| Friday 11th April 2008 | Issue
628 Back to the Full IssueHIS STORY
REPEATED A decade since the death of Simon,
we look back on the campaign to bring Euromin to justice. Simon was well known
in the Brighton community – as well as a writer for SchNEWS - and it was
this community who combined with his family to mobilise and form the Simon Jones
Memorial Campaign... In 1998 Simon Jones was sent to one
of the most dangerous jobs in the country, one he had no training for. Simon had
been killed by a profiteering gangster, James Martell, whose company, Euromin,
ran the dock where he died. Complicit to the crime were the employment agency
Personnel Selection which sent him to his death without any checks or references.
On 1st September 1998, which would have been Simon’s
25th birthday, the Simon Jones Memorial Campaign went into action. Thirty protesters
shut down the dock where Simon was killed, climbing two 80-foot towers with banners
reading “Simon Jones RIP” and “Casualisation
Kills”. That evening, a packed meeting
in a Brighton pub decided it couldn’t stop there. “A lot of the
people at the meeting had casual jobs,” said Emma, Simon’s girlfriend
at the time of his death. “People were furious that employment agencies
could get away with taking half your wages without even making sure the job they
sent you to was safe.” Two days later Personnel Selection was occupied
and a “Murderers” banner hung from its window.
In March 1999 the MP George Galloway gave a speech in parliament calling for the
prosecution of Euromin over Simon’s death. Afterwards campaign supporters
occupied the Department of Trade and Industry’s offices - those supposed
to regulate employment agencies. The campaign kept up the
pressure by targeting the Health and Safety Executive a few weeks later. But this
time security guards were waiting for an attempted occupation – and looked
on while thirty members of the campaign turned round, walked onto Southwark Bridge
and blockaded it for three hours. The result of the campaign
was a complete climb down by the state. The Crown Prosecution Service had refused
to prosecute anyone over Simon’s death all along. In March 2000 two High
Court Judges ordered the CPS to reconsider this decision - the first successful
judicial review of a decision not to prosecute for manslaughter over a workplace
death in British legal history. The judges described the CPS as behaving “irrationally”,
“failing to address the relevant law” and adopting an approach
that “beggared belief”. They told the CPS to review its decision
“with dispatch”. Nine months later,
after a spirited picket of the CPS where a campaign supporter was arrested and
locked up for demanding someone who had killed his mate got arrested and locked
up, the CPS finally agreed to prosecute. The trial of Simon’s
killers took place in November 2001 and resulted in conviction on health and safety
charges but aquittal on the charge of manslaughter. Following the verdict the
campaign issued a statement saying: “We are painfully
aware that in 21st century Britain the fight for the most basic of workers’
rights – the right not to be killed or injured at work – is still
being fought. Without direct action James Martell and Euromin would never have
faced prosecution in the High Court for Simon’s death. As long as this government
and its agencies refuse to take action against companies that profit from casualisation
at the expense of their workers’ lives we will continue, where necessary,
to break the law so that justice will prevail.” * Simon Jones
Memorial Campaign www.simonjones.org.uk
* See also SchNEWS 182, 333
and others...  
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