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Home | Friday 13th November 2009 | Issue 699

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Conscientious objector, Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, has been arrested and held for denouncing the war in Afghanistan.

In a further blow to freedom of expression rights, Joe - already charged with desertion - will face five additional charges for speaking at a demonstration and opposing the war in Afghanistan in the media.

Before his arrest on the 24th October, Joe told five thousand protesters in Trafalgar Square, “These are dark days for me. I am afraid for my colleagues and friends out in Afghanistan. They’re being betrayed”.

After going AWOL from Afghanistan in 2007, and returning from overseas earlier in the year, he wrote to Gordon Brown, “The war in Afghanistan is not reducing the terrorist risk, far from improving Afghan lives it is bringing death and devastation to their country.” At a court martial pre-hearing in August his lawyer, Hugh O’ Donoghue, said Joe will deny desertion, asserting the illegality of the war.

Yesterday saw a flash mob of around 100 people congregate to protest outside the MOD building at The White Hall, to support of Joe and to demand his release from military prison in Colchester.

Afghan MP Malalai Joya sent a message to Joe, saying, “The majority of the Afghan people are with you and we respect and admire the stand you have taken. When there is no justice, it is better for honest people to go even to jail rather than go to war. Down with the occupation.” Even the majority of the British public are now in agreement.

* More information at

Keywords: afghanistan, joe glenton, war on terror


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