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Do It Yourself
- A Handbook For Changing The World
Edited by the Trapese Collective, 2007, Pluto
It Yourself is a handbook for activists both newcomers
as well as veterans of one form or another of political activity
who want to explore other areas. Appearing in 2007, it reflects
many of the issues current to the 'activist milieu' in the 'global
north' as we stand on the edge of the precipice facing peak oil,
climate change, loss of public spaces, food miles and all the other
features of late, late neo-liberal capitalism. The book's focus
is not on the full details of these pending catastrophes
it leaves this to other publications but on the ideas and
practical issues around getting actively involved - in a hands-on
way - in the political networks who are playing their part in the
mammoth job of a global transformation towards a sustainable future
both ecologically and socially, as well as economically.
Nine aspects of building this future have been highlighted in sections
of this book, including low impact living, education, health, food
production, direct action, autonomous spaces, alternative media
and others (admittedly not exhaustive, but this book could go on
forever and be a thirty volume set). Each section is written by
different writers who are currently working in that area, and is
in two parts one introducing the themes and issues relevant
to the topic, the second part about practical responses to it. Some
sections include how-to guides on such topics as managing domestic
water use, setting up a community garden or running a direct action
campaign, while other sections are more given to discussions on
logistical and organisational problems such as group power dynamics
eg what to do if an alpha male tries to take over your group.
If the goal of this book is to help pissed-off but self-motivated
people in Britain and elsewhere overcome despair and cynicism and
become proactively politically involved and ecologically and socially
responsible, then it works very well. Believe it or not you jaded
old hacks out there, new people will get involved and a dog-eared
copy of this book will be on their shelf.
But while not wanting to go on about what this book isn't, it
is true that all the new people it may attract to activism will
need to go elsewhere to fill in the gaps to the many questions which
it leaves unanswered: for instance a decentralised, localised
transport system sounds fine but what about a decentralised
DIY judicial system? Because while the overall levels of alienation
would be much lower in our new future, there will nonetheless still
be sociopaths and criminals. What structures do you put in place
to deal with them - and in fact what structures do you put in at
all? What system of exchange do you have which is not profit-driven
market capitalism, given that the exchange of produce is inevitable
and necessary? Nations and borders must go, but is it going to be
federations of communities and if so how do they all negotiate/exchange/resolve
conflicts? One community's crops fail is there a welfare
safety net provided by the others? And so on... This is where the
other twenty-nine volumes would come in.
This book will no doubt spark debate because of the emphasis it
has put on different aspects, as well as what it has omitted to
tackle. For instance, many would put direct action campaigning at
the absolute heart of DIY-anarchist politics and rightly
so but while this book certainly has a very useful section
on it, it is the final section, almost like the naughty kid at the
back of the class. The sections on cultural activism, education,
media, health etc all get the same length and billing as the one
on direct action. But then the logic behind this and indeed
a major theme of this book - may be contained in the title of the
first chapter: 'Why we need holistic solutions for a world in crisis'.
There are many fundamental aspects to building a sustainable future,
and some of them don't involve locking-on or digger diving
in fact some are outside what we normally call 'activism', and are
more everyday, but nonetheless equally crucial (eg health and education).
Therefore it is equally necessary to put that same 'fire-in-the-belly'
DIY-spirit into a whole spectrum of efforts, and reach out to many
outside the 'activist milieu', if we are to have half a chance of
contributing to turning this around.
For more see www.handbookforchange.org
