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The weekly newsletter from Justice? - Brighton's direct action collective

Issue 635 Articles:

Cock 'n' Kabul Story

No Bush Over

Bonehead Loonstomp

Hole in the Budget?

Pent Up Anger

Ray of Light

Party & Protest

Supremely Indifferent

And Finally


Home | Friday 13th June 2008 | Issue 635

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With the government planning ten new nuclear reactors, they’ve come up with a cunning plan to find somewhere to dump all the radioactive waste. Pay communities to bury it! Local councils will soon be able to bid for the right to store it.

Obviously hoping that the promise of filthy lucre will help local councillors ignore any niggling concerns they might have over damage to health and the environment, the winning community can hope to see a boost to their economy (not to mention to the average number of limbs, digits, eyes amongst the locals) with the offer of bribes in the form of “financial support”.

With no fail-safe storage for nuclear waste and the fact that it remains dangerous for thousands of years, officials are clearly not anticipating a stampede giving themselves up to ten years to decide on the ‘winner’. So if you fancy your town becoming a carcinogenic hotspot, but with a pleasant luminous glow, why not start up a campaign to get a bid in.

Or visit - – Greenpeace etc, wise up, and start some nuclear resistance!




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