Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 28th January 2011 | Issue 756

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Right on ramblers will be asserting their right to roam through the recently sold-off Bircham Wood this Sunday (30th). The wood is part of the Forest of Dean, an expanse of woodland campaigners are fighting to preserve in the face of government plans to sell off vast swathes of our national forests (see SchNEWS 753, 754).

It was sold several weeks ago to a secretive private owner for 160,000 pieces of silver. Walkers plan to make it clear to the new owner that they believe it remains public land no matter what the government say by taking a stroll through the wood from the main entrance at 11am.

Last Sunday Hands Off Our Forest (HOOF) kept up the pressure in the save Forest of Dean campaign with a cycle rally last Sunday (23rd) attracting 120 cyclists.

* See


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