Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 1st October 2010 | Issue 741

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Coach company Ausden Clark has announced a ban on carrying the EDL to demos following a Corporate Watch exposé of fash-ferrying bus businesses.

In an email to Corporate Watch, Ausden Clark’s operations manager Adam Frost said, “We are deeply sorry we got involved in the transportation of such narrow-minded individuals… and we are NEVER going to transport this group again.”

Mr Frost claimed the company only became aware they were bussing fascists to Bradford to try and start a race riot when they were contacted by the coach’s concerned driver. Apparently the bus had been booked by a previously unknown man who gave false details and paid in cash.

On arriving in Bradford the unfortunate driver found his coach used as barricade to seperate the howling racists from anti-fascist protesters with the police sandwiched in-between.

The apology was prompted by a Corporate Watch article headlined ‘Nationalist Express’ (borrowed from SchNEWS 735 perhaps?) which listed details of coach companies accepting the racist dollar marking them out for letters of protest from readers and ‘concerned clients’.

* See for the full list of companies.


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