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Home | Friday 5th December 2008 | Issue 658

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With the possibility of a Tory victory in the 2010 general election looming, repeal of the Hunting Act is a hot topic. Blatant illegal hunting is carrying on around the country and with the police claiming that they don’t have the funds to enforce the ban, it could be all go for hunting to be legalised again.

If you didn’t already know David Cameron is a fox hunter, so it isn’t much surprise that he has stated that if he wins the next election he will do all he can to repeal the act. Some say that this would be impossible, but with a lot of highly placed and filthy rich people in favour of hunting who knows?

Even if the repeal failed, the fact that the would-be prime minister backs hunting means loopholes could be exploited and hunts will surely take it as a green light to carry on killing.
So what can counter money and influence in high places? Well, old fashioned back-to-its-roots sabbing, using actual direct action to sabotage hunts instead of the cat and mouse antics with video cameras currently employed by hunt monitors.

The next two years are going to be important in the hunting/sabbing world – and hunts are now resorting to anti-harassment laws to get injunctions placed on hunt sabs... er, monitors. So keep an eye out for what happens next or just get yer boots on, get out there and stop the chinless animal killers.

* For more see


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