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Home | Friday 10th October 2008 | Issue 650

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For seeking greener pastures...

Cops in North Wales last week set a new low for police abuse of an unarmed �suspect� when they attacked a sheep with a Taser stun gun. Their woolly defence was they had to prevent the ram �causing major disruption and possible danger to motorists� on the A55. The poor lambs might have been temporarily held up from getting home to watch �Ewe�ve been framed� so decisive police action was needed.

The tooled-up bright sparks were obviously affronted by the sheep�s lack of respect for their authority, as it refused to give them its name and address (and they couldn�t be sure it wasn�t actually a terrorist in sheep�s clothing), so they decided not to wait for helicopter backup or a team of crack negotiators to arrive (or even the RSPCA) and decided instead to cause major disruption to the animal�s internal organs and possible danger to its life.

This is despite Home Office Minister Tony �Nutty� McNulty�s electrifying speech easing restrictions on the use of tasers last year, where he claimed they would only be used �where officers are facing violence or threats of violence of such severity that they would need to use force to protect the public, themselves and or the subjects of their action.

Still, bleating about cops not followiing the rules is hardly �shocking� news in the SchNEWS archive...

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