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the struggle for American Indian liberation
Ward Churchill - AK
this juncture, the entire planet is locked, figuratively, in a room
with the socio-cultural equivalent of Hannibal Lecter. An individual
of consummate taste and refinement, imbued with indelible grace
and charm, he distracts his victims with the brilliance of his intellect,
even while honing his blade. He is thus able to dine alone upon
their livers, his feast invariably candlelit, accompanied by lofty
music and a fine wine. Over and over the ritual is repeated, always
hidden, always denied in order that it may be continued. So perfect
is Lecter's pathology that, from the depths of his scorn for the
inferiors upon whom he feeds, he advances himself as their sage
and therapist, he who is incomparably endowed with the ability to
explain their innermost meanings, he professes to be their saviour.
His success depends upon being embraced and exulted
by those upon who he preys. Ultimately, so long as Lecter is able
to retain his mask of omnipotent geniality, he can never be stopped.
The socio-cultural equivalent of Hannibal Lecter is the core of
an expansionist European "civilisation" which has reached
out to engulf the entire planet"
Another history lesson from the mighty pen of Churchill, reminding
us what history's victors would prefer we forgot. "Predator"
is a meticulously researched collection of essays concerning the
fate of America's original
inhabitants since the European invasion. From the broken land treaties
of the 1800's to the enforced fostering (i.e. kidnap) of Native
children to White families of the 1900's, Churchill never pulls
any punches.
The 500-year long occupation of the Americas is presented here
as a debilitate genocide holocaust, surpassing even the Nazi's Final
Solution in effectiveness and brutality.
Churchill points the finger at the Dominant cultures revolutionary
Left as much as the imperialist Right -
land grabs by white settlers increased under the Abolitionist
Government following the Civil War in the
US. Left- wing movements across Latin america have habitually ignored
the plight and status of local
Indian comunities and tribes.Indeed, Marx's writing fail to acknowledge
tribes or tribal identity as valid
human ties, prefering to see society, particularly the working class,
in simplistic, reductive terms. The
Zapitista's of south Mexico are hailed as a dramatic example of
indiginous peoples reasserting themselves
on the political stage, offering something to the planets "Fouth
World" beyond the traditional Left/Right dichotomies.
Churcill, unsurprisingly, is known for his involvement in the
American Indian Movement and the yearly disruption of the Columbus
Day Parade in Colorado.He has recently come under a lot of flak
for his comments after 9/11. For more on the man and his writing,
see www.zmag.org/bios/homepage.cfm?authorID=62
