| Friday 20th March
2008 | Issue 625
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It was off to the slammer for two anti-arms fair protesters this week as they continued their resistance to the right of the DSEI arms fair to flog guns and weapons of mass destruction in the heart of London’s East End.
The two London Catholic Workers had previously been fined £700 for criminal damage after they admitted pouring fake blood (aka red paint) on to the gangway entrance to last year’s death trade show, effectively closing it for four hours (one of the more successful protests on the day, see SchNEWS 604).
They contended in court that it was not criminal damage, with one saying: “To pay this fine would be to co-operate with a system that is fuelling murder and mayhem around the world by promoting and protecting the arms trade. We withdrew our co-operation at the DSEi arms fair last September. We continue that refusal to go along quietly with manifest evil...” Stratford Magistrates duly sentenced them to five days inside for their impertinence.
More at www.londoncatholicworker.org
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