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OR FREEDOM FIGHTERS Reflections on the Liberation of Animals
edited by Steve Best & Anthony J. Nocella
foreword by Ward Curchill
Lantern books www.lanternbooks.com
A collection of essays on the history and impact
of Direct Action in the Animal Rights movement. Focusing primarily
on the antics of the Animal Liberation Front/Earth Liberation Front,
plenty of well-known warriors give their tuppence worth - native
American scholar Ward Churchill, whale ship-scuttler Rod Coronado,
PETA-founder Ingrid Newkirk and so on.
Over the course of the book, many of the same points
are repeated rather tediously, and sometimes comes across as over
earnest in places, but these points make it a good introduction for
those new to the theory/practise of DA .It's American-based,
with a section devoted to the implications of the US Patriot
Act, and could have done with some photographs, but this is
a nice little opener for those who doubt the necessity of Direct
"Animals are drowned, suffocated, and
starved to death, they have their limbs severed and their bones
crushed, they are burned, exposed to radiation, and used in experimental
surgeries, they are shocked, raised in isolation, rendered blind
or paralysed, they are given heart attacks, ulcers and seizures.
And they say Animal Rights Activists are violent"
on direct action " it's necessity is it's
excuse for existence"