Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Issue 641 Articles:

Hoo U Gonna Coal

And Will the Real Climate Camp Please Stand Up?

Coal Has Its Knockers

All White on the Night?

Wrekin Spree

A LIttle Bit of Bully

And Finally

Home | Friday 8th August 2008 | Issue 641

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Breaking News: Kingsnorth has already been shut down as protesters occupy the main chimney, unfurling a ‘Stop Climate Change’ banner down the tower... No don’t worry, you haven’t missed Saturdays main event - it all happened earlier this week only in miniature, as Lego campaigners struck at E.ON-sponsored Legoland!

Life is somewhat easier in plastic for E.ON – their money means they can stick their replica powerstation right next to Big Ben and the London Eye, and could build their new planned plant in a matter of hours with nothing more that a couple of spliffs and a big bag of bricks.

But they hadn’t reckoned on the depth of feeling in the Lego community, and the model was quickly occupied by one inch high protesters, all with fixed expressions on their faces. The plastic-activists wanted to complete the eerily realistic scene, so Lego police were swiftly in attendance at the foot of the tower, along with a Lego police helicopter.

Unfortunately theme-park rangers were able to take action before scenes of police battering helpless campaigners could frighten curious visitors.

Legoland staff are now on high alert in case thousands more disgruntled Lego people descend on the site, and have called in Lego police from sets around the country to help clamp down on any protest. At least there won’t be any need for cavity searches.

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