Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 15th April 2011 | Issue 767

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Activists are planning a week of action for Jock Palfreeman, an Australian jailed for murder in Bulgaria following a confrontation with fascist thugs in 2007 (see SchNEWS 738). Jock appealed against his conviction in court hearings late last year and early this year but despite mounting evidence of judicial incompetence and corruption, his 20-year sentence was upheld.

With Jock’s final appeal approaching, supporters are aiming to pile the pressure on the Bulgarian authorities. They are calling out for people to organise actions wherever they can and to bombard the Bulgarian Govt with demands for justice. For more information on how to get involved, plus details of who to direct your protests towards (including a sample letter) see

* For Jock’s full story see


Iranian political, social and human rights activists are trying to instigate an international campaign to prevent the execution of Shirkou Moaarefi, a young Kurdish political prisoner. They are hoping to spark demonstrations, protest and publicity in Iran and internationally. Moaarefi is due to be hung on May Day.

* See for details or contact


UK campaigners are organising a rally in Brixton against the scheduled execution of journalist, author and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been languishing on death row for three decades.

A global icon for justice and human-rights and the focus for a worldwide campaign against the death penalty, Mumia was arrested for the murder of a policeman in 1981 and convicted in proceedings riddled with racism, ineptitude and corruption (see SchNEWS 584). Mumia’s legal team is currently embroiled in a legal battle to get a new trial.

Activists will be assembling on April 23rd at 1pm in Windrush Square to march through Brixton. A demonstration will also be held outside the US Embassy when the court’s decision is announced. For further information contact Tongogara on 07597078221


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