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Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective Issue 248, Friday 18th February, 2000SchNEWS still beeds YOUR help! "FRIENDS OF THE POOR" "One Filipino child is said to die every hour, in a country
where more than half the national budget is given over to paying just the interest
on World Bank and IMF loans." The outgoing head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) became the latest victim to be pied last Sunday. In a farewell speech at a meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)in Bangkok,Michel Camdessus' claim that the IMF "are best friends of the poor" was clearly too much for one outraged person, who pied him full in the face. Splat! And SchNEWS can reveal that the pie in the face is nothing compared to the global protests being planned when the IMF next meets at Washington DC in April! So why all the fuss? What's the IMF? Read on for your quick economics lesson... In 1944, 44 nations met in the New England village of Bretton Woods to construct a new framework of stability and national sovereignty for the post-war economy. This little gathering gave birth to three beautiful offspring... The IMF, the World Bank and the WTO (which at that time was called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT). Frederic F.Clairmont, in 'The Rise and Fall of Economic Liberalism' described the Bretton Woods creation as "a lethal totalitarian blueprint for the carve up of world markets". The IMF, in its infancy, was set up to maintain currency stability and develop world trade, but as it grew up it got bigger and badder. In the 1970s, the Organisation of Oil Producing Countries (OPEC) shoved large amounts of money in western banks which the banks then loaned out to developing countries. When governments began to run into trouble with the repayments, the IMF and World Bank hastily stepped in to bail out the private banks. The transfer of private debt into public liability was therefore complete - the third world debt crisis had begun! In order that third world governments rescheduled their debts and received new loans, the IMF imposed certain conditions, conditions called 'structural adjustments'. Countries whose economies are going down the pan can receive loans from the IMF in return for a bit of 'adjustment'. Adjustment, to the IMF, means de-regulation of industry, cutbacks in public services and subsistence farming abandoned to cash crops. In short, the economic direction of the country is planned, monitored and controlled by the IMF in Washington. Lovely! Or as John Pilger put it,"the surrender of sovereignty, and without a gunboat in sight." Any Governments that refuse to comply are cast into financial darkness and refused further loans. In 1997, the foreign debt of 'developing countries' was $2 trillion. Put another way this is $400 for every man, woman and child, while the average income in these countries is less than a dollar a day. Meanwhile... net nerd Bill Gates is worth over $60 billion; more than $1.5 trillion changes hands on the global currency market each day; the World's richest 200 people are worth more than $1 trillion!!! The IMF: Working wonders worldwide... Chile was the first lucky recipient of the IMF's restructuring revolution under Augosto Pinochet's regime. This resulted in industries being dismantled and the majority of Chileans being plunged into poverty. At the end of this programme, Chile's debt was higher than it was at the start. Surely this was a failure? Oh no, the IMF were proud of the results! The reign of ruin spread to Africa, the poorest continent in the world where more money is spent of debt repayments than on healthcare. What a lovely target...the IMF rubbed its hands with joy as they took over the management of the economies, increasing debt by 400%. In the city of Lusaka in Zambia, four out of every five people are unemployed and half of the newly privatised companies are bankrupt. Nicaragua is equally fortunate, structural adjustments have moved the economic burden from the rich to the poor. Living standards have declined and many state workers face a bleak future owing to the privitisation of almost everything. Dictators, unsurprisingly, are very good at applying IMF policies, and so have been very successful at receiving loans. Very often this money has not reached the poor who suffer most through the subsequent debt. In the Philipines, the late Ferdinand Marcos managed to build up a wealth of $10 billion thanks to International Aid. On his departure, the IMF refused to cancel repayment and simply moved the burden to the Filipino government who had to raise taxes and end rice subsidies. In Brazil there is no record for 80% of the amount borrowed by the former military dictatorship. * The IMF's program extends to complimenting dodgy regimes, which maybe accounts for their recent praise of New Labour's chancellor, Gordon Brown. * A small group of protesters, disguised with West Papuan tribal masks, greeted the Indonesian President and 100 of his corporate cronies this week, throwing pies and fake blood and blocking the entrance to a business seminar. The Indonesians were here to chat to 400 delegates from British industry.
For waiting for a train! Brighton's finest were out in force last Saturday night at Brighton station with the usual collection of S&M gear, dogs and vehicles needed to ensure safety for the travelling public. One particularly jovial officer approached a humble SchNEWS scribe and proceeded to let his dog jump all over him, justifying the assault as "just training, sir" before moving on to his next victim. The fifth or sixth person unwillingly drawn into this "training" exercise wasn't so lucky, as the dog got very excited and the extremely bemused commuter was grabbed by four cops and dragged off to a police car without search, charge or caution. "I was ordered to go into a brick room and take off my gas mask for 3-4
minutes. I then ran out tears streaming from my face and I felt awful." Shocking evidence is emerging from scientists investigating chemical gases carried out by the Ministry of Defence in "Demoralising Experiments". The International Scientific Environmental Research Network (I.S.E.R.N) told SchNEWS, "We were digging into the controversial topic of Gulf War Syndrome when we made an astonishing discovery." I.S.E.R.N started investigating ex-servicemen and found that men who were in the army as far back as 1945 suffered illnesses related to chemical damage to the brain. When the ex-serviceman above asked why the M.O.D had gassed him, he was told it was an experiment "to see if I could carry out orders while demoralised." An I.S.E.R.N spokesman told us, "this soldier was subjected to a concoction of chemicals, which attacked the limbic region of his brain, which controls mood and memory. Hence the demoralising effect. When tested we discovered he had chemicals in his blood from 55 years ago! Furthermore, his children have developed an illness known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and they have allergies to everyday chemicals such as perfume, paint, tobacco smoke, household cleaners, car fumes etc. This illness is caused by chemical damage to the limbic region of the brain." What a coincidence! This is the thin end of the wedge. Evidence suggests up to 2 million people in the UK may be ill due to the M.O.D's use and creation of toxic chemicals. Illnesses range from Spina Bifida, Asthma, Arthritis, Alzheimers, thyroid disorders, Eczema, Dyslexia, Anaemia, Allergies, to hormonal disorders such as PMT, sleep disorders, mood swings, memory problems, the list just goes on. I.S.E.R.N intend to carry on their research and need ex-servicemen to come forward with information, which will be treated in confidence. Contact: isern2000@hotmail.com or by post c/o SchNEWS "To remove Clause 28 without replacing it with alternative protective legislation
is irresponsible, leaving children without any statutory protection from homosexual
campaigning." In Scotland, Media House has handed over £500,000, to this bunch of paranoid arseholes, who seem to possess the combined intellect of a dead pilchard. "Keep the Clause," in their quest for spreading hateful rhetoric have made the slight mistake in advertising a new Freepost in the Daily Record and have been bombarded with empty envelopes, old beer mats, telephone books, and it was a rumoured, a paving slab. Of course SchNEWS is not the kind of publication that would print such an address which is Keep the Clause, Freepost SCO 5219, Perth PH2 8BR. Meanwhile Stagecoach boss Brian Souter, is also a keen supporter of the clause, and gave £500,000 to the Scottish Schoolboards Association to help them rant on about how our kids need protecting.What these gallant pioneers of child protection neglected to disclose however, was that when Stagecoach took over South West Trains, one of their first decisions was to close the work's nursery. This left Carol Moya, who was employed as a rail operator, having her contract terminated due to her being unable to find childcare!
Want to hear about yet more genetically modified madness? The government has announced plans to introduce the first genetically modified seed onto the National Seed List. This list dictates exactly which potatoes and peas get to make it onto our plates. A herbicide-tolerant maize fodder, made by Aventis, could be placed on the list by the end of this month, and would give the corporation the right to sell and grow their mutant produce. To add further insult, MAFF is seeking to remove peoples' right to object to products placed on the Seed List. More info contact Friends of the Earth 0171 490 1555 www.foe.co.uk/camps/foodbio/seedlist/ For an ethical alternative for your allotment, contact the Heritage Seed Library
who have around 700 types of vegetables which are ex-National Seed List owing
to their not being commercially viable. The aim of the library is to keep these
poor unwanted seeds alive and well, and it is run on a non-profit basis. Tel
01203 303517 **PREVENT THE TERRORISM BILL BENEFIT GIG** At the Cuba Club on the seafront, Tuesday Feb 22nd 10pm-2am, Matt Black (Coldcut/Ninja tunes) + Milkyboy + Headspace.Tickets £3 b4 11pm £4 after. Tequilas £1.20 all night The Valentine's Day demo at the Faslane Naval Base, home of the Trident nuclear submarines, resulted in 179 arrests - the largest arrest of the New Millennium! Around 400 anti-nuclear protestors descended on the base and blocked the main entrances in an attempt to prevent employees reaching their workplace. They managed to close down the main road for four and a half hours! A spokesperson from the base gave his opinion, "The workforce is sick and tired of these people trying to stop us earning a living".Those arrested may be charged with minor criminal damage. For more info contact Trident Ploughshares on 01603 611953 or visit www.gn.apc.org/tp2000/ *Visit Faslane Peace Camp, 81d Shandon, Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute, Scotland, G84 8NT Tel 01436 820901 Also on Valentine's Day...86 people were arrested at the US mission to the UN, and 3 at the US embassy in London in a protest to highlight the ongoing economic sanctions on Iraq. A second member of the UN team in Iraq has quit in protest against sanctions. There's a talk on Iraq titled 'Death of a Nation?' featuring a speaker from
Voices in the Wildernest, taking place in Brighton on Tues. 29th Feb at the
Brighthelm Centre, North Rd, 7.30 pm. And on March 6th, there's a documentary
by John Pilger on the same issue. ITV, 9.30pm Campaigners in Oxford are trying to stop Berkeley Homes evicting voles and lizards and building £350,000 worth of 'socially useful' housing alongside the canal. Slogans appear every night and are whitewashed by contractors each day. Anarchist rules football has been played, watched by an audience of 4 police for 2 hours. In a separate incident Laing Homes have demolished the wall of a listed bridge and are now in trouble with the Council. They are also in trouble with the fire brigade for blocking access to the industrial estate with a JCB where they were burning demolition waste and being unable to find the keys. Check out http://freespace.virgin.net/art.2000/OxfordCanal Dig this! What do you get if you tear up 8.5 miles of countryside, trashing 358 acres of land containing three special sites of scientific interest, 10,000 trees, two civil war battle sites and then concrete the bloody lot? In the illogical, road fanatical Blighty, believe it or not, you win an award. Environment wrecking, hard core terrorists, Mott MacDonald, the organisation responsible for this solid achievement, won the Concrete Society's Millennium Award. As they have spread the stuff over half of China, Hong Kong and Malaysia, to name but a few, it's no wonder. In fact, the only place they haven't is a park in southern Mongolia which they don't know about yet. SchNews have concrete evidence that these stone hearted tree killers were the Newbury Bypass overall winners.We had to grit our teeth when we heard they also took away the civil engineering category and were awarded a certificate of excellence.This is obviously going to pave the way for other multi-national lovelies to grace our land. disclaimer