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Home | Friday 27th November 2009 | Issue 701

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After four long months of struggle, the wheels of Magic Roundabout Vestas protest camp have finally fallen off. The ex-workers, occupiers and supporters that have been camped there fighting for fair redundancy packages for the laid-off staff (see SchNEWS 691) were served with a possession order last Thursday (19th) and appeared in court on Tuesday (24th). The group were unable to find legal representation due to the fact the order was served to ‘persons unknown’ (what a coincidence...) and the judge turned deaf ears to the campers’ argument that the order had been funded and driven by Vestas, as the landowners, MJH Developments, have until now taken no interest in the camp.

Rather than enforce the possession order straight away, the judge graciously granted the protesters time to speak to the landowners and sort out an eviction date. All suggestions made by the camp that ensured they would have enough time to dismantle the site and return it to its original state were refused by solicitors and, on Thursday (26th), they were told that they had to be gone by 11am Friday 27th.

What has ensued is a hurried clearance of the site, which includes a wooden framed kitchen room with cob oven, living space with three-piece suite and vegetable patches, as well as tents, caravan and sleeping spaces for the determined campers. The group maintain that the fight will continue with regular meetings and actions directed towards getting justice for the sacked turbine builders.

* See:


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