| Friday 28th March
2008 | Issue 626
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29th - No Borders Nottingham and the local Zimbabwean community will be demonstrating in favour of asylum rights and against the Mugabe regime on the day of the election in Zimbabwe. A show of solidarity with Zimbabwean asylum seekers. At Speakers Corner, Market Square, Nottingham, 2pm, www.nobordersnottingham.org.uk
** 29 - Bike Ride to Campsfield Demo - Riding roughly six miles in protest against Campsfield refugee detention centre. Meet at Martyrs’ Memorial, St Giles, Oxford, 11am-12pm , www.closecampsfield.org.uk
1st - Fossil Fools Day - Roll up, roll up! The climate circus is in town - bring the spirit of carnival and mischief to the fight for climate justice. Rising Tide International is calling for a day of action against the fossil fuel industry. See the website for details... www. fossilfoolsday.org
** 4 - Shut Down Guantanamo – One of the weekly demos held by the London Guantanamo Campaign, calling for the closure of Guantanamo and other illegal prisons in the war on terror. Outside Starbucks Cafe, 55-59 Oxford Street, London, W1D 2EQ (tube Tottenham Court Rd.), 6pm-7pm www.guantanamo.org.uk
** 4 - Anchor Rocks - in aid of the Anchor Project, a non-profit organisation working with London-based unaccompanied asylum applicants aged 10-17. Featuring live music from Stanley, Cedars, We Used to Make Things and Opaque. At The Windmill, Brixton, 8pm till late, £5 www.anchorproject.org
** 5 - Climate4Change - Artivist happening and mash-up in a derelict Mercedes show room with film, performance, cabaret, music, collaboration. At 341 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6ET, opp Camden Arts Centre , 6pm-midnight, tel 07946457908, www.haringeyarts.org
** 5 - Benefit for Radio 4a – in support of the local Brighton alternative radio station. 7-10pm. With music from My Federation, Gloria Cycles & Dirty Social. At Concorde 2, Marine Parade, Brighton. (Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult) See www.concorde2.co.uk and listen to www.radio4a.org.uk
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