Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 30th January 2009 | Issue 664

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Hunt saboteurs in the south were busy last week as a day trip was organised to the New Forest. After rising levels of abuse from supporters of the New Forest Fox Hounds, including car tyres being slashed, local sabs decided this wasn’t sporting and so made a call out for help.

As the Hunt were just about to set off for the day, police met fifty sabs appearing out of Land Rovers and other dodgy motors. Police, expecting trouble, issued a Section 60 notice (Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994) to get sabs to remove scarves. Unbelievably in-shape cops with quite expensive looking camera equipment spent the day chasing people and physically making people remove face scarves.

The day ended successfully as no foxes were killed and the force of numbers showed the hunt and its supporters that sabs and their equipment are not fair game.

Amazingly no arrests were made except one unlucky soul who was served with an 80 quid fine for improper use of a middle finger and one swervy but sober driver had his time wasted when he was breathalysed.

* See


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