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And check out the following scams put forward by the US: using wheat as a carbon sink, extending the working day to 24 hours so people never leave the office and so cut down on traffic emissions; digging holes to plant seeds rather than ploughing up the land which release's CO2; feeding sheep, pigs and cows anti-flatulence pills to cut down on methane emissions, a big source of greenhouse gases, and putting up window boxes on all those skyscrapers. OK, we made two of them up but that America's ideas are so ridiculous it's hard to tell which ones are porkies. Maybe the anti-flatulance pills should be fed to US delegates, or someone should seal up their mouths to stop emissions of hot air. Still, it was good of all those 'green' companies that are trying to cash in on climate change to produce their own carbon sinks in the form of all the leaflets they produced saying how capitalism could save the world. Splish "I invite political leaders to come and see our beautiful islands and see if they are worth saving" - Opetaia Foa'l, Pacific Islander. Among the 11,000 delegates were Opetaia and 9 members of his band Te Vaka. Two years ago they wrote a song about their islands disappearing, they weren't allowed to sing it in their homelands as people believed it would bring bad luck. Now he says many of the islanders are eventually accepting the truth as evidence mounts that their islands are slowly disappearing into the sea. Most of the meetings at the conference took place behind closed doors, as delegates attempted to wade through the voluminous heap of gibberish they were supposed to be ratifying. The balance of power was uneven though, with the richer countries able to afford whole teams of delegates and support staff. The US sent over a team of 150 delegates who larged it up in a fancy hotel, while the 3 delegates from Mozambique (who could tell a tale or two about climate change) stayed in a youth hostel with Chinese tourists. Eventually, there wasn't enough time to do a deal, cos they had to get out of the centre and make way - for a meeting of oil industry experts! For more info have a look at:
CRAP ARRESTS OF THE WEEK For banging on a window! Four people arrested, held for 24 hours and charged with 'public violence' for the heinous crime of banging on the windows of a public building that they were refused entry to. Inside was a presentation by carbontrading.com and various companies such as Shell and BP. Crap No-Arrest! For disgusting crimes against the planet and humanity: various corporations, puppet governments, lobbyists, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Global Climate Coalition, carbon traders, marketing and advertising people and a few NGOs who seem to have severely compromised their integrity. Unclear Future Sniffin' around at the Climate Conference were the nuclear lobby, who reckon we should all embrace nuclear because it will help cut greenhouse gas emissions. How nice of them to be so caring.
Web of Lies Shell has a skeleton in the closet - and it's not Nigerian - it's English! In 1968 at Shell's Thornton Research Centre, Cheshire a bit of a disaster happened while playing with nuclear fuels - and after a hasty clean-up much of the radio-active waste is still there. It was hushed up. Shell say it didn't happen and issued a 'Narrative' about it in fact being an incident involving low radiation 'Cobalt-60' material. They're calling their story a 'Narrative' because the last thing they want is their story going up against the truth in court and the publicity that would follow. Researcher John Dyer has spent twelve years bringing this bogey into the open - and his web-site on this issue has brought another can-o-worms out about libel on the internet. Visit www.nuclearcrimes.com to read that the 1968 incident has even caused deformed births, and that Carlton Television made a documentary about it in 1993 which at the last minute was 'dropped' thru' fear of a legal battle with Shell. Now Shell are again using lawyers - this time to close the website. Instead of directly threatening the publishers of the material, Nuclearcrimes, they're bullying the 'internet host' - Easynet (also host to SchNEWS) into switching off the offending site or suffer the consequences. This comes after a legal precedent was recently established during the Godfrey libel case when an internet host who knowingly left allegedly defamatory information on one of their sites were then in turn made liable for the defamation. Caspar Bowden, director of the Foundation for Internet Policy Research (www.fipr.org) told SchNEWS "the judgement in (this) case, by effectively deeming that Internet hosts are publishers, allows powerful interests to bully websites into self-censorship merely by alleging defamation. Reform of legislation is needed to prevent stifling of free speech." Under threat nuclearcrimes may have to move hosts again - possibly outside the UK (see RIP Act in SchNEWS 269). This could be the shape of things to come for free information on the internet: If someone doesn't like something that's been said about them on the net - and the publishers aren't budging - they can go upwards to the hosts and internet service providers transmitting the article until there's one part of the chain willing to do the right thing and press the 'off' button. Inside SchNEWS On the 7th December Eddie Gilfoyle will begin his long awaited appeal against the miscarriage of justice that got him sent down for life. Eddie was arrested in June 92 for murder after the tragic death of his wife, and has been in jail ever since. It seems that Merseyside Police are on their own in thinking that Eddie killed his wife after the case was first investigated by the Channel 4 programme "Trial and Error," who called it a "Keystone comedy of errors" and then by Lancashire and Cheshire police, the Home Office, and the Criminal Cases Review Board. All concluded that Paula (Eddie's wife) tragically committed suicide. The evidence against Eddie rests on a rope that was "found" by a certain DC Gregson in a drawer in the garage 3 weeks after the initial search by a specialist team failed to find anything as significant as that. Even an expert appointed by the Crown at the original trial has had second thoughts and is now a prominent defence witness. The Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign has called for a demonstration on the 7th 9.30 am at the Court of Appeal, The Strand, London (nearest tube Holburn) www.appleonline.net/justiceuk/jus * 1st December is Prisoners For Peace day. For a list of people to send nice things to, contact War Resisters' International, 0207 278 4040 or warresisters@gn.apc.org Outta Their Tree The Tree Council were aiming to set a tree-planting record last weekend and earn themselves a place in the Guinness Book of Records. Nothing wrong with that. Except that the sponsor of Tree Week is the largest oil company in the world Esso (Exxon-Mobil to everyone else). Esso certainly care about the environment. It was just over 10 years ago when one of their ships ran aground in Alaska causing the most damaging oil spill in history (see SchNEWS 205) and they are still dragging their feet on paying out any compensation. They are also one of main players of the Global Climate Coalition, who deny climate change is happening and use their corporate muscle to make sure nothing gets done about it that might harm profits. A couple of years back an ex-Esso Chairman even went to an international gathering in China and urged developing countries to sort out their environmental problems by "increasing ...the use of fossil fuels"! SchNEWS asks wouldn't Esso be better off sponsoring National Sandbag Week? * House builders Countryside Residential have earned themselves a slap on the back from the Essex Wildlife Trust, which is a bit strange seeing as the 'developers' have been busy destroying the countryside at Hockley by building 66 luxury homes on a wildlife rich area that contained legally protected great crested newts. Nothing to do with the corporate sponsorship of £250 a year Countryside Residential hands over to the Trust every year. Positive SchNEWS The government has set itself the target of generating 10% of our electricity by alternative energy by 2010. As we are officially the windiest country in the Europe, wind power would be the obvious choice. But on-land wind power has met with loads of problems, because nobody wants them in their backyard. Most of the proposals so far have been large 'windfarm' projects, which people find both ugly and noisy. Local co-ops around the country are now experiencing less opposition to smaller scale, locally owned wind projects. There are now local schemes popping up all over, such as The Dulas project in Mid Wales, which will supply power to the Centre for Alternative Technology and nearby villages and will be totally owned by locals. Contact then on 01563 705000 www.gn.apc.org/dulas SchNEWS in brief **Basildon Council in Essex are changing the colour of their dog litter
bins from red to grey after bright locals kept mistaking them for postboxes
and sticking letters in them. Doh! ...and finally... It could only happen in America. Mayor Keith Holliday of Greensboro, North Carolina has thought of a novel solution to prison overcrowding. His idea is to cryogenically freeze inmates on death row until new evidence clears them. If it doesn't then they just stay frozen. "At present Death Row inmates can appeal against execution year after year claiming wrongful convictions. That delay causes overcrowding and costs us millions in legal fees. So instead of wasting all that money why don't we just put them on ice?" SchNEWS wonders whether they'll be defrosted for appeal hearings, or if the authorities can claim on the insurance if there's a power cut. After the 'execute by' date, the instructions on the chamber could read: defrost slowly and fry gently for ten minutes on an electric chair... disclaimer SchNEWS warns all environmentalists who think the ice is melting with politicians - it's just a wet dream. Honest Cor-blimley-theyre-practically-giving-them-away book offer SchNEWS Round issues 51 - 100 £5 inc SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 £5 inc. SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £6 + £1.20 postage (US Postage £4.00 for individual books, £13 for all four). In the UK you can get the fist three for £15 inc. postage. And finally.... The Schquall book at only £8.00 inc postage. In addition to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc. All the above books are available from the Brighton Peace Centre, saving postage yer tight gits. Subscribe to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues) or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription, or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals" if you plan to copy and distribute. SchNEWS is post-free to prisoners. You can also pick SchNEWS up at the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre at 43 Gardner Street, Brighton. To unsubscribe to SchNEWS email, send a message to listproc@gn.apc.org with only "unsubscribe schnews-l" (without the quotes) in the body. This must be sent using the name and from the email address you originally subscribed from. SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England Last updated 1st December 2000