Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 29th April 2011 | Issue 769

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It could have been a landmark ruling - but wasn’t. The District Judge presiding over the case of four pro-Palestine activists who blockaded the Covent Garden store of occupation-profiteering cosmetics company Ahava UK last year (see SchNEWS 742) found all four guilty of ‘aggravated trespass’ on Tuesday 21st.

Two of the defendants’ argued that the store’s products come from illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories, and therefore they weren’t preventing ‘lawful business’ (pretty logical and straightforward.). Unfortunately but not surprisingly, the judge decided not to rock the Israeli boat and left the protesters with 18 months conditional discharge and £250 court costs.

However the consistent and targeted protests have forced the company to put their tail been their legs and leave the flagship location – the protests were cited as one reason they won’t be renewing the lease on the shop. If they think merely moving will keep the heat off them they’re Ahava’n a laugh.

* See


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