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Crap Headline Of The Week
The Brighton Argus

The closest thing that SchNEWS has to competition in its home city, crappy tabloid The Brighton Argus, finally jumped the shark this Thursday with its headline "Smash EDO's Threat To Queen's Jubilee".

The fact that two things were happening on the same day was clearly enough to prove that the last eight years of direct action campaigning to shut down an arms factory was actually just an elaborate ruse to hide their true intentions - smashing the monarchy and making sure that good, ordinary right-thinking people have a thoroughly bad time.

Winning quote from the idiotic article comes courtesy of Councillor Geoffrey Theobald, leader of the council's Conservative group: "They are not thinking of the residents or businesses in Brighton and Hove in my view."Funny thing that. Most of the protesters are residents of Brighton, and they have one business very much in mind.

But probably the whole Argus staff are great supporters of Smash EDO who wanted to big up their mates by making them look like an unstoppable barbarian horde battering down the gates to the city-by-the-sea.

In reality, it's most probable people wanted a demo on a bank holiday because they'd be at work otherwise. And what's the most repeated chant by idiots against protesters? "Get a job!"

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