The London Queer Social Centre are calling for people to join in with the closing of the House of Brag, their current incarnation in an ivy-clad disused building in Doddington grove. As they put it: “Join us in an evening of music, food and drink as we celebrate everything the community has done so far, say farewell to this building and look forward to the future of this project.”
Since the opening night on the 6th of September they have had a number of successful events, a vegan cafe everyday, and workshops both practical and academic. “We've had a brilliant response from our neighbours who have been really supportive and happy to see the building loved and used well. We've learned a lot and we're looking forward to taking our experince on to the next LQSC which we will be opening somewhere in south London next week.”
The current building is council owned - the occupants attempted to open a dialogue with the council but were refused. The council chose instead the costly option of an Interim Possession Order to get them out as soon as possible, although we don’t know why they are in such a hurry to reclaim possession as the building had been left empty for two years and there aren’t any plans for future use at the current time; a luxury flat application having previously been refused (soon to be resubmitted and nodded through perhaps?!). Watch that space, and keep yer peelers open for LQSC's announcement of the new location..