Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 14th May 2010 | Issue 722

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The trial of the EDO Decommisioners (see SchNEWS 721) has been delayed for three weeks. The trial now starts on June 7th at Hove Crown Court (TBC check closer to the time). But our mates at SMASH EDO aren’t letting the pressure drop. Every Wednesday 4pm-6pm they’re bringing the noise outside the Factory of Death

* Picket of Barclays Bank, (the market maker for ITT on the NY Stock Exchange), Western Road, Brighton, Sat May 22nd, 11am

* ‘Gaza: Beneath the Bombs’: Sharyn Lock and Sarah Irving will be talking about their new book, based on ISM volunteer Sharyn’s experiences of Israeli attacks on Gaza. Sat May 22nd 7pm, Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton.

* Remember Gaza vigil outside the Hove Crown Court (check website for confirmation), 9am, Monday 7th June (moved from 17th May).

* If I had a Hammer - Decommissioners support demo at EDO MBM, Home Farm Road, Brighton, 4pm-6pm. Wednesday 9th June (moved from 19th May)

* Day of the Verdict in the EDO/ITT Decommissioners Trial - The trial will be going on throughout June and July 2010. Whether the verdict is guilty or not guilty our resistance against EDO/ITT will continue... We will be here until EDO are not! We are planning to hold a demonstration as soon as the verdict is known - keep an eye on this site for updates.

If you’d like to receive an update about the verdict and about the demonstrationemail your email address or mobile number to or text 07526557436.


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