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The weekly newsletter from Justice? - Brighton's direct action collective

Issue 635 Articles:

Cock 'n' Kabul Story

No Bush Over

Bonehead Loonstomp

Hole in the Budget?

Pent Up Anger

Ray of Light

Party & Protest

Supremely Indifferent

And Finally


Home | Friday 13th June 2008 | Issue 635

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As police have been busy getting involved in the great internet downloading game - increasingly happy to arrest citizens for copyright infringement of films and music on Torrent sites - it seems the boys in blue aren’t whiter than white themselves. The performing rights society (PRS) are taking them to task as music pirates for illegally listening to radio stations. Unlicensed broadcasts have been heard not only in Police stations and vehicles, but also Police conferences, gyms, office parties and even inflicted on people put on hold whilst calling to report crime.

PRS have now issued high court writs to force the bill to cough up and pay the bill for playing pop in public – or else coppers will have to make do with whistling generic variations of the Dixon of Dock Green theme.





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