring a private prosecution
against British Aerospace in order to find them guilty of genocidal
acts. Good luck girls!!!
* 6th August
- national actions against Trident, including action at Faslane
Peace Camp to commemorate the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki 0171 607 3616.
* 2nd September
- Stop the Farnborough Arms Fair by-joining the sitdown blockade
of this arms bazaar
* 5th November
- Blockade the torturers at the COPEX arms fair.
to both events, details from Campaign Against the Arms Trade 0171
281 0297.
Water cannons being
used against pro-democracy demonstrators are being made in
Southampton by Glover Webb 01703 452811. SchNEWS phoned GKN
Defence who own Glover Webb. Their PR is dealt with by the
slimy Mike Docherty, himself recently returned from Indonesia,
who told SchNEWS that their cannons were used by the Indonesian
police to "Dampen down hot passions". When queried by SchNEWS
as to whether these passions may arise because Indonesia is
a military dictatorship, Docherty said "We do not comment
on politics." His direct line is 01952 224712. Call him and
ask him if he's feeling passionate at the moment.
When we called
BAe all their press relations people were busy. Keep it that
way: Call and tell them where they can stick their missiles
01252 373232.
*36% of Government research
and development funds goes to the military (£2 billion). £35 million
is spent on environmental R&D. (0.5%!!)
* Two thirds of British
arms exports go to developing countries
* Aid is often linked
to the purchase of military equipment. The Pergau Dam in Malaysia
was given £234 million of British aid to fund the highly contentious
dam, was directly linked to a £1 billion arms deal.
* It is estimated that
the arms trade is subsidised in excess of £1 billion, a subsidy
of £12,500 per job.
* 10% of UK taxation
is spent on the military.
01273 746 262 C.U. THERE!
privatisation jobs have gone, responsibilities increased and mergers
to create monopolies are already happening. Nine out of 25 regions
voted this week for one-day strikes to begin in August
TUBE STRIKE: Underground
actions are becoming more common and very successful - on the last
strike only two trains were running.
To show solidarity with the tube strikers Reclaim the Streets are
holding a Critical mass bike ride through London on WED 7th.
There will be four separate Critical masses from all ends of London
which will all meet up together in Trafalgar Square in time for
breakfast. Hopefully people will hear of the strike and bike ride
and decide to say at home or join in instead. Bring your breakfast
and join in the chaos.
Meet: North, Highbury
fields, Highbury Corner. South, Clapham common, south side, nr.
Windmill Inn. East, London Fields, or Pub on the park Hackney. West,
Shepherds Bush green.
Phone R.T.S for more
info. Tel. 0171 281 4621
Reclaim The Street
fever - Saturday 17th August Bath 01225 448556 . 17th August Birmingham meet Cannon Hill Park 12 noon ... Brighton meet
1pm Churchill Square 24th Aug... Saturday 14th September 1pm outside
Cambridge Railway St.
the Job Seekers Allowance(JSA) around the corner, frightened Benefits
Agency workers are on a two day strike over the fact that management
won't put protective screens up. Since 1993 attacks on staff by
claimants have increased by 240%, but management say there is nothing
to worry about - but it won't be them getting a punch in the face.
And last week dozens of benefits offices across the country walked
out after Peter Lilley confirmed the privatisation of child benefit
The 500-strong wildcat strike in Liverpool is still going strong
after l0 months, largely thanks to international solidarity. The
dockers were sacked en masse when they refused a move back to the
dark days of casual labour. Each man, with an average of 30 years
service, was refused a £25,000 payout on principle in the only unionised
port in the country. Profits of the Merseyside Docks and Harbour
Company rose from £8M in 1989 to £33M in 1994. Moral, practical
and financial support to: J Davies, Secretary, Merseyside Port Shop
Stewards, Scorton St, Liverpool L6 4AS Tel 0171 387 4771
Deadlock. The Great British Government are getting all hot under
the collar and talking about ending the right to strike in 'essential
services' and making unions financially liable for disruption to
public services by industrial action. The Post Office has stubbornly
and publicly refused to go to independent talks, saying they will
not back down on the new 'teamworking' proposals for workers.
Visions of the future?
"six month contract part time posties, presumably working without
paid/unpaid meal breaks, working flexibly enough that one day they
work 3 hours and 8 on the next with no warning."
Around 96% of the staff
were out on the latest one-day strikes. Expect yer SchNEWS to be
mailed later (than usual!) for the rest of the year ACTIVISTS STRIKE:
Protesters from all over the country re going on strike in solidarity
with all these workers. Activists will refrain from creative acts
of solidarity such as picking up their Giros, although some may
stop wearing Dockers as a mark of support.
"We call on everyone
who claims to be human. May our heads not be severed from our bodies
and held aloft by dirty hands'
- Turkish
paper Ozgur Poiltika, Jan '96.
Four hundred desperate
Turkish prisoners, on hunger strike for between 50-60 days, called
off their protest on Saturday when the new government gave in to
their key demands. A fleet of ambulances ferried the prisoners to
hospital. Twelve died, eighteen are in a coma. 100 are still seriously
Last month Turkey, balanced
precariously between the Balkans and the Middle East, became an
Islamic-led nation for the first time in 70 years.
Turkey's new justice
minister, Sevket Kazan, bad threatened bloody intervention in the
jails: "I don't give a damn about foreign press reports and
letters from Amnesty International".
The prisoners took control
of four jails, taking weapons from the guards. Turkey was attempting
to split prisoners apart, who in turn feared violent abuse and vulnerability.
There are 10,000 political prisoners - Turks and Kurds - in gruesome
jails. Seven have been beaten to death since last September, according
to Amnesty international. Prisoners also realised that the proposed
acceptance to the European Union would sanction continuous human
rights abuses. The two-month strike spread, from riots in Ankara
and Istanbul to... Austria. five Turks began a hunger fast in solidarity.
In Germany. four nights of fire bomb attacks on Turkish property
by supporters. In England 120 went on hunger strike in Hackney,
two had been fasting for 22 days. In the last days over 2,000 in
Turkey were refusing food. Retribution for the prisoners is inevitable.
The Turkish Republic
is responsible for the burning of many villages, massive depopulation
of entire districts, about three million internal refugees, the
abduction and murder of a prominent journalist and a writer by police
"death squads", the arbitrary arrest of thousands and the 'disappearing'
last year of 231people. New Islamic Prime Minister Necmettan Erbakan
told the country before the election:
"We will come and
we will direct the country. No-one will know if it will be sweet
or bloody but we shall see." Fax him on 0090 312 418 1795.
* The first International
Peace In Kurdistan Festival takes place on 1st Sept in Trafalgar
Sq from 2-8pm. Tel: 0171 249 6980.
* Vigil every Saturday
at St Martins-in-the-Field, Trafalgar St 3-4pm.
* In London, a Satellite
TV channel Med-TV, set up by Kurdish refugees was forced off the
air last month under pressure from the UK government. It was a vital
service, the only link to the outside world, for a people without
a written language of their own. The Kurdish people, at 35 million,
are the largest stateless nation on Earth.
* Kurdistan Information
Centre, 10 Glasshouse Yard, London EC1A 4JN. Tel 0171 250 1315.
JUSTICE DAY - AUGUST 10th. In May, the US overtook Russia as
the world's top jailers. One in 200 are inside.
crap arrest
of the week
For having a party
outside Newbury nick. 10 people were arrested under various
public order offences for partying hard whilst Balin was inside
one of the cells. On Thursday Balin was released after being
given two months to pay a £150 fine.
Innerfield, Brighton's free party stack system, is now minus
four tubes - nicked as they were setting up at Devil's Dyke last
Saturday. SchNEWS will be happy to print names, address and telephone
numbers if anyone can finger the culprits
GO II? Michael Howard, of Britain's law 'n order party fascist
system, has been found guilty for the ELEVENTH time for abusing
his powers to illegally extend sentences in the Jamie Bulger case.
The Home Secretary took no notice of the psychiatric or social reports
but instead based his view on that famous barometer of publicly
accountable justice - Sun readers coupons. What with his proposed
three-strikes-and-you're-out policy he should now be running eight
life sentences concurrently
Its kickin'off in East Enders where the up-for-it locals rioted
over a playground scheme. "And the revolution in Albert Square continues
on Thursday..."
*** It's not quite in
the Alan Shearer league, but punks in Germany are worth £4 million,
or £4,000 per punk, according to a breakdown of security costs for
the annual Chaos Days riot in Hanover. Six thousand police are expected
to outnumber anarchists six to one. Last year the riots lasted three
*** Eight hunt sabs are
up in court - on charges of aggravated trespass and breach of the
peace - on 7th August outside Ayr Sheriff Court, Strathclyde -and
want some support. If you're in the area that day turn-up at 2pm.
*** Sat Aug 3rd - 17th
11am - 6pm "The Life, Liberty, Survival Exhibition 1996" at the Phoenix
Gallery, Waterloo Place, Brighton. Bob Dobbs and his MIGHTY Church
of the Subgenius. Don't be slack ring 01273 686 818 for info.
is taking place at the Colin Roach Centre, 56 Clarence Road,
Hackney on Tuesday 6th August at 7pm |
and strikingly...
Contrast the following:
Midge Mather a Wiltshire pensioner who was driven to distraction
by the bell-ringing of her local church, who smashed her way into
the chapel and severed the ropes of all six dangers. She is still
at large, terrorising her community with violent sabotage. Conversely
people attending a LEGAL gathering a few miles down the road were
constantly harassed and strip searched by police. This invasion
of privacy led to a yet another naked protest in this sizzling soaraway
summer. The moral of the story: try and be consistent boys (and
girls) in blue, or you get a cheeky response!!
The SchNEWS warns all
readers not to attend any illegal gatherings or take part in any
criminal activities. Always stay within the law. In fact please
just sit in, watch TV and go on endless shopping sprees filling
your house and lives with endless consumer crap.... you will then
feel content. Honest.
Subscribe! Keep
SchNEWS free! Just send 1st class stamps (eg 20 for 20 issues) or
donations (payable to Justice?) Mark 'Original' if you plan to copy:
SchNEWS c/o on-the-fiddle PO Box 2600 Brighton East Sussex BN2 2DX.
SchNEWS is free to prisoners tel/fax: (01273) 685913. email:
TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER e-SchNEWS: http://www.cbuzz.co.uk
Next Justice? meeting:
Henry Law 'The Price of Vacant land is Unemployment' - Land right
& use @ Brighton Unemployed Centre off Canton Hill behind
(pig strikin' allegedly) GREEN THE BIG FOUR 'O' NEXT WED MEET AT
