Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 29th October 2010 | Issue 745

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Yankee anti-arms activists hit out at EDO’s parent company, arms manufacturer ITT in Greenwich, NY last Saturday (24th). Choosing the current hometown of ITT’s president and CEO, Steve Loranger, demonstrators created a mock-up of a military attack drone and caught attention with a fake coffin draped in an American flag.

Protesting against the use of the hughly expensive - and reportedly wildly inaccurate - unmanned drones, for which ITT provides the target sensors, the group was foiled in its attempt to take their message to the man himself. He lives in a gated community, ‘Belle Haven’, complete with its own security.

They settled instead for a war memorial in the town centre, before taking their protest along Greenwich Avenue to stop outside the (possibley pearly) gates of Haven.


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