Home | Friday 2nd April 2010 | Issue 716

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Protesters staged a demo outside the Brighton UK Border Agency in solidarity with Calais migrants on Wednesday (31st March). The protest highlighted the Agency’s collusion with the French authorities in the harassment of migrants sleeping rough in Calais (see SchNEWS 712). 

The UKBA has in the past year stepped up pressure on the French to make Calais a migrant free zone and has set up shop in the port. Migrants are routinely arrested, have their squats raided and possessions destroyed to this end.

The demo also protested the collusion of authorities either side of the channel in joint charter flights, which deport large numbers of Afghan migrants, many of whom haven’t had a chance to complete the asylum process.

Fifteen protesters stood outside the entrance handing out leaflets, informing passers by on the situation in Calais with requisite banner in tow.

An info day is to be held in the Cowley Club, Brighton on May 15th. Look out for a week of action across Europe coming up in June.

* See http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/


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