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Home | Friday 10th July 2009 | Issue 683

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As we reported in SchNEWS 681, the pipe-laying ship, Solitaire, contracted by Shell to build the offshore part of its gas pipeline though the increasingly less scenic County Mayo in Ireland, is heavily defended. In addition to 200-odd Shell goons, and over 300 extra crack Guardia troops shipped in to the area, the navy has also been present, backed up by a plane and helicopter – all to repress any direct action by Shell To Sea (S2S) activists.

Money is apparently no object when it comes to Shell’s right to despoil and cause climate chaos – figures released recently show defending Shell has cost the government 12 million euros and counting since 2006 – but this time they overlooked one thing. The Solitaire needs a constant supply of pipes and equipment from smaller vessels. These goods are coming through the port in Killybegs, so it was here that the canny S2S naval crew struck - showing that however large the iron fist, it’s difficult to crush people’s determination to protest. 

On Monday morning, seven brave kayakers paddled out and headed for the relatively undefended supply ship, the Tosia Independent, busy being restocked to make another delivery to the Solitaire. 

Coming alongside, some of the protesters then attempted to board the vessel, with one managing to climb into a large tyre hanging off the side of the ship and successfully holding up operations for several hours. Hearty respect from us mere landlubbers!

The fight against the full range of corporate/governmental forces continues – this coming week sees the state harassment and intimidation of the campaign step up a gear with over two dozen anti-Shell protesters being hauled before the courts on trumped up charges.

* For more see


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