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Home | Friday 19th December 2008 | Issue 660

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Schoolkids in France have been out in the streets against school reforms which would drastically cut teaching hours and fire 13,500 education workers. In the past week actions have flared up across the country. In Lyon five police officers were injured when school kids threw rocks and damaged cars, thirty eight were arrested. In Dijon the high speed train line was blocked by around 200 protesters. Several thousand marched in Paris and tear gas was fired by police at parts of the demo.

The government have temporarily backed down, but the kids aren't fooled and refuse to stop protests till the government agrees to to scrap the plans completely. A student's spokeskid said: "You keep hearing about the financial crisis, that there's no money for young people, and on the other hand you give out billions to the banks and of course that creates discontent."


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