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Home | Friday 11th June 2010 | Issue 726

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Migrants in Calais were under further duress this week. Africa House occupants have been expecting a visit from their local Gendarmerie since Wednesday (9th) morning. There was a notable increase in CRS in the Calais camp on Tuesday (8th) and later on that evening police were seen practising with CS gas, flash balls (plastic bullets), sound bombs as well as drilling riot tactics.

These displays - plus the police announcing that they are due to visit - are clear attempts to provoke and draw out the eviction for pained effect. Then Wednesday saw police raid with the aid of three CRS vans - arresting five Africans - but as yet no eviction of Africa House.

Activists on camp think it could happen any time this week and urge people to come and show support. The Cronstadt Hangar (a squatted No Borders activist space) has been shut down recently, however alternative accommodation has been secured. Updates soon.

* See




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