Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Thursday 11th November 2010 | Issue 747

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Protesters gathered at the Japanese Embassy last Friday (5th) as part of a global day of action against whaling. The group leafleted passersby, distributing nearly a 1,000 postcards about the anti-whaling day as London buses, taxis, lorries and cars hooted their support.

Japan is the biggest commercial whaling perpetrator and is using a loophole in the law, claiming to be killing the whales for scientific reasons. The day of action saw protests in 60 cities worldwide for the 2,000 whales are on the chopping block this season.

Every year during the whaling season the fleet of Sea Shepherd boats sail the high seas in an at-times perilous direct action campaign to protect whales and other ocean life (see SchNEWS 713). See also


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