Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Thursday 18th November 2010 | Issue 748

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After last Wednesday’s demo (see SchNEWS 747), students around the country are continuing to protest against education cuts.

At Sussex Uni around 170 students began a spontaneous occupation on Monday (15th) in the multi-million pound new lecture theatre building - built last year as jobs at the uni were slashed. One occupier told SchNEWS they were hoping “to continue the momentum from last Wednesday, and show solidarity with those who occupied Millbank.”

These sentiments were mirrored at Manchester. Around 70 students occupied the administrative building that houses the Vice-Chancellors office on Thursday (11th) and released a statement demanding “that the university opens its books so that we know where the cuts will fall, how many voluntary redundancies have already been made and to highlight the fact that the vice chancellor is paid 20 times the average salary.”

In Oxford, two campaigns engaged in an action that sounds more like a googlewhack: a “chicken flashmob” outside the Liberal Democrat Constituency Offices on Wednesday afternoon. The costumes were designed to point out the cowardice of Nick Clegg and Vince Cable who have both pulled out of recent Oxford engagements, supposedly to avoid the wrath of angry students.


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