Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 8th May 2009 | Issue 675

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This is a letter Brighton rag The Anus (sorry, Argus) refused to print claiming it might be libellous. Er, against who?  

Dear Argus,

I was part of a group of first aiders who provided first aid to people on the May Day demonstration in Brighton. After witnessing violent policing and incompetent police medics on previous demonstrations we felt this was necessary.

The Argus on Tuesday reported that 3 police officers had been injured. I’d like to add that our group of first aiders treated approximately 40 people, mainly for minor injuries. These included a fractured finger, soft tissue injuries from police batoning to the legs and police jabbing batons in the abdomen, and an open knee wound.

The Argus also reported that ‘one person was struck in the face by a missile and had to be treated by a police medical team.’ At the request of the injured person the police medics quickly handed this patient to our group of medics who treated her.

An asthmatic protester was hit on the chest by police batons. While first aiders were trying to calm his breathing police were trying to clear the area. A friendly shop keeper let the man be treated in his shop.

Some first aiders were concerned that they’d seen a protester knocked unconscious by police batons. Police medics would not allow them to treat the casualty. When he regained consciousness they believed he was arrested.

First aiders witnessed another protester being knocked to the ground, and repeatedly hit with batons. Shortly after one of the first aiders was hit with a police shield. 

At the palace pier, first aiders witnessed and called 999 for a woman who was having multiple seizures. Between seizures she got up and ran through police lines. When trying to pursue her, first aiders were told by a police medic to ignore her because she was ‘doing it for attention’. The first aiders successfully managed to guide paramedics to her.

Yours Sincerely, 

First-aider, Brighton.

Keywords: brighton, direct action, first aid, may day, medics, smash edo, sussex police, the argus


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