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Home | Friday 6th November 2009 | Issue 698

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Monitoring hunts can be dangerous – not so much avoiding all the horses charging around - but from direct violence dished out by those ‘otherwise law abiding’ toffs out to hunt foxes regardless of the ban.

There have been numerous cases of attacks on sabs, with heavy intimidation tactics used often (See SchNEWS 623, 664). On October 24th two sabs were run down with a quad bike and injured by a member of the Tedworth hunt in Wiltshire.

The latest, even more chilling, incident took place last Saturday, October 31st. Regular monitors at the South Downs and Eridge hunt near Firle in East Sussex were victims of an organised attack by a team of heavies.

Monitors became suspicious when some of the huntsmen slipped away from the main group while the remainder of the hunt seemed to be trying to hem them in a car-park. Shortly afterwards, a couple of land rovers and a quad bike turned up to block the sabs in. Ten hunt supporters jumped out and launched an unprovoked assault.

One sab driver trying to regain access to his vehicle had the door slammed on his head and was then repeatedly punched in the face, causing severe facial cuts, bruising and a suspected broken nose. He was then threatened with a clasp knife and told repeatedly he would be stabbed. His female companion was knocked to the ground and attempts were made to steal her mobile phone.

They eventually managed to get into their vehicle and escaped, chased all the way. The police were informed and later that day one man was arrested, whether charges will follow is unknown.

* See


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