Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 30th April 2010 | Issue 720

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Here’s one way to beat those winter fuel bills and stick it to the privatised energy corporations. After being cut off for not paying his bills, one man in Saxony decided to cut out the middle man and get his energy straight from the source.

Rather than just attaching a magnet to the meter, or jumping the leccy from next door like anyone else, he stuck a meat hook on the end of a cable and slung it over a nearby power line, drawing the power straight into his house.

It’s not clear how long our hero had been getting away with it- or what state his household appliances are in. One employee of the local power company described the stunt as ‘insanely dangerous’. Don’t try this at home – no, really, don’t.


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