Home | Friday 28th November 2008 | Issue 657
Witch finding’s back on the agenda. Once confined to more robust Cromwellian era of ducking and burning, the practice has recently been revived by the Advertising Standards Agency. Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act psychics and fortune tellers now have to prove the truth of their claims to supernatural power. Previously professional peering into the netherworld was governed by the laxly enforced Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951.
One such mystic Sister Charlotte was busted by the ASA this week for claiming a 100% success rate for her ability to solve problems in love, marriage, business, exams and immigration as well as banishing evil spirits. In a nod to 400 years of progress instead she wasn’t burned at the stake but just ordered to tone down her advertising. A Home Office spokesman said that legislation to protect the gullible was “under urgent review”.