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Home | Friday 3rd October 2008 | Issue 649

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Delegates at a paranormal conference were happy to hear 'incontrovertible' dramatic eye-witness testimony of recent UFO activity in the skies around north Dublin and Meath, Ireland.

Exhibit A was some footage taken by a local cop on his camera-phone of a triangular shaped image, with lights at each point, which appeared to send a red laser-type light towards earth, drawing gasps of amazement from the 70 or so conference delegates. The same mysterious apparition was also witnessed by a local councillor.

Mr Nally, conference organiser and author of 'Conspiracy of Silence' is in no doubt as to the importance of the film: "This is what the sceptics are crying out for. What all this footage has in common is that trained observers, honest people, took it. What better could you get than a senior garda and a politician and a pilot," - which suggests the Mr Nally at least should spend more time on this planet.

SchNEWS for one does not yet welcome our new alien overlords - although they could perhaps help get the credit crunch off the front pages...

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