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Home | Friday 17th July 2009 | Issue 684

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As the region’s politicians continue to attempt some kind of political opposition to the military coup in Honduras (see SchNEWS 682), the people are still on the streets confronting the military with non-violent direct action. Thousands of protesters have now blockaded three of the four main roads that feed the capital, Tegucigalpa. With union organisations in Nicaragua and El Salvador announcing plans to shut down the borders with Honduras in solidarity, the coup government are becoming increasingly isolated.

Desperate to cling on to power the military is resorting to terror tactics, including arbitrary imprisonment. Last week, Jose David Murillo Sanchez, the father of a protester shot and killed by the military (see SchNEWS 683), went to the police station to make a statement. While returning home he was bundled into an unmarked car by police and taken away.

Sanchez, a member of MAO, a campesino environmental defence organization in Olancho, is now being detained on trumped up two-year-old charges.

* See

Keywords: coup d'etat, honduras, peasants movement


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