Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 8th April 2011 | Issue 766

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Residents of Keratea in southeast Athens have been involved in a 118 day long struggle against the construction of a landfill site (see SchNEWS 758) - and the dirty business ain’t over yet.

Having ingeniously dumped several tons of rubble on the major road leading to the site to obstruct the works last Monday (28th), protesters then set fire to the police bulldozer sent to clear the way the next day. Using megaphones and the church bells, protesters were able to encourage hundreds of locals to join the fight. Squaring up to police around the out-of-town site, the riot cops faced fire bombs and rocks.

Six riot police buses were called to the rescue of the already fortified police presence. Four officers and an unknown number of protesters were injured in the clashes.


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